British Stuart in Tunisia Campaign

Discussion in 'RAC & RTR' started by Menardi, May 14, 2024.

  1. Menardi

    Menardi Junior Member

    I'm looking for information about the markings of this M3A1 Stuart in Tunisia.
    I believe this tank belongs to the 6th Armoured Division.
    Would anyone have any tips?
    I would like to know if the units of the British First Army also used the M3 Hybrid during the Tunisian Campaign.
    I thank you in advance.
    All the best,

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  2. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

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  3. TTH

    TTH Senior Member

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  4. Menardi

    Menardi Junior Member

    Thank you, TTH.
    Could be a Hybrid Stuart too.
  5. TTH

    TTH Senior Member

    I think both images are M3A1s, not Hybrids. The US II Corps used a range of Stuarts in Tunisia, including M3s, M3 Hybrids, M3A1s, and M5s. The Hybrids can be distinguished by still having the two sponson MGs. These were frequently removed in the field, but the ports for the guns were often still visible. The M3A1 had well-rounded cones on the sponsons where the guns had been, a factory feature and not a field modification. For some excellent pictures of Hybrids in New Zealand, see The Stuart Hybrid in New Zealand . The Stuart in American service in Tunisia is well-covered at US M3 Stuart North Africa 1942 .

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