2718472 Michael MORAN, MBE, MM, 1 Irish Guards

Discussion in 'The Brigade of Guards' started by dbf, Aug 17, 2011.

  1. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    The National Archives | DocumentsOnline | Image Details
    Name Moran, Michael
    Rank: Serjeant
    Service No: 2718472
    Regiment: 1 Battalion Irish Guards
    Theatre of Combat or Operation: Italy
    Award: Military Medal
    Date of Announcement in London Gazette: 15 June 1944
    Date 1944
    Catalogue reference WO 373/6

    LG - Viewing Page 2853 of Issue 36563

    24th Guards Brigade, 1st British Division, 6 American Corps
    2718472 Drill Sergeant Michael MORAN, 1st Battalion IRISH GUARDS

    On the night 29th / 30th January, No. 3 Company attacked on the left of the Brigade Sector.

    C.S.M. MORAN was in charge of the company transport and acting second-in-command to Lieutenant SMITH of the U.S. ARMY, who as Platoon Commander of a T.D. Platoon was in command of the whole column.

    The road up which this column was to advance had not been cleared of enemy. After advancing about 1 1/2 miles the column came under heavy Machine Gun fire from a house some 100 yards away and from enemy positions on the left flank.

    C.S.M. MORAN quickly organised a small party and led an assault on the house and killed the German gunners, thus freeing the column from its most immediate danger.

    On returning from this task he found that Lieutenant SMITH, U.S. ARMY, had been severely wounded, and that one carrier had been set on fire by mortar bombs which were no falling thickly on the road. C.S.M. MORAN instantly assumed command of the whole column ordering the T.D.s to provide flank protection, he organised the turn round of the column with the greatest coolness, under heavy fire, and took it back to a covered position.

    During all this period whether attacking or organising, he showed complete disregard for his own safety. He then went forward to contact his Company Commander and reconnoitre a route up to his company positions. In the subsequent heavy fighting on that flank this Warrant Officer showed outstanding courage and leadership and personally led several attacks on Machine Gun posts with 100% success.

    During the whole of the fighting his courage and initiative has been remarked on by all and he has certainly played a large share in securing the amount of Germans his company killed.

    This N.C.O. has fought in PALESTINE, NORWAY, TUNISIA and now the ITALIAN campaigns, and has on all occasions set the highest example of personal courage and devotion to duty.

    I strongly recommend he should be awarded the M.M.

    Signed C.A. Montagu-Douglas-Scott, Lieutenant-Colonel, Commanding 1st Battalion IRISH GUARDS

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  2. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    The National Archives | DocumentsOnline | Image Details

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    Last edited: Oct 4, 2016
  3. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    Army Number: 2718472
    Rank: Serjeant
    Name: M MORAN
    Unit: 1 Irish Guards
    GSM & Clasp: GSM, Palestine Clasp 1936 - 1939
    TNA Reference: WO 100/503
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2019
  4. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    Last edited: Nov 5, 2019
  5. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    Last edited: Nov 15, 2019

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