Hi everyone, I'm trying to get information on my grandfather's upto's during ww2. We know his regiment, service number, pow number however we...
Hi I am searching for a William Henry Angus born 1903 who served in the Second World War with the Royal Engineers. He was captured at Tobruk and...
I've been searching this site on and off over the past few years whilst researching family members. Currently I'm gathering all the information I...
1876432 Dvr. A.J.M. Ballard, 1 Field Squadron, Royal Engineers missing 20th June 1942 Tobruk taken prisoner [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Evesham...
My grandfather Frank Sturgess was a member of the South African Signals during the siege of Tobruk, he had also served in both battles of...
Tpr. John Wilson Kennedy, 4th Royal Tank Regiment Service No.: 7343998 Award: Mentioned in Despatches Captured: Tobruk, 21st June 1942. Escaped:...
Bdr. Norman Milliken, 25 Field Regiment, Royal Artillery, 4th Indian Division, 8th Army Service No.: 326009 Award: Mentioned in Despatches...
Pte. Walter Thompson, 2nd Bn Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders, 4th Indian Division Service No.: 2935750 Award: Mentioned in Despatches THOMPSON was...
Lt. Herbert Cecil Buck, 3/1st Punjab Regiment Service No: IA 1117 Award: Military Cross Captain BUCK was captured South of DERNA on 2nd February...
Lt. John Alec McKee, The Royal Scots, attached Advance H.Q. “A” Force Service No.: 107296 Award: Military Cross Capt. McKEE was captured on 3rd...
94508 Lt. Geoffrey Maton Day, 1st Bn Welsh Regiment awarded Military Cross ESCAPES FROM CAMPO 49 (FONTANELLATO), ITALY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR...
I don’t want to hijack someone’s post but can’t see how to post my own question. we believe my grandfather was captured at Tobruk, we don’t know...
[ATTACH] Hey everyone, New to the forum. Recently I stumbled across this record that I believe to be a liberation questionnaire. The man is a...
Personal Number: 44006 Rank: Major Name: Ian Ananda Dowie BANKS, DSO, MiD* Unit: 4 Royal Tank Regiment London Gazette : 30 August 1929...
Hi! My grandfather was Jan Adriaan Venter born 26/10/1922, he was a Private in the SA Tank Corps (service number 214200). On 21/6/1942 he was...
Evening all, I've just signed up for this forum so apologies if anything is in the wrong place or in the wrong way. I have read some (old) posts...
A friend has asked me to post about her father, captured at the fall of Tobruk. He was a gunner in the 67th Medium Regiment Royal Artillery It...
Award Military Medal Sjt. George William Wilson, 15 Coast Regiment, Royal Artillery (1669637) On Tuesday 20 May 1941, whilst German parachutists...
Hi Just been reading a few war diaries from my Grandad battery. Some good information! 4th June Amiryia to Mersa Matruh by rail,...
Separate names with a comma.