Varsity - crash site Horsa BF 473?

Discussion in 'NW Europe' started by alberk, Dec 6, 2020.

  1. Cee

    Cee GO TO IT! Patron


    A couple marked lineup pics. In my view the front of lineup is not discernible from cameraman's position.

    Pic Adams 45 .jpg Pic Adams 46.jpg

    Regards ...
    S Hayward likes this.
  2. Cee

    Cee GO TO IT! Patron

    S Hayward likes this.
  3. VarsityGlider305

    VarsityGlider305 Well-Known Member

    Hi SH,

    The record for CN 278 is at images 231 and 232 of the above file.

    S Hayward and Cee like this.
  4. Cee

    Cee GO TO IT! Patron


    The Canadians took a few photos at RAF Tarrant Rushton and Woodbridge. They were with the 3rd Brigade group immediately behind the RASC gliders. It is not much but here is one pic that catches the tail of CN 278 at Woodbridge.


    Regards ...
    S Hayward likes this.
  5. Alex1975uk

    Alex1975uk Well-Known Member

    Incase anyone gets confused: the parachute aircraft in this case took off after the gliders, only to overtake them on the way as they flew quicker!
    S Hayward likes this.
  6. Cee

    Cee GO TO IT! Patron

    Hi Alex,

    That may well be the case but I am only considering Hamilcars on the ground in the line-up at RAF Woodbridge ...:)

    Regards ...
  7. Alex1975uk

    Alex1975uk Well-Known Member

    Yes of course, but I thought I’d mention it incase anyone wondered why the gliders were first!
    Cee likes this.
  8. Cee

    Cee GO TO IT! Patron


    This may be stretching it but were the first of the RASC gliders (CNs 267 - 278) caught in this iconic photo at RAF Woodbridge on March 24th, 1945?

    No. 8 - CH 14889.jpg CH 14889-2.jpg

    Regards ...
  9. Cee

    Cee GO TO IT! Patron


    I can never find this thread as it's not listed under "Airborne" ... :)

    A few inconsequential thoughts on the Adams' Rhine Crossing photos - flap/stabiliser restrictors, propellers?, background of "Men Eating" pic.

    CH 14889-restictors.jpg Pic_Adams 43 - R.jpg Pic Adams 47.jpg Pic_Adams 40 - crop.jpg

    Regards ...
  10. S Hayward

    S Hayward Well-Known Member


    Aircraft or Hamilcar
    Not sure what the object is, could be a propeller, but I thought the shape of the window closely matched the rounded rectangular shape of the rear door window of a Hamilcar, I've never seen one in person (and am not sure if there are even any full ones preserved) so I'm going off other peoples pictures and drawings. The Rear windows on the Halifax also look to be Circular (First pic Varsity - crash site Horsa BF 473?).

    Flap/stabiliser restrictors
    Well spotted, I thought that was a ladder but your right, the "rungs" don't work for it to be that so must be a restrictor.

    Chalk Number
    Something I noticed is 278 seems to have had a Chalk Number painted on both sides of the nose, as the Training picture shows it on the right, but the door open picture shows it on the left, was this normal practice?

    Glider Pilots CN 278
    From the document and page linked by Jenny (post 103) the names are difficult to discern but we think possibly Taylor & Lloyd??
    The Tug captain was Mutton Crew are listed: 298 Squadron

    Men Eating
    The tail on that Horsa looks to be off (slightly displaced in the photo and looks to be slightly closer to us than the rest of the glider) Attached is a crude sketch of what I mean / what I think the top down view might look like.

    Given that signals were based around HQ, and "Men Eating" is probably taken by somebody in REME who was assigned the "Z" Trailer (Signals Repair Trailer), That glider might be one of the ones in the background of the RAF Cine Photographers footage for the general area around Kopenhof?

    Best Regards,

    Attached Files:

  11. Cee

    Cee GO TO IT! Patron


    Not always but sometimes someone at an airfield was given the job of applying the Operation chalk numbers resulting in a uniformity of style. I'll stick out my neck and say both sides of the noses were numbered. Here's CN 283 which is of similar style, though from a different grouping (5th Brigade).

    CN 283 -Woodbridge.jpg

    Yes I would agree the Horsa tail is detached in the "Eating" photo.

    No idea if they are propellers or maybe someone's loose hair ... ?

    Regards ...
    S Hayward likes this.
  12. Cee

    Cee GO TO IT! Patron


    Here's a Hamilcar photo from the Charles Richer biographical PDF. Going by the stripes this might have been a D-Day glider - not sure? The chalk numbers in this case, though hard to make out, have been painted on both sides of nose.

    Richer - Hamilcar.jpg

    Regards ...
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2023
  13. Cee

    Cee GO TO IT! Patron

    Looks like the 1945 rock crop was pretty good in Germany ... :-P

    Rocky Field Compare.jpg

    I wouldn't want to farm or land a glider for that matter in those fields. No idea if the locations compared are related ... somehow doubt it as DZ 'A' is off the beaten track in regard this story. Just thinking where else I had seen a rocky field.

    Regards ...
  14. S Hayward

    S Hayward Well-Known Member


    That's Interesting, at 7:54 Newsreel 67 shows another scene of the North Kent Coast, from virtually the same location in the air and looking directly opposite the Adam's Photograph. Adam's Photo looking East the Newsreel looking West Google Maps. I think we are quite possibly looking at the same group of aircraft! (or if not the exact same flight path).

    Best Regards,
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2023
    Cee likes this.
  15. alberk

    alberk Well-Known Member

    there are absoluteley no rocks in our soil (in the lower Rhine area) ... but lots of moles in many meadows and pastures. And these are molehills.:D
    S Hayward likes this.
  16. Cee

    Cee GO TO IT! Patron

    Ha! - that's a good one. Thanks for clearing that up ... :lol:

    Regards ...
    alberk likes this.
  17. Cee

    Cee GO TO IT! Patron

    It was a slow news day yesterday ... :lol:

    The Canadian Hamilcar was in the "odd" row, so either CN 279 or CN 281? Not sure if a cine man travelled with photographer Charles Richer on the glider to Germany but someone was shooting from an aircraft as SH pointed out.

    Canadian Army Newsreel No. 67-07.33.jpg Canadian Army Newsreel No. 67.-07.55.jpg

    Regards ...
    S Hayward likes this.
  18. Cee

    Cee GO TO IT! Patron


    An artistic view of the RAF Woodbridge Varsity lineup - about 8 or so rows back.

    APY 140-2-Woodbridge-00.06].jpg

    Regards ...
    alberk likes this.
  19. S Hayward

    S Hayward Well-Known Member

    Re Reading this made me realise there are painted over D-Day stripes on CN 278 visible in both the Suspected Hitler's Headache Picture and in the loading picture. Unless I'm missing something (please correct if so) I think this allows us to conclude that CN278 was likely one of the D-Day Hamilcar's repaired and repurposed.

    Loading: (Note the 3 faint markings on the tail)

    Hitler's headache: THE BRITISH ARMY IN NORTH-WEST EUROPE 1944-45 (the Central One being easily visible in Sgt Hardy's Photograph)

    Also realised I haven't mentioned in this thread (although this is discussed elsewhere) but the picture from the aircraft in post 117 is also from near Birchington on Sea (Just looking towards Reculver not Thanet).

    Best Regards,
    Cee likes this.
  20. S Hayward

    S Hayward Well-Known Member


    With D-Day Stripes on the mind, ROYAL AIR FORCE: FIGHTER COMMAND, NO. 38 (AIRBORNE FORCES) GROUP RAF. image also raises some interesting questions, I could ~7 Gliders with obvious traces of 3 stripes on one or both wings. In particular Second and 7th back on the left. If they won't painted on for Varsity, then i presume this implies these were Normandy Gliders Also?

    Best Regards,

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