Croix De Guerre awarded to Lt Col K H Clark 63256 SHAEF

Discussion in 'RAMC' started by 5thindiandivision, Oct 31, 2023.

  1. 5thindiandivision

    5thindiandivision Indian Division

    Hi All
    I have been asked by the family to try and help them understand why their Grandfather was awarded the CDG. They have the medal award citation and medal but would like to know why the medal was awarded.

    Can anyone advise what he did to get this award. He was RAMC.

    Many thanks in advance


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  2. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    Hello James, looking, UK records side first, French side next. Initial findings/thoughts that it will be 6th June '44 invasion related, for medical services rendered to French citizens in the aftermath of Le Debarquement.

    In the meantime, do the family have this photo? Courtesy of IWM Collections.

    Kind regards, always,




    8RB likes this.
  3. 5thindiandivision

    5thindiandivision Indian Division

    Hi Jim, Wow thanks for the prompt response on this, I don't know if the family have this so will contact them today and tell them. Thanks again James
    JimHerriot likes this.
  4. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    Awarded M.I.D. May 1945, "gallant and distinguished services in North-West Europe".

    Kind regards, always,



  5. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    James, following is a little off topic (apologies) but included again in case the family have been unaware or not seen this previously.

    First from Casualty List No. 1210 (Officers) published 12th August 1943, reported wounded.


    Then an update, Casualty List No. 1222 (Officers) published 26th August 1943.

    Whatever prompted these reports only his service record or War Diary entry (or a book on the RAMC in Sicily maybe) is likely to reveal. The chap did well to come through it and make it to France.


    Kind regards, always,

  6. 5thindiandivision

    5thindiandivision Indian Division

    thank you Jim this is great
  7. 5thindiandivision

    5thindiandivision Indian Division

    hi Jim - "The chap did well to come through it and make it to France." Looking at his medals he was also awarded the General Service Medal with SE Asia 45-46 and Malaya Clasp.
  8. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    Well James, this is distracting me from the main topic but man is this Doctor interesting.

    Courtesy of BMJ Archive, and hopefully another one for his family members (note, full pdf attached below)

    Kind degards, always,



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    Last edited: Oct 31, 2023
  9. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

  10. 5thindiandivision

    5thindiandivision Indian Division

    Hi Jim, this is amazing your searching skills and knowledge are fantastic, thank you so much, I will update the family later today. James
    JimHerriot likes this.
  11. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    That is too kind of you James, when my swollen bonce, induced by your perhaps over effusive comments :) has subsided I'll get back to things French.

    Been searching for folks most of my life in some way shape or form. Nowadays is much the nicer way.

    Kind regards, always,

  12. 5thindiandivision

    5thindiandivision Indian Division

    Hi Jim, caught up with the family face to face when I collected the poppy tin on Sunday, they loved all the information, they had no idea about some bits, like that he met Monty or wrote the account in the Jungle! His granddaughter is going to get a copy of the Monty picture and give it to her father for Christmas, they have asked me to express their sincere thanks for your time and trouble in finding out this information.

    Also many thanks from me. Did you have any luck on the French side of life?


    JimHerriot likes this.
  13. EmpireUmpire

    EmpireUmpire .........

    I'd love to see a photo of his medal group. I looks like there is an MiD on his GSM too?
    JimHerriot likes this.
  14. 5thindiandivision

    5thindiandivision Indian Division

    Hi, sorry for the delay, here is a pic of this medals as requested. Cheers James

    Attached Files:

    dbf and JimHerriot like this.
  15. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    Profuse apologies James for letting things slip off my radar. I'll get back to the French side of things over the next few days and anything I come up with will be with you soonest.

    Again, sorry for letting this slide.

    Kind regards, always,

  16. EmpireUmpire

    EmpireUmpire .........

    Thanks for posting the picture of his medals - a very attractive group indeed.
    JimHerriot likes this.

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