what do you think was the best battle of ww2

Discussion in 'General' started by montgomery, Mar 23, 2006.

  1. Kitty

    Kitty Very Senior Member

    Exercise is bad for you.
    Stalin, Von Tetris has a very good point. You need to make your points in a calm dignified manner and listen to the counter arguments before going off on one.
    Why was Stalingrad the most definitve? You need to back this one up after the way you yelled it at us. We are trying to give you a chance here, but any more childish foot stamping and we'll have to ask the Mods to remove you from the site, and i don't want to see that happen as this is a forum for discussion.
  2. spidge


    what else i can do? you guys just dont wanna see the truth, facts...

    You have not provided any fact, only statements and rhetoric! Get away from the headlines and get down to the nitty gritty or take your bat & ball and go back to the kindergarten where you escaped from.

    You presently sound ridiculous with you blind hate for the USA which is going to get in the way of you being given any credible acceptance whatsoever.

    maybe because you watch hollywood movies way too much? jingoism is good, but spare it for your friends.

    In making that statement, it seems you have seen more than us!

    I am Australian, what did we do to you. Surely you can think of something.
  3. Kitty

    Kitty Very Senior Member

    Ah, we seem to be going in for left wing poison here. If the USA, Britain, Australia, and apparently the entire world from your tone, hated Russia so much, why did we jump straight in with offers to rescue your submariners recently? Where was the filthy lucre in it for us then?
    Russia is viewed with scepticism still by the world because of the old world Communist drivel and fire spitting that you seem to be propagating again. Step back and look at the world through something other than a gun sight.
    Without Russia's second front in WW2 it would have been somewhat more difficult for us in the UK to hold the line. However, please realise that without our convoys risking everything through the Arctic waters you would not have had the equipment to fight off Germany. Your one reliable heavy bomber was one you stole from an American crew that had to make an ermegency landing after a raid.
    I respect Russia for the fighting it did, but i do not respect what people like Stalin did to you. Russia is an amazing country with an amazing history, but if you are the future then i don't want to know.
    Here endeth my rant for today.
  4. Gerard

    Gerard Seelow/Prora

    your love towards usa is even more ridiculous, comrade spidge.
    and do you really think they dont deserve hate for continuous attemts to meddle in everything just out of filthy lucre?
    :Cartangry: :sign_stupid:
    and this is coming from a defender of a nation who took over half of Europe, spent years engaged in a Cold War with the West. dont cast stones unless you are willing to look inwards. But I'll bet you're only here to flame and there is probably very little knowledge underneath.:Monkey:
  5. spidge


    Originally Posted by stalin
    your love towards usa is even more ridiculous, comrade spidge.
    and do you really think they dont deserve hate for continuous attemts to meddle in everything just out of filthy lucre?

    Since you have deduced from no written word that I have a love for the USA, I will deduce that as a citizen of Serbia your hate of the USA stems from more modern events. Their emulation of Stalinist "battlecraft" is possibly your reason for taking his name which is a very sad indictment on your ability to live a reasonable peace.

    I feel very sorry for you Stalin. I really do!
  6. Owen

    Owen -- --- -.. MOD

    stalin I will actually agree with you on that one. The Eastern Front was the one that bleed the German Army white.
    The Overlord invasion was called the Second Front by everyone, I thought Kitty would have known that.

    As to the Submarine rescue, I'm sure the families of the rescued sailors didn't see it that way. In an interview with one of the Royal Navy chaps there, they said at the end of the rescue everyone was crying, big burly men from Russia and Britain. They were all happy to have a successful rescue and for you to demean that it the way you do is an insult to those men and their loved ones.
  7. Owen

    Owen -- --- -.. MOD

    Who bloody cares how much it cost?
    Men are ALIVE now because of that rescue. Children have their fathers back, wives have husbands.
    Stop having a go, that rescue showed Russians and British working together for a common goal. Surely that is something to be pleased about.
    Do you see it as something less than worthwhile?
  8. Owen

    Owen -- --- -.. MOD

    You try living here, it's expensive! Can we try and get some humour going?
  9. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

    :lol: :lol: :lol:
    See a straw and clutch it.... "Oh no! my uninformed ww2 related comments are being seriously contended, I think i'll jump over to the most famous US military balls up where it's much much easier to attack them at every opportunity" He hasn't called you a 'fascist' yet Owen D, that's when you know you're winning. reminds me of 'Rick' from the Young ones.....
  10. Owen

    Owen -- --- -.. MOD

    We borrowed bugger all from the fascists thanks mate.
    With the Soviets, Americans and Commonwealth forces we destroyed fascism.
    I do have a lot against fascists and extremists of every type.
  11. Kitty

    Kitty Very Senior Member

    You're right Owen, i should have known Overlord was the second front. i am currently so stressed with uni essays i haven't eaten for over a week. i am beginning to hallucinate the damn things.
    Right stalin (not the best choice of name, isn't it?) i seem to recall with the russian sub rescues our boys dropped everything, with one of them even running out of his only daughter's wedding to get there. so what if russia had to pay some costs of getting the equipment there? Those men are alive! What does money matter?
    Does the west do anything for free? Operation Manna ring any bells?
    The convoys brought only a token amount of equipment to the Eastern front. You sanctimonious little........!
    Okay, i'm calm. ish.
    i know a DEMS gunner from the war who was involved in convoy PQ17. this was the convoy that fought through the worst the arctic ocean had to offer, and was systematically destroyed by the Uboats as it went. PQ17 was a mere shadow of itself when it arrived. he talks about everything in detail from the war, including the massacre of Omaha beach where he was manning an american landing craft. But he always glosses over PQ17. Why? Because that convoy run, which you seem to believe is so inconsequential that you can dismiss the lives lost, was the nastiest, bloodiest battle the allies ever saw. Start to end it was hell. but the merchant and Royal navy went back time and again to get arms and aircraft to Russia to aid them on the Eastern front.
    The next time you ever try to bad mouth those men who helped to get the much needed equipment to russia, and gave their lives in unprecedented numbers, make sure you do not do it in my hearing.
  12. spidge


    "big burly men from russia and britain" as ordinary and innocent people knew nothing of negotiations between russia and the west, and how much money was paid for their resque.

    Вы околпачиваете

    Why shouldn't you pay?

    The Soviet Union is a basket case but they still keep sending men out in vessels that should have been on the scrap heap years ago and incidents like this will continue to happen.

    The loved ones of the submariners knew of the rescue and that is enough.

    They appreciated it no matter what a pretentious idealogue like you thinks.

    Your small minded opinions are of no consequence to the Soviet people and much less to the even minded members of this forum.
  13. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

    half of your convoys was sank by germans, and whereas you paid with lend-lease [what a disgustful jewish term] russians paid with them lives.
    why not send some u.s.army troops to help russians at stalingrad?

    A bitter man who along with almost all other aspects of the war knows absolutely nothing about the severe and distressing fighting amongst the convoys and the sacrifice those men made.
    All sides payed with the blood of young men mate, that doesn't require any comment on which side was best. Only respect.
    Your comments haven't made me laugh this time. They're just repulsive. (And how much of the Lend-lease materiel do you think the SU actually paid for since you're so obsessed with national debt and how 'unfairly' Russia was treated?).
    I'm a defender of the Soviets contribution to the war effort.
    You're just a foolish man (?) who denigrates the memory of the hundreds of thousands of Russians who fell in the Great Patriotic War and has little or no grasp of the actual history.
    (Insert Really Rude word here.)
  14. Kitty

    Kitty Very Senior Member

    31-8-1941 The first Arctic convoy, codenamed ‘Dervish’, arrives in Archangel with crucial supplies, including 15 Hurricane fighters. Over the next 4 years 40 convoys will deliver 13,000 tanks, 22,000 aircraft and 417,000 motor vehicles. Nearly 3000 sailors will die on the 2,000 mile route.

    Stalin, please note the numbers of aircraft, tanks and vehicles delivered to Russia for use on the Eastern Front. And please note the number of lives lost on the Arctic convoys. This was just one convoy route. There were hundreds of other routes, but this was the deadliest.
    Your childish comments show you obviously do not understand numbers nor history.
    Grow up.
  15. Owen

    Owen -- --- -.. MOD

  16. Kitty

    Kitty Very Senior Member

    what amount of "lendlease" russia actually received on it's territory?
    ww2 veterans in russia cant remember a single american tank or plane.

    Russian veterans can't remember anything for fear of disappearing. It is only now they are finding their own voices again.
    As to American tanks and planes, were the Hurricanes i mentioned built by the US? No! In Britain and the Commonwealth, we were killing ourselves to build equipment to replace what we were losing on the Western Front, and to supply Russia on the Eastern Front. We in Britain are a small nation, but we still managed to sacrifice so many of our own to supply you with equipment we needed as well.
    And lend lease? In Britain we are still paying it to the US, but i don't recall hearing of any money coming to us from Russia, so shut it with the lend lease argument, it's hollow and merely making you sound like a prat.
  17. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

    look at this link then go awayhttp://wio.ru/tank/llrus.htm
    Nice site!
    Superb Picture of a Churchill (3?) in Russian Garb. I seem to be seeing more and more quality websites from the former SU. Unlike Mr djugashvilli there's obviously a lot of intelligent ww2 coverage flowering there. (and even better, they're translating it for us.)
  18. adrian roberts

    adrian roberts Senior Member

    I note that Stalin has twice used the term "Jewish" as an insult. This illustrates that there is very little difference between communism and fascism. Given that Jews have been persecuted in the Soviet Union ever since the war, and given that Russia under Putin is turning its back on democracy while certainly not returning to socialism, it makes one wonder whether the fascists won after all, at least on the Eastern Front.

  19. Kitty

    Kitty Very Senior Member

    It's not political correctness. It's common courtesy not to insult a person merely because of their religion or colour. You comments about Jews and Anglo-Saxons are merely making you sound like the most narrow minded, bigoted prat i have ever come across.
    As to lend lease, if we didn't send you all of those tanks/aircraft/vehicles, then where the hell were they? Still sat on the docks of Archangel probably.
    And if Russia was so damn great during the war, then why did they, when captured russian soldiers returned home on allied vessels at the end of the war, send them to the firing squads or siberia for the rest of their lives? Some caring country that was.
  20. spidge


    since when jews are sacred?
    i'm neither communist nor fascist, it's only that we don't have a political correctness out here in russia.

    "You" know what is correct or not, do not hide behind the illiteracy of your new home.

    You seem to very easily apportion blame to others or use other people as a crutch.

    You pull stories out of your lemonade and sars that cannot be supported and continue to make yourself look ridiculous.

    Hating all people in the West shows how mentally immature you really are. We know about the attrocities inflicted by your mentor on his own people and we know about the cleansing committed by the Serbs.

    This forum is quite broadminded and would have been prepared to discuss issues with you however you are more interested in throwing up venomous rants as if we are the people responsible.

    When you mature mentally you may wish to re-examine that you are a victim of your heritage and need to look closer to home to find the cause.

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