what do you think was the best battle of ww2

Discussion in 'General' started by montgomery, Mar 23, 2006.

  1. montgomery

    montgomery Member

    what do you think was the best battle in world war 2 i think it was the of kursk what do you think it was.
  2. jimbotosome

    jimbotosome Discharged

    The Battle of Britain. It sealed Germany's fate for the rest of the conflict.
  3. spidge


    I suppose it is dependant on what you mean by "best" however I agree with the BoB as it really woke the British people up to the dangers and the Lion began to roar.

    Because Hitler did not take the 500,000-600,000 prisoners that were rescued from France at Dunkirk et al in June 1940 (1st strike) and he did not subdue Britain (BoB), (2nd Strike), he made the incredible decision to attack the Soviet Union (3rd strike). Battle of Britain was the start of the downhill roll.
  4. Kitty

    Kitty Very Senior Member

    I have to agree with BoB on principle. But what else? The Battle of the Atlantic, start to finish. And the Bomber war.
  5. Gnomey

    Gnomey World Travelling Doctor

    I have to agree with BoB on principle. But what else? The Battle of the Atlantic, start to finish. And the Bomber war.
    Yep so do I.
  6. Gerard

    Gerard Seelow/Prora

    Barbarossa because it sealed the fate of Germany once and for all.
  7. Kitty

    Kitty Very Senior Member

    What about the Far East Theatre? I'd say Pearl Harbor (See, i managed to spell it the American way!) as that sounded the end for Japan by bringing in America, and Singapore, because we were never going to let it rest after that.
  8. morse1001

    morse1001 Very Senior Member

    there is also the battles of Imphal and Kohima.

    The gallant defence of Kohima stopped a Japanese division in its tracks and disrupted the Go Go plan. Imphal then broke the Japanese Plans to capture India.

    Had India been invaded, even briefly would have caused a great deal more problems than had the allies been defeated on D-day.
  9. Gnomey

    Gnomey World Travelling Doctor

    How do you define the best battle, there were many great battles (many of which have been mentioned) and a lot of other key ones. As for the best it would be hard to say (although I said BoB further up this page), although I will agree that you could pick almost any one of the great or key battles and say it was the best...
  10. Kiwiwriter

    Kiwiwriter Very Senior Member

    I have a few: Alamein, Midway, the Bismarck chase, Stalingrad, D-Day, Tunisia, Imphal and Kohima.
  11. Kitty

    Kitty Very Senior Member

    It's impossible to choose! Every single battle was a turning point in it's own way.
  12. plant-pilot

    plant-pilot Senior Member

    Personally I think the 'Best' battle is one that is won without an injury, but these are very few and far between.

    People who discribe battles as 'best' or 'good' have never been near one and I hope they never have to. What on TV or the news looks spectacular and exciting is in fact very noisy, terrifying and messy. It maybe an idea to remember that when you give a thread a title and choose one that's a little more appropriate.
  13. Kitty

    Kitty Very Senior Member

    Sorry, but i have to agree with Plant Pot to a certain degree on this one.
    I have never been in a miltary battle, but i think i can take a guess at what it can be like. But i have been shot at, and i know that is definitely not nice. So maybe we should refer to this thread as the battle you consider to be the most important.
  14. jimbotosome

    jimbotosome Discharged

    Sorry, but i have to agree with Plant Pot to a certain degree on this one.
    I have never been in a miltary battle, but i think i can take a guess at what it can be like. But i have been shot at, and i know that is definitely not nice. So maybe we should refer to this thread as the battle you consider to be the most important.
    Boy, Kitty, what kind of life do you live where people are shooting at you?
  15. morse1001

    morse1001 Very Senior Member

    Personally I think the 'Best' battle is one that is won without an injury, but these are very few and far between.

    People who discribe battles as 'best' or 'good' have never been near one and I hope they never have to. What on TV or the news looks spectacular and exciting is in fact very noisy, terrifying and messy. It maybe an idea to remember that when you give a thread a title and choose one that's a little more appropriate.

    I have to agree that only people who have no experince of it, would call it a best battle.

    But that is one of the faults of the board people can ask the question in any way they want.
  16. ComradeRomain

    ComradeRomain Member

    The Canadians are the first ones to have halted battle for a day and gathered with German army officials in Netherlands to find a solution for the starving general population....we havent seen too much of those situations apart from the Christmas 1914 cease-fire.
  17. Kitty

    Kitty Very Senior Member

    Boy, Kitty, what kind of life do you live where people are shooting at you?

    Country park Visitor Centre in Staffordshire. Isolated position, lone female worker. 5 men in a stolen car who thought i would make a nice target. Thankfully he couldn't aim and it turned out to be a high powered BB gun. I didn't know this at the time. I was in shock for two days, and then i got very angry indeed.
  18. KillBinLaden

    KillBinLaden Guest

    IDK i think the best battle is the battle of Foy between the Germans and the 101st AirBorn.the Americans kicked ares (as useal)!!!
  19. Gerard

    Gerard Seelow/Prora

    IDK i think the best battle is the battle of Foy between the Germans and the 101st AirBorn.the Americans kicked ares (as useal)!!!
    A Band of Brothers Fan I see. Kicked Arse as per usual? Ever heard of Kasserine. America's army was fantastic and learnt very well but was no better or worse than the rest of the combatants!
  20. KillBinLaden

    KillBinLaden Guest

    foy is the best!!!!

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