Any help with this photo please?

Discussion in 'Airborne' started by Ebonyuk72!, Mar 13, 2023.

  1. Ebonyuk72!

    Ebonyuk72! Member

    Hi newbie here, so I'm hoping this works okay.
    I was wondering if anyone could give me any information about this photograph. The man at the back on the right in the white apron is my Grandfather, George Neve. He served in the RAMC in the 1st Airbourne division. The photo is dated 1943, I have Grandad's Army Service Record and it says he would have been in N Africa around that time, could be where this is? He was in injured in N Africa and he's clearly not injured here, so maybe this is before Africa? Can anyone elaborate?
    Does anyone know any of the others in the photo? I know the chap in the middle front, I can't remember his name, Brown something (my maiden name, thats how I remember that) Correct if I'm wrong but he was the chap who got shot in the head and the Germany who did it, was eventually caught for murder?
    Apart from him and Grandad I have no idea about any of the others.
    It would be great to put some names to the other chaps there, and to know where it was would be nice too.
    Thanks in advance

    Attached Files:

    Rfn1940, 4jonboy and JimHerriot like this.
  2. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    Captain Brownscombe, 2nd (Airborne) Battalion South Staffordshire Regiment, that's the Airborne connection with your grandfather.

    Circumstances and investigation of same are in The National Archives here:

    Arnhem: murder of Captain B Brownscombe | The National Archives

    Hopefully member " horsapassenger " will see this thread and give you some details (he's one of the most knowledgeable chaps in the UK regarding the South Staffs).

    It's possible the photo you have was taken at Bulford prior to the South Staffs going to North Africa prior to the invasion of Sicily.

    Good luck with your research,

    Kind regards, always,

  3. Tullybrone

    Tullybrone Senior Member

    This internet article tells the story of Captain Brownscombe’s death.

    The murder of Captain Brownscombe

    It includes a group photo of Captain Brownscombe with RAMC personnel.

  4. Tony56

    Tony56 Member Patron

    Welcome to the forum.
    I'm assuming (hoping) that this is your grandfather, these details are from the army casualty lists, note that they do not provide any further information.

    RAMC 7370817 Pte G T NEVE 181 (A.L.) F.A.
    List No. 1599 dated 9 Nov 44 - Missing, Western Europe 25.9.44
    List No. 1647 dated 5 Jan 45 - Previously reported missing now reported POW in German hands (Germany)
    List No. 1653 dated 12 Jan 45 - Previously reported POW now reported wounded and POW in German hands (Germany)
    List No. 1821 dated 30 Jul 45 - Previously reported wounded and POW now not POW

    From POW lists he was held in camp 12A, Limburg s.d.Lahn.

    Hastings & St Leonards Observer, Saturday, December 23, 1944
    Neve 1.jpg
  5. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    Good morning (and welcome to the forum - apologies for not greeting you properly yesterday).

    If you have not read this previously (link below) it will give you a good overall view of the unit your grandfather served with, as well as the units he was attached to)

    181 Airlanding Field Ambulance RAMC | ParaData

    Kind regards, always,

    4jonboy likes this.
  6. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    Good to see your grandfather has an entry on Paradata too. He, as did many, went through a lot of hard service, and I don't doubt there would have been many who were grateful and thankful for his care.

    George T Neve | ParaData

    Kind regards, always,

  7. Ebonyuk72!

    Ebonyuk72! Member

    yes that is him. I have his Army records and am wading my way through them. What do those List numbers mean?
    After Limburger he went to Mulhberg looking after Russians who had TB
    JimHerriot likes this.
  8. Ebonyuk72!

    Ebonyuk72! Member

    Thank you for the welcome Jim. Yes the info on Paradata was what I sent in a year or so ago. Thank you for your help
    JimHerriot likes this.
  9. Ebonyuk72!

    Ebonyuk72! Member

    Thank you, I shall read that. I had a quick look and I have that photo of Captain Brownscombe with the RAMC. Grandad is on the back row, so in the photo in that link they’ve cut his head off lol but Grandad is 3rd from the left
    JimHerriot and Tullybrone like this.
  10. Tony56

    Tony56 Member Patron

    The lists were produced daily and referenced numerically, starting at 1, as simple as that. Casualty List No. 1
    JimHerriot likes this.
  11. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    Hello again Ebonyuk72,

    Do you have a copy of your grandad's POW Card?

    I'm certain that The National Archives hold it as the entry on their "Discovery" website (see link below) corresponds with your grandad's date of birth and Army Number (7370817).

    Don't be put off by The National Archive giving his rank as "Able Seaman". This I'm sure is a transcription and/or cataloging error that I think would have been caused by someone in the chain interpreting the abbreviation "AB" as navy related as opposed to "Airborne".

    Here's the link: Name: George Neve . Date of Birth: 06/06/1917 . Place of Birth: England . Service:... | The National Archives

    Kind regards, always,


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