6th Gordons at Anzio

Discussion in 'British Army Units - Others' started by William Gardiner, Apr 12, 2022.

  1. Tim Lee

    Tim Lee Member

    Hi Frank, We crossed the Gordon’s area to get to the farm and visited Aprilia and The Flyover the Aprilia Museum and the Beachhead amongst other places. Only a few weeks later I was contacted out of the blue by John McGoughlin who had seen a comment on this forum, he opened up a new world of information and using his book I was able to get a much clearer picture of events - quite an eye opener ! If we go back I will definitely contact you as this story continues to fascinate both me and my family ? We still have the greatcoat dad wore at Anzio with a shrapnel hole in it and rather than it be hidden away have considered donating it to the Aprilia museum ? Many thanks. Tim
  2. minden1759

    minden1759 Senior Member


    I assume that you popped over to Lavinio to see the 6 GORDONS's monument?

    I need to take you down into the wadis to see what an awful troglodyte existence soldiers like your father endured. It was truly horrible.

    Out there on 14-17 May 23 myself - itching to go.



    PS. Give it to the Aprilia Museum. Great idea.
  3. Sandy Bannatyne

    Sandy Bannatyne New Member

    Hi all, repsect and honour to read the history on here, my freind has assked me if i can find iinformation about his father we have name,rank,number and regiment etc does anyone know how we can find his full war record if possible he was at ANzio name William Edmonds more info to follow when i have it thank you.
  4. davidbfpo

    davidbfpo Patron Patron

  5. minden1759

    minden1759 Senior Member


    Do you know if he was in 2 Infantry Brigade Workshop? I ask because there is a small plaque on the side of a house at Anzio in memory of their time in the beachhead.


    Wobbler likes this.
  6. Stuart Avery

    Stuart Avery In my wagon & not a muleteer.

    Is that the 2 Brigade Workshops Reme 1 BRITISH INF DIV that was put on the side of a building on 11 April, 1997? Front may be? Who knows with the Italians when it comes to there houses?o_O I Think the building was original to the time of the campaign? Do you know that for fact? Its three floors when I walked past it over two years ago to take photos of the memorials of the 2 North Staffs & 6 Gordons. You never frigging mentioned the latter has loads of names on the back.

    The Reme is on the coast road up to the town of? Not sure. Will look later unless you mention what it's called. Stopped there for two pints, a rest, some plasters for my blister on my left heel after walking about 6kms I think from the hotel we use. A long walk anyway. The chemist was not pleased about me putting them on outside her shop. Behave you stupid women, what do want me to do? Put them on in your shop? Idiot.

    Photo's to follow.

    Edit: I know how the bus's work these days after my last trip earlier this year. Rather cheap, on time and reliable. Bonus.:).. Saves on plasters.

    Last edited: Nov 20, 2024
  7. Stuart Avery

    Stuart Avery In my wagon & not a muleteer.


    The 2 North Staffs outside of the entrance to a hotel that is on the sea-front. I walked past it at the time has I was walking up a street that is behind. Will find the name of the hotel if needed? The toshers ( that's the painter's was in at the time) when I was there.

    Do not know much about it! Some veterans had something to do with putting it above the entrance some years ago. Ask Frank?


    6 Gordons is a 5 minute walk away from the hotel at a T-junction. The bar/ pub & chemist was not far away. Google maps. Fab.:)

    2 REME Looking north, followed by approaching south in thumbnail.

    28-30 Jun 2022.

    Edit. Some smart, wise chap, I think he was Italian did a book a that shows all the memorials that are all over Anzio. Name later, has Its at home. A good book that was cheap.

    Edit 2. The Squire has given the address for the 6 Gordons location in a earlier post after checking. May need to edit it again after reading more of this thread.:oops:


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    Last edited: Nov 20, 2024

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