1st Battalion Irish Guards

Discussion in 'The Brigade of Guards' started by dbf, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    TNA Catalogue Reference: WO 175/488
  2. Tom Canning

    Tom Canning WW2 Veteran WW2 Veteran

    Dianne - Cpl Kennealy - a name to conjure with

  3. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    Ah Tom,
    The Irishman that never was, but a Mick all the same. And cited in a speech of Churchill's:

    "When I think of these days I think also of other episodes and personalities. I do not forget Lieutenant-Commander Esmonde, V.C., D.S.O., Lance-Corporal Kenneally, V.C., Captain Fegen, V.C., and other Irish heroes that I could easily recite, and all bitterness by Britain for the Irish race dies in my heart. I can only pray that in years which I shall not see, the shame will be forgotten and the glories will endure, and that the peoples of the British Isles and of the British Commonwealth of Nations will walk together in mutual comprehension and forgiveness."

    John Patrick Kenneally - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    On 28 April 1943 at Dj. Arada, Tunisia, Lance-Corporal Kenneally charged alone down the bare forward slope straight into the main body of the enemy about to make an attack, firing his Bren gun from the hip; the enemy were so surprised that they broke up in disorder. The lance-corporal repeated his exploit on 30 April when, accompanied by a sergeant, he charged the enemy forming up for assault, inflicting many casualties. Even when wounded he refused to give up, but hopped from one fire position to another, carrying his gun in one hand and supporting himself on a comrade with the other.

    Full VC citation:
    John Kenneally VC - Telegraph
  4. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    My father greatly admires this man who received an immediate DCM for the same action, and was later taken prisoner at Anzio ending up at Luckenwald:


    Attack on Pt 212 & 214 April 27th - May 1st. The 1st Bn Irish Guards were right hand Bn in a Bde attack on April 27. No. 4 Coy, in which Sgt Lynch is a Pl Sgt, was leading with its objective Pt 212 & 214. The company came under very heavy fire at the start line and had considerable casualties inflicted on it. The company comd and 2 platoon comds were wounded or killed and the C.S.M. killed. Sgt. Lynch looked after his wounded Pl comd and then took charge of the company or what was left of it. When the advance continued he organised his coy and assaulted and gained his objective. Throughout the period of 28th - 30th when the force was being continually attacked he remained in command of No. 4 coy, except for a brief period when Captain Ismay was there. He was throughout an outstanding figure and his smart soldierly appearance under the most difficult circumstances created an impression amongst the men equalled only by his constant calm and bravery. No. 4 Coy held the West of the ridge forward towards Pt 214 and was continually under shell and mortar fire even when infantry attacks were not in progress. That the men never wavered under the fire was largely due to his example and in particular to his prompt action at the beginning. At 1100 hrs Wednesday 28th, enemy 88 mm guns opened up on the W of the ridge with a violence that was as unexpected as its effects were unpleasant. Casualties were caused and some of the men badly shaken. Sgt Lynch was at the time at Force H.Q. without hesitation he ran up through the heavy fire to his coy, held the men steady in their positions, moved a Bren gun forward, at great personal risk to meet the first infantry assault and gave the first fire order. The initial success gained by this Sgt in beating back the first German assault raised morale to the highest possible peak by proving conclusively by his own example that the fiercest fire could be endured and a determined attack broken by S.A. fire. This Sgt. consistently showed the greatest devotion to duty and even when half blinded by blast on Friday 30th, the continued to command and encourage his rapidly dwindling coy. I strongly recommend this Sgt for gallantry and good example. L.G. 8-7-43.





    See this thread for ref:
  5. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    General Alexander celebrates St. Patrick's Day with the Irish Guards at Cassino front in Italy during World War II.

    From IG History:

    The 1st Battalion never fought again. Briefly, it was shipped home to England to re-form with new recruits, but soon found itself providing drafts and training men for the 3rd Battalion in Normandy. The intake of the Regiment was never enough to maintain three battalions on active service. Once the reservoir of trained men stored in Hobb’s Barracks from 1940 to 1943 was exhausted, one battalion had to be scrapped. The 1st Battalion stomached its pride, but it was not easy. The majority of officers and men were in time transferred to the 3rd Battalion. Major J.S.O. Haslewood, for instance, took over to Normandy a complete No. 4 Company which was first reconstituted in Italy.

    For four weeks after its evacuation from Anzio the Battalion rested in the villages of Santa Agata dei due Golfe and Massalubrense perched on the top of the Sorrento peninsula. While the Great Men discussed the future of the Brigade of Guards in Italy - amalgamation, integration, reduction, abolition or reinforcement - the Battalion collected its wounded from every hospital in Southern Italy and Sicily. The bad cases were assembled in Naples General Hospital; the men on the mend were posted Sorrento convalescent camp and then, since there was very little difference, to Santa Agata. Vesuvius erupted soon after the Battalion’s arrival, the grey lava dust turning the next day into night, blocking the roads and changing the green valleys into a landscape of the moon. “It‘s the end of the world - it would be just before Paddy’s Day.” Guardsman Graham’s pessimistic forecast shows the Battalion’s main interest at this time - St. Patrick’s Day. The shamrock was flown from Ireland, and there was no question about who was to present it - it had to be General Alexander, Cassino or no Cassino. The Regimental Band was recaptured from the other side of Italy, calves and pigs were bought at exorbitant prices, droves of Italians were hired to clean and press battle-dress, and the awards were approved in record time so that General Alexander could present them on parade.

    The 17th of March was a perfect day. General Alexander wrote to Colonel Scott that evening. “I do so heartily congratulate you on having such a splendid battalion. It was a real joy to me to be with them today, and I thought they looked just fin. Smart, proud of themselves - in fact, just what one wishes and expects Guardsmen to look like. It must have impressed all the on-lookers very much, like it did me. The Mick were always good (the best in the whole Brigade), but I really believe they were better today than ever they were or ever have been. I am only so sorry that I could not remain longer with you - go to High Mass and go round the company dinners, and then have lunch with you - but as you know I have this important and tricky battle of Cassino in full swing, and it must be won. This is my fifteenth St. Patrick‘s Day on parade with the Regiment and the fifth of active operations - not counting Constantinople and Gibraltar in 1922-4. Good luck to you all.”

    The Companies marched straight off parade to monumental dinners. Lunch in the Officers’ Mess was very late and very long, as was the evening in the Sergeants’ Mess. A week later the officers gave a Grand Ball in their Mess, the Pensione Garoffalo in Santa Agata; the prolific Neapolitan nobility provided the partners. This was the Battalion’s farewell partly.

    The 24th and the 201st Guards Brigades were amalgamated to form a new 24th. “24th Guards Brigade will receive 3rd Coldstream Guards complete and officers and men from 6th Guards and 2nd Scots Guards for their respective sister battalions. It will lose 1st Irish Guards.” The Battalion handed over all its equipment and packed for immediate embarkation with a skeleton 201st Brigade. At the very last moment Colonel Andrew Scott was snatched away to command the 28th Infantry Brigade. General Oliver Leese, who had just succeeded to the command of the Eighth Army, was not going to let so outstanding and experienced a soldier escape him. Both Colonel Andrew and the Battalion were stunned; he had brought them through so much, and now he was not to bring them home. He said goodbye to the companies on the evening before the Battalion embarked, leaving them in a loneliness that took all the zest out of the return to England. The following June Brigadier Scott achieved what he and all the Battalion had so dearly wished to have together - an audience with His Holiness the Pope. The special blessing he received was for the 1st Battalion - “the Irish Guards who have fought so gallantly in this country.”

    On the 11th April the Battalion sailed from Naples in the Capetown Castle. Of the 926 men who left Ayr in February, 1943, 326 landed in Liverpool on the 22nd April, 1944. On the beach-head the Battalion lost 32 officers and 714 men, killed wounded and missing. It left behind it in the graveyards outside Anzio 7 officers and 66 men. The bodies of some of the missing dead, such as the gallant Charles Bartlett, were found after the war; the others are still missing. “Quis separabit?” Wherever they lie, they are the 1st Battalion Irish Guards.

    Drew5233 likes this.
  6. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    RoH in cemetery order:

    Remembered with honour ALDERSHOT MILITARY CEMETERY

    Warrant Officer Class III JOHN JAMES GALLAGHER 2717402, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died on 27 September 1939
    Grave/Memorial Reference: R. 1.


    Remembered with honour ANZIO WAR CEMETERY

    Guardsman WILLIAM COOGAN 2721334, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 23 on 04 February 1944
    Son of James and Mary Coogan, of Kirkdale, Lancashire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: I, B, 6.

    Guardsman ALFRED BETTS 2720503, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 27 on 04 February 1944
    Son of William and Lucy Ann Betts, of Sutton-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: I, B, 8.

    Guardsman HARRY FINDLOW 2721815, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 31 on 23 February 1944
    Son of Henry and Alice Findlow, of Congleton, Cheshire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: I, C, 3.

    Guardsman FRANCIS BYRNE 2720673, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 36 on 19 February 1944
    Son of Thomas Joseph and Jane Maria Byrne, of Liverpool; husband of Mary Byrne, of Liverpool.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: I, D, 2.

    Guardsman JOSEPH IRVINE 2719239, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died on 18 February 1944
    Grave/Memorial Reference: I, F, 3.

    Guardsman WILLIAM ARTHUR STEVENS 2720698, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 24 on 23 February 1944
    Son of Walter and Mary Ann Stevens, of Sawbridgeworth, Hertfordshire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: I, J, 8.

    Lieutenant ANTHONY PAUL HARCOURT 228330, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 21 on 22 February 1944
    Son of Lt.-Col. Edric Sherwood Harcourt, M.C., and Mabel Nancy Steward Harcourt, of Oxford.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: I, L, 3.

    Guardsman DANIEL BARTON 2722147, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 31 on 22 February 1944
    Son of John and Ada Barton, of Salford, Lancashire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: I, L, 6.

    Guardsman WILLIAM GEORGE DARLOW 2720721, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 24 on 24 February 1944
    Son of Frances Elizabeth Darlow, of Rothwell, Northamptonshire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: I, N, 2.

    Lance Corporal MAURICE MORIARTY D C M 2718497, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 26 on 24 February 1944
    Son of Maurice and Elizabeth Moriarty, of Dingle, Co. Kerry, Irish Republic; husband of Mary Moriarty, of Cricklewood, Middlesex.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: I, N, 6.

    Guardsman JAMES GEORGE JOHNSON 2718981, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 20 on 23 February 1944
    Son of George and Annie Sophia Johnson, of Lydd, Kent.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: I, S, 12.

    Guardsman WILLIAM HENRY CORLETT 2721808, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 23 on 04 February 1944
    Son of Robert and Florence May Corlett, of Liverpool.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: I, T, 2.

    Guardsman EDWARD FARRELL 2723080, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 21 on 26 January 1944
    Son of Joseph and Elizabeth Farrell, of Paisley, Renfrewshire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: I, U, 11.

    Lance Corporal JOHN MURRAY 2722117, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 23 on 04 February 1944
    Son of John and Blanche Murray, of Stalybridge, Cheshire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: I, W, 3.

    Guardsman CHARLES HENRY RUSH 2722016, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 24 on 08 February 1944
    Son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Rush; husband of Ruby Dorothy Rush, of Pinner, Middlesex.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: II, E, 1.

    Guardsman ALEC CHARLES GILBERT 2720508, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 24 on 17 February 1944
    Son of John and Kate E. Gilbert, of Whisby, Lincolnshire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: II, H, 10.

    Guardsman ARTHUR WEST 2721397, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 24 on 19 February 1944
    Grave/Memorial Reference: II, M, 4.

    Serjeant HENRY HARLOW 2717279, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 37 on 09 February 1944
    Son of William and Annie T. Harlow; husband of Cicely Freda Harlow.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: II, N, 5.

    Lance Corporal RONALD GEORGE THOMPSON 2720801, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 24 on 24 February 1944
    Son of Isaac and Louisa Thompson, of Lancaster.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: II, R, 7.

    Serjeant PATRICK DUNNE 2716910, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 37 on 08 February 1944
    Grave/Memorial Reference: II, U, 1.

    Guardsman FRANK STUBBS 2720447, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 27 on 30 January 1944
    Son of Frank and Sarah Stubbs, of Congleton, Cheshire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: II, W, 10.

    BRADLEY, JOHN JAMES, Guardsman 2722124, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 26 on 31 January 1944
    Son of John James Bradley and Martha Bradley, of Stockport, Cheshire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: III, B, 7.

    Guardsman PATRICK McNAMARA 2718572, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 28 on 02 February 1944
    Son of Maurice and Elizabeth McNamara; husband of Emily Ellen McNamara, of Clerkenwell, London.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: III, F, 10.

    Lieutenant CHRISTOPHER MICHAEL MUSGRAVE 247102, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 20 on 30 January 1944
    Son of Lt.-Col. Sir Christopher Norman Musgrave, 6th Bt., and of Lady Musgrave (Nee Chapman), of Strandtown, Co. Down, Northern Ireland.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: III, K, 1.

    Lieutenant PATRICK CLEMENTS DA COSTA 156083, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 23 on 30 January 1944
    Son of Darnley Clements Campbell Da Costa and Mary Christine Da Costa. His brother DARNLEY PETER LAMONT DA COSTA also died.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: III, K, 11.

    Lieutenant The Hon. STEPHEN EDWARD THOMAS PRESTON 228338, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 23 on 30 January 1944
    Son of Jenico Edward Joseph Preston, 15th Viscount Gormanston, and of Eileen, Viscountess Gormanston, of Gormanston Castle, Co. Meath, Irish Republic.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: III, K, 2.

    Guardsman EDWARD MICHAEL KELLY 2717567, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 32 on 30 January 1944
    Son of George and Ellen Kelly, of Belfast, Northern Ireland.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: III, K, 3.

    Lance Corporal JOSEPH O'DONNELL 2716792, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 42 on 30 January 1944
    Son of John and Annie O'Donnell, of Atherton, Lancashire; husband of Annie O'Donnell, of Atherton.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: III, K, 4.

    Guardsman TERENCE DOLAN 2718647, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 29 on 30 January 1944
    Son of Michael and Catherine Dolan; husband of Evelyn Dolan.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: III, K, 5.

    Lance Serjeant GEORGE EDWARD MURPHY 2718878, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 24 on 30 January 1944
    Son of Josephine Mary Murphy, and stepson of Arthur Thomas Hawkins, of Edgbaston, Birmingham.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: III, K, 6.

    Guardsman JAMES PATRICK DUGGAN 2717006, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 34 on 30 January 1944
    Son of John and Mary Duggan; husband of Rebecca Beatrice Duggan, of Brentford, Middlesex.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: III, K, 7.

    Guardsman EDWARD DOWLING 2722197, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 32 on 30 January 1944
    Grave/Memorial Reference: III, K, 8.

    Guardsman JAMES WELSH 2722241, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 31 on 30 January 1944
    Son of Robert and Mary Welsh, of Manchester.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: III, K, 9.

    Guardsman PATRICK JOSEPH O'BRIEN 2721861, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 34 on 30 January 1944
    Son of Dennis and Anne O'Brien; husband of Beatrice Ella O'Brien.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: III, K, 10.

    Guardsman VINCENT BROOKS 2721665, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 27 on 30 January 1944
    Son of Frank and Lillian Brooks; husband of Winifred Dorothy Brooks.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: III, K, 12.

    Guardsman JOHN FREDERICK RANCE 2723016, 4 Coy., 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 21 on 04 February 1944
    Son of Frank and Eva Rance, of Liverpool.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: III, L, 5.

    Guardsman EDWARD BURKE 2718797, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 28 on 09 February 1944
    Son of Michael and Ellen Burke, of Cork, Irish Republic.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: III, W, 1.

    Guardsman HARRY WILLIAMSON 2721306, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 30 on 30 January 1944
    Son of Thomas and Sarah Williamson; husband of Phyllis Williamson, of Letchworth, Hertfordshire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: III, W, 2.

    Guardsman GERARD PATRICK REDMOND 2720474, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 23 on 27 January 1944
    Son of John and Mary Redmond.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: IV, A, 6.

    Guardsman THOMAS JOHN GIBSON 2719629, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 29 on 26 January 1944
    Son of Thomas J. and Ellen Gibson; husband of Annie Jane Gibson.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: IV, A, 9.

    Lance Corporal TIMOTHY QUINN 2717303, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 34 on 04 February 1944
    Son of Timothy and Ellen Quinn; husband of Rose A. Quinn, of East Croydon, Surrey.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: IV, D, 5.

    Guardsman WILLIAM MURPHY 2721590, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 33 on 30 January 1944
    Son of Thomas and Henrietta Murphy.
    Remembered with honour ANZIO WAR CEMETERY
    Grave/Memorial Reference: IV, E, 1.

    Lance Corporal GEORGE FREDERICK HOLWELL 4855664, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 30 on 30 January 1944
    Son of George A. and Elizabeth Holwell; husband of Beatrice Holwell, of Hendon, Middlesex.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: IV, E, 2.

    Lieutenant HENRY JOSEPH GILLOW 87530, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 28 on 30 January 1944
    Son of Henry Paulyn Gillow, J.P., and Marie Gillow, of Bowdon, Cheshire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: IV, E, 3.

    Warrant Officer Class II GEORGE GILMORE 2718644, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 28 on 30 January 1944
    Son of Isaiah and Emma Gilmore; husband of Marjorie Kathleen Lily Gilmore, of Shirley, Surrey.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: IV, E, 4.

    Guardsman JOHN WILLIAM MELIA 2720191, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 27 on 30 January 1944
    Son of Joseph and Daisy Melia, of Leeds, Yorkshire; husband of Elsie Melia, of Leeds.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: IV, E, 6.

    Lance Serjeant WILLIAM McDERMOTT 2717766, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died on 26 January 1944
    Grave/Memorial Reference: IV, F, 2.

    Serjeant JOHN JOSEPH QUINN Mentioned in Despatches 2716882, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 35 on 27 January 1944
    Son of John and Rosa Anne Quinn; husband of Mildred Doreen Quinn, of South Croydon, Surrey.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: IV, H, 1.

    Guardsman DAVID AYRE 2718668, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 26 on 26 January 1944
    Grave/Memorial Reference: IV, H, 2.

    Guardsman MIDGLEY BARRETT 2720456, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 27 on 26 January 1944
    Son of Henry and Margaret Isobella Barrett, of Barnoldswick, Yorkshire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: IV, H, 3.

    Guardsman WILLIAM CHARLES ANGELL 2720952, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 29 on 26 January 1944
    Son of William Eustace Reginald and Edith Angell; husband of Elsie Rosalie Angell, of Yealmpton, Devon.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: IV, H, 4.

    Lance Serjeant MICHAEL WYLES 2718063, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 31 on 26 January 1944
    Son of John Wyles, and of Mary Wyles, of Camp, Co. Kerry, Irish Republic.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: IV, H, 5.

    Guardsman FRANCIS GYTE 2721522, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 23 on 26 January 1944
    Son of Joseph B. and Lydia Gyte, of Buxton, Derbyshire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: IV, H, 6.

    Guardsman JOHN DEVANEY 2717367, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 36 on 26 January 1944
    Grave/Memorial Reference: IV, H, 7.

    Guardsman JOHN MILLNE 2722825, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 21 on 26 January 1944
    Son of John and Elizabeth Millne, of Old Swan, Liverpool.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: IV, H, 8.

    Guardsman LAURENCE O'REILLY 2722478, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 26 on 30 January 1944
    Son of James and Sarah O'Reilly, of Clones, Co. Monaghan, Irish Republic.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: IV, J, 5.

    Lance Corporal FREDERICK ARTHUR DAY 2721560, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 27 on 30 January 1944
    Son of William Arthur and Gladys Day; husband of Irene Maud Day, of Whitstable, Kent.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: IV, J, 6.

    Guardsman JOHN O'NEILL 2723120, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 20 on 30 January 1944
    Son of Joseph and Ellen O'Neill, of Belfast, Northern Ireland.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: IV, J, 7.

    Lance Corporal WILLIAM SAMUEL JOHNSTON 2722971, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 28 on 30 January 1944
    Son of William J. and Jeanie Johnston, of Ballymoney, Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: IV, J, 8.

    Lance Serjeant FREDERICK CHARLES CARTLIDGE 2722791, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 23
    on 30 January 1944
    Son of William Percy and Mary Emily Cartlidge, of Belfast, Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: IV, J, 9.

    Guardsman WILFRED ERNEST GIBSON 2718921, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 31 on 30 January 1944
    Son of Joseph and Annie Jane Gibson; husband of Iris Gibson, of Purley, Surrey.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: IV, J, 10.

    Guardsman WILLIAM BYRNE 2721609, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 28 on 30 January 1944
    Son of Terence and Annie Byrne, of Pendleton, Salford, Lancashire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: IV, J, 11.

    Lance Corporal THOMAS BORLAND 2718680, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 26 on 30 January 1944
    Son of Joseph and Sarah Borland; husband of Martha Borland.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: IV, J, 12.

    Guardsman ROBERT JOSEPH HEWITT 2722345, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 33 on 26 January 1944
    Husband of Elizabeth Harrison Hewitt, of Dingle, Liverpool.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: IV, K, 8.

    Guardsman EDWARD DARCY 2721614, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 32 on 26 January 1944
    Son of Edward and Elizabeth Darcy, of Paisley, Renfrewshire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: IV, K, 9.

    Guardsman JAMES McGALE 2721480, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 36 on 26 January 1944
    Son of James and Rosana McGale; husband of Violet Mary McGale, of Pakefield, Suffolk.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: IV, K, 10.

    Guardsman GEORGE DICKENS 2720446, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 27 on 26 January 1944
    Grave/Memorial Reference: IV, K, 11.

    Lance Corporal ANTHONY HENNESSY 2718238, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 29 on 26 January 1944
    Son of William and Margaret Hennessy; husband of Maureen Hennessy, of South Croydon, Surrey.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: IV, K, 12.

    Lance Serjeant RICHARD HENRY O'CONNELL 2719569, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 34 on 08 February 1944
    Son of Martin and Annie O'Connell, of Castlewarren, Co. Kilkenny, Irish Republic.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: IV, M, 7.

    Guardsman MICHAEL MORAN 2721290, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 28 on 08 February 1944
    Son of Patrick and Margaret Moran; husband of Mary Kathleen Moran, of Sanderstead, Surrey.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: IV, M, 10.

    Guardsman MARK UPTON 2722120, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 30 on 08 February 1944
    Son of Sidney and Annie Upton; husband of Millicent Upton, of Latchford Without, Cheshire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: IV, O, 8.

    Guardsman CLIFFORD SHEFFIELD 2721295, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 29 on 04 February 1944
    Foster-son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Froggatt; husband of Ruby Sheffield, of Royston, Yorkshire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: IV, T, 7.

    Guardsman EDWARD O'BEIRNE 2718492, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 29 on 04 February 1944
    Son of William and Catherine O'Beirne.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: IV, U, 7.

    Lance Corporal DENIS JOSEPH FORAN Mentioned in Despatches 2718838, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 25 on 04 February 1944
    Son of Denis and Margaret Foran, of Labasheeda, Co. Clare, Republic of Ireland.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: IV, U, 10.

    Guardsman SYDNEY GEERING 2720909, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 28 on 04 February 1944
    Son of George and Emma Geering, of Goole, Yorkshire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: IV, U, 11.

    Guardsman RICHARD SUMNER 2721222, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 28 on 04 February 1944
    Son of John and Isabella Sumner, of Croston, Lancashire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: IV, V, 5.

    Guardsman JOSEPH SMITH 2718369, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 27 on 04 February 1944
    Son of George and Elizabeth Smith, of Dublin, Irish Republic.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: IV, V, 6.

    Guardsman JAMES BOOTH 2721267, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 28 on 04 February 1944
    Grave/Memorial Reference: IV, X, 1.

    Lance Corporal ANDREWS WOODS 2719338, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 34 on 06 February 1944
    Husband of Annie Woods, of Tempo, Co. Fermanagh, Northern Ireland.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: VII, A, 4.


    Remembered with honour BARI WAR CEMETERY

    TOBIN, CHARLES FRANCIS TOBIN Guardsman 2719627, Irish Guards and 1st, Special Air Service Regiment, A.A.C. who died age 23 on 04 September 1943
    Son of Charles and Bridget Tobin, of Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny, Irish Republic.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: VII. D. 18.

    REYNOLDS MAURICE JOSEPH REYNOLDS Guardsman 2718228, Irish Guards and 2nd, Special Air Service Regiment, A.A.C. who died age 30 on 11 December 1943
    Grave/Memorial Reference: XIV. E. 35.
    Remembered with honour BEACH HEAD WAR CEMETERY, ANZIO

    Guardsman STEPHEN BARKER 2722272, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 32 on 04 February 1944
    Son of William and Nellie Barker, of Burnley, Lancashire; husband of Phyllis Barker, of Burnley.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: XVI. G. 10.

    Lance Serjeant ANTHONY ASHTON D C M 2721511, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 23 on 04 February 1944
    Son of Wilfred and Jane Ashton, of Burnley, Lancashire; husband of Gladys Ashton, of Burnley.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: XVII. F. 6.

    Guardsman HAROLD YEOMAN TAYLOR 14220910, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 20 on 23 February 1944
    Son of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Taylor, of Smallbridge, Rochdale, Lancashire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: XVIII. C. 9.

    Guardsman FRANCIS ARTHUR HITCHIN 2721856, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 24 on 26 January 1944
    Grave/Memorial Reference: XVIII. E. 8.

    Lance Corporal STANLEY BROADBENT 2720379, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 27 on 23 February 1944
    Son of Arthur Bennett Broadbent and Clara Broadbent; husband of Hilda Ruth Myfanwy Broadbent, of Honley, Yorkshire. A.R.C.A.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: XIX. F. 7.

    Captain ROBERT NEVILLE DESMOND YOUNG 137409, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 27 on 23 February 1944
    Son of Robert Chichester Young and Amy Isabel Young; husband of Mary Young, of Sanderstead, Surrey.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: XX. C. 1.

    Guardsman WILLIAM JARVIS HOTEN 2720727, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 24 on 23 February 1944
    Son of Jarvis and Doris Miriam Hoten, of Newstead Colliery, Nottinghamshire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: XX. C. 4.

    Guardsman MALCOLM McCRACKEN 2718566, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died on 22 February 1944
    Grave/Memorial Reference: XX. C. 12.

    Lieutenant CHARLES JAMES WILLIAM BARTLET 174882, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 24
    on 08 February 1944
    Son of William James Garden Bartlet and Mildred Maud Bartlet; husband of Sylvia Mary Bartlet (nee Wilson), of Pangbourne, Berks.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: XX. J. 11.

    Serjeant JAMES WYLIE D C M 2719527, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 37 on 24 February 1944
    Son of William and Elizabeth Wylie, of Belfast, Northern Ireland; husband of Elizabeth Wylie, of Belfast.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: XXII. B. 4.



    Guardsman OWEN CORRIGAN 2721586, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died on 30 July 1944
    Grave/Memorial Reference: Sec. A. Row L.F. Grave 39.


    Remembered with honour BERLIN 1939-1945 WAR CEMETERY

    2722808 Thomas BRANNAN, 1 Irish Guards: POW, 07/08/1944 who died age 23
    Son of Patrick and Margaret Brannan, of Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 11. B. 19.

    2721475 Guardsman Thomas DUNNE, 1 Irish Guards: POW, 06/11/1944 who died age 32 on 06 November 1944
    Son of John and Margaret Dunne, of Birr, Co. Offally, Irish Republic.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 11. D. 21.

    Guardsman EDWARD MORRIS GARRITY 2723028, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 22 on 12 June 1944
    Son of Arthur and Lucy Garrity, of Liverpool.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 11. B. 11.


    Remembered with honour BONE WAR CEMETERY, ANNABA

    Guardsman GEORGE EDWARD BROCKBANK 2720432, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 28 on 19 May 1943
    Son of John and Margaret Brockbank, of Salford, Lancashire; husband of Hilda Brockbank, of Salford.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: IV. A. 12.

    Lieutenant MICHAEL JOHN EUGSTER 233195, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 21 on 28 April 1943
    Son of Lt.-Col. Oscar Louis Eugster and Edith Mary Eugster.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: IV. E. 10.


    Remembered with honour BROMPTON CEMETERY

    Bandsman HENRY MALBON MATHER 3764247, 6th Bn., Irish Guards who died age 34 on 20 April 1941
    Son of William and Florence Beatrice Mather.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: Plot N (Guards Plot). Grave 190835.


    Remembered with honour BROOKWOOD MEMORIAL

    Lieutenant Colonel LUCIUS WILLIAM ARMSTRONG-MacDONNELL 51929, Irish Guards attd. Combined Operations H.Q. who died age 35 on 23 March 1943
    Son of William Henry and Mabel Sedgwick Armstrong-MacDonnell, of Beattock, Dumfriesshire; husband of Valerie Muir Armstrong-MacDonnell.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: Panel 8. Column 2.

    Guardsman DENIS KEVIN McLOUGHLIN 2718911, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 20 on 15 May 1940
    Son of Patrick McLoughlin, and of Margaret McLoughlin, of Millicent Sallins, Co. Kildare, Irish Republic.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: Panel 8. Column 3.

    Guardsman EDWARD WILLIAM DRAPER 2717810, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 29 on 15 May 1940
    Son of Richard and Sarah Draper, of Bantry, Co. Cork, Irish Republic.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: Panel 8. Column 3.

    Captain JOHN REGINALD DURHAM-MATTHEWS 27656, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 36 on 15 May 1940
    Son of Durham and Eileen Matthews; husband of Philippa Avril Durham-Matthews, of Chelsea, London.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: Panel 8. Column 2.

    Lieutenant FREDERICK ROBERTS ALEXANDER LEWIN 67054, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 25 on 15 May 1940
    Son of Brigadier-General Henry Frederick Elliott Lewin, C.B., C.M.G., D.L., J.P., and of Ada Edwina Stewart Lewin, Countess Roberts, O.B.E., of Ascot, Berkshire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: Panel 8. Column 2.

    Major THOMAS ARCHIBALD HACKET-PAIN 18189, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 40 on 14 May 1940
    Son of Sir William Hacket-Pain and Lady Hacket-Pain; husband of Marjorie Hacket-Pain, of Carrick-on-Suir, Co. Tipperary, Irish Republic.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: Panel 8. Column 2.

    Captain The Hon. BRIAN ARTHUR O'NEILL 49895, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died on 14 May 1940
    Grave/Memorial Reference: Panel 8. Column 2.

    Major JOHN GILLIAT 63033, Irish Guards who died age 30 on 18 June 1944
    Son of John Francis Grey Gilliat and Lilian Florence Maud Gilliat, of Sunningdale, Berkshire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: St. Chad's Avenue, Grave 209123.


    Remembered with honour BROOKWOOD MILITARY CEMETERY

    Serjeant M FITZHARRIS 2718131, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 24 on 15 August 1941
    Son of Margaret Fitzharris, of Cobh, Co. Cork, Irish Republic.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 5. H. 6.

    Guardsman WILLIAM JAMES ABERNETHY 2717734, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died on 06 May 1944
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 33A. A. 4.



    Lance Serjeant GEORGE ANGUS 2718810, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 21 on 26 November 1941
    Son of Robert and Agnes Angus, of Shankbridge; husband of Ivy Violet Angus.


    Brigadier FRANK HOLE WITTS D S O, M C Cdg. 8th Inf. Bde., General Staff and Irish Guards who died age 54 on 09 May 1941
    Son of the Revd. Canon F. E. Broome Witts, and of Margaret Witts (nee Bourne), of Upper Slaughter, Gloucestershire; husband of Ruth Leonide Witts (nee Brocklebank), of Twyford, Hampshire. Twice mentioned in Despatches, 1914-18 War.
    Remembered with honour BUCHANAN CHURCHYARD EXTENSION
    Grave/Memorial Reference: Plot 2. Sec. J. Grave 1.


    Remembered with honour CASERTA WAR CEMETERY
    Guardsman CECIL GRAHAM 2718653, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 25 on 13 March 1944
    Son of William and Jane Graham; husband of Robina E. Graham, of Belfast, Northern Ireland.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: V, C, 18.


    Remembered with honour CASSINO MEMORIAL
    Grave/Memorial Reference: Panel 4.

    Lance Corporal THOMAS DEMPSEY 2722712, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 28 on 23 February 1944

    Guardsman RICHARD HALL 2719489, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 28 on 04 February 1944
    Husband of Emily Hall, of Bolton, Lancashire.

    Lance Corporal GEORGE HARGREAVES 2720323, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 27 on 24 February 1944
    Son of Walter and Elizabeth Hargreaves; husband of Mary Hargreaves, of Greenfield, Oldham, Lancashire.

    Lance Corporal PHILIP HARRIS 2717206, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 36 on 04 February 1944
    Son of James and Margaret Harris.

    Guardsman STANLEY AUSTIN HUGHES 2719891, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 26 on 22 February 1944
    Son of George and Fanny Hughes, of Liverpool.
    Guardsman WILLIAM BENNETT 2720339, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 23 on 04 February 1944
    Son of James and Mary Bennett, of Old Swan, Liverpool; husband of Eileen Phyllis Bennett.

    Captain JOHN ST. GEORGE GUNSTON 124477, Irish Guards and, Special Air Service Regiment, A.A.C. who died on 07 March 1944

    Guardsman GEORGE MILLER 2722391, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 22 on 04 February 1944
    Son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Miller; husband of Ivy Miller, of Ardwick, Manchester.
    Guardsman GEORGE BANDTOCK 2717130, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 33 on 24 February 1944

    Guardsman WILLIAM HOPE 2722640, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 28 on 24 February 1944

    Guardsman NORMAN ROWSON 2721043, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 29 on 04 February 1944
    Son of Thomas and Daisy Rowson; husband of Ann Rowson, of Dunston-on-Tyne, Co. Durham.

    Guardsman WILLIAM ARTHUR HOUGHTON 2719874, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 24
    between 08 February 1944 and 09 February 1944
    Son of Arthur Houghton, and of Ethel Houghton, of Ravenhead, Lancashire.

    Lance Corporal WILLIAM WALSH 2722604, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 28 on 21 February 1944
    Son of William and Winifred Walsh; husband of Constance Walsh, of Hazel Grove, Cheshire.

    Guardsman JAMES BATTERSBY 2723424, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 19 on 22 February 1944
    Son of James and Annie Battersby, of Sutton Heath, Lancashire.

    Lance Corporal THOMAS STEWART CRAWFORD 2720295, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 33 on 04 February 1944
    Son of Alexander and Maggie Bella Crawford, of Fintona, Co. Tyrone, Northern Ireland.

    Guardsman ABRAHAM BRADSHAW 2720540, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 27 on 30 January 1944
    Son of George and Mary Bradshaw, of Widnes, Lancashire.

    Guardsman HAROLD COLBECK 2721806, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 23 on 26 January 1944
    Son of Henry and Edith Alice Colbeck, of Chorlton-on-Medlock, Manchester; husband of I. Colbeck, of Manchester.

    Guardsman ALBERT KIDD 2720402, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 27 on 08 February 1944
    Son of Frank and Lily Kidd; husband of E. Kidd, of Clifford, Yorkshire.

    Serjeant EDWARD MAHER M M 2721745, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 33 on 26 October 1943
    Son of Patrick J. and Elizabeth Maher.

    Guardsman PATRICK GEORGE MANLY 2718881, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 26 on 04 February 1944

    Guardsman WALTER JAMES PETERS 2722661, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 29 on 04 February 1944
    Son of Ernest and Maria Peters.

    Lance Corporal WILLIAM WALSH 2722604, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 28 on 21 February 1944
    Son of William and Winifred Walsh; husband of Constance Walsh, of Hazel Grove, Cheshire.

    Guardsman WILLIAM POLLOCK 2718328, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 26 on 08 February 1944

    Guardsman VICTOR COOMBER 2719942, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 24 on 04 February 1944
    Son of Lilian Coomber, of Upper Norwood, London.


    Remembered with honour CASSINO WAR CEMETERY

    Guardsman GEORGE W. LEE 1875581, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 21 on 08 February 1944
    (Served as CONNOR, James). Son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lee, of Bolton, Lancashire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: XIV. A. 23.

    Guardsman JAMES CONNOR 1875581, ALIAS who died on 08 February 1944
    See LEE, the true family name.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: XIV. A. 23.


    Remembered with honour CLICHY NORTHERN CEMETERY

    Guardsman JAMES ARTHUR ROE 2719806, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 25 on 09 May 1945
    Son of John and Elizebeth Roe, of Edgbaston, Birmingham.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: Plot 16. Row 11. Grave 10.


    Remembered with honour CORBY CEMETERY

    Guardsman JOHN PATRICK McCANN 2720061, Irish Guards who died age 21 on 26 August 1940
    Son of John and Mary McCann, of Corby.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: Row 62. Grave 1.


    Remembered with honour DAISY HILL (ST. JAMES) CHURCHYARD

    Guardsman RICHARD JOHN WADDINGTON 2719229, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 23 on 19 April 1941
    Son of Robert and Mary Ann Waddington, of Westhoughton.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: Bay 31. Grave 1A.


    Remembered with honour DURNBACH WAR CEMETERY

    Guardsman ALBERT MARCHINGTON 2720848, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 25 between 27 April 1945 and 08 May 1945
    Son of Joseph and Sarah Ann Marchington, of Dove Holes, Derbyshire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 3. F. 24.


    Remembered with honour EFFIN CEMETERY

    Guardsman JOHN SHEEHY 2717906, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died on 20 May 1940


    Remembered with honour FLORENCE WAR CEMETERY

    Guardsman MARTIN BRENNAN 2716885, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 39 on 13 April 1944
    Son of Daniel and Mary Brennan; husband of Bridget Brennan. of Dagenham, Essex.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: V. E. 3.


    Remembered with honour HANOVER WAR CEMETERY

    Guardsman VICTOR ERNEST WARNER 2722482, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 24 on 11 March 1945
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 15. A. 1.


    Remembered with honour HARSTAD CEMETERY

    Guardsman JAMES CORBETT 2717086, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 26 on 16 May 1940
    Son of James and Anne Corbett, of Warrington, Lancashire; husband of Ivy Corbett, of Warrington.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: Allied Plot D. 4.

    Guardsman JOHN ALFRED ELLIOT 2718736, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 24 on 14 May 1940
    Son of Andrew and Mary Jane Elliott, of Blacklion, Co. Cavan, Irish Republic.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: Allied Plot F. 4.
    See no. 234 for poss. Brother?

    Major VIVIAN VANDELEUR GILBART-DENHAM 33666, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 35 on 27 May 1940
    Son of Sir James Denham, Kt. M.A., and Lady Denham; husband of Diana Gilbart-Denham, of Nawton, Yorkshire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: Allied Plot E. 2.

    Guardsman ALLAN McCLELLAND 2718831, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 20 on 20 May 1940
    Son of Andrew and Annie McClelland, of Belfast, Northern Ireland.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: Allied Plot F. 1.

    Guardsman WALTER RIGBY 2695829, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 20 on 15 May 1940
    Son of James and Susan Rigby, of Wolstanton, Stoke-on-Trent.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: Allied Plot E. 5.

    Guardsman EDMOND SLINEY 2716210, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 38 on 15 May 1940
    Son of Patrick and Mary Sliney; husband of Annie Sliney, of Carrigaline, Co. Cork, Irish Republic.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: Allied Plot D. 5.

    Guardsman HUGH SMITH 2717070, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 30 on 10 May 1940
    Son of Patrick and Kate Smith; husband of Muriel Smith, of Dagenham, Essex.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: Allied Plot F. 8.



    Guardsman JOHN FRANCIS BRADY 2725373, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 21 on 05 July 1945
    Son of John and Mary A. Brady, of Belcoo.


    Remembered with honour IRNHAM (ST. ANDREW) CHURCHYARD

    Guardsman LIONEL THOMAS PEASGOOD 2721009, Irish Guards who died age 21 on 05 July 1941
    Son of Thomas James and Annie Maria Peasgood, of Irnham.


    Remembered with honour KHAYAT BEACH WAR CEMETERY

    Guardsman A BRYDON 2725276, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 20 on 19 April 1947
    Son of Walter and Catherine Brydon, of Walton, Liverpool.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: D. C. 8.

    Guardsman L G BURNETT 2725030, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died on 19 March 1947
    Grave/Memorial Reference: D. B. 3.


    Remembered with honour KVIBERG CEMETERY

    Lance Corporal THOMAS J. CAHILL 2717981, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 27 on 05 September 1940
    Son of William and Anna Cahill, of Phibsborough, Dublin, Irish Republic.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 3. A. 10.


    Remembered with honour LEEDS ROMAN CATHOLIC CEMETERY

    Guardsman JAMES O'BOYLE 2721457, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 29 on 16 April 1941
    Son of Thomas and Mary O'Boyle; husband of Mary O'Boyle, of East End Park, Leeds.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: Sec. J. Grave 245.


    Remembered with honour LA REUNION WAR CEMETERY

    Guardsman JOHN RICE 2720860, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 23 on 05 April 1943
    Son of Joseph and Mary Ellen Rice, of Churchtown, Southport, Lancashire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 2. A. 6.

    Serjeant THOMAS HENRY MAWHINNEY M M 2717551, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 34 on 13 May 1943
    Son of Matthew and Agnes Mawhinney; husband of Mary Mawhinney, of Castleblayney, Co. Monaghan, Irish Republic.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 2. C. 6.


    Remembered with honour LITTLEPORT NEW CEMETERY
    Guardsman ALAN COLE 2724519, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 18 on 04 January 1945
    Son of Joseph and Laura Blanche Cole, of Littleport.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: Sec. E. Grave 619.



    Guardsman ARTHUR LAVERY 2718339, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 26 on 05 May 1945
    Son of James and Mary Lavery, of Lurgan.


    Remembered with honour MANCHESTER (PHILIPS PARK) CEMETERY

    Guardsman JAMES WILKINSON 2720116, Irish Guards who died age 23 on 19 April 1941
    Son of James and Annie Wilkinson, of Miles Platting, Manchester.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: Sec. F. Church. Grave 112.


    Remembered with honour MASSICAULT WAR CEMETERY

    Lance Corporal RALPH LOCKLEY 2722901, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 21 on 30 April 1943
    Son of Victor and Elsie Victoria Lockley, of Liverpool; husband of Agnes Angela Lockley, of Liverpool.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: V. J. 1.

    Guardsman SYDNEY ALBERT DRAKE 2719137, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 25 on 27 April 1943
    Son of Albert William and Ethel Harriet Drake, of Wimbledon, Surrey.
    Remembered with honour MASSICAULT WAR CEMETERY
    Grave/Memorial Reference: III. H. 10.

    Guardsman GERARD MICHAEL REID 2722642, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 29 on 30 April 1943
    Son of Michael and Annie Reid, of Kilmessan, Co. Neath, Irish Republic.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: III. K. 10.

    Lieutenant DENNIS GERALD MADDEN Mentioned in Despatches 156080, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 32 on 30 April 1943
    Son of Gerald Hugh Charles and Mabel Lucy Madden; husband of Rosalind Madden. Barrister-at-Law.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: V. J. 20.

    Guardsman REGINALD VARE 2720441, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 23 on 30 April 1943
    Son of James and Bertha Vare, of Bollington, Cheshire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: III. E. 17.

    Guardsman HERBERT MAGEE 2719655, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 25 on 27 April 1943
    Son of Edward and Agnes Magee, of Newcastle, Co. Down, Northern Ireland.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: III. E. 19.

    Lance Serjeant THOMAS MAGUIRE 2718338, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 26 on 06 May 1943
    Son of Bernard and Rose Ann Maguire, of Tullyrosmearn, Co. Fermanagh, Northern Ireland.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: III. H. 20.

    Lieutenant FRANCIS ARTHUR MAHAFFY 165051, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 22 on 27 April 1943
    Son of Robert Pentland Mahaffy, and of the Hon. Mrs. Mahaffy, of Chislehurst, Kent. Exhibitioner of King's College, Cambridge.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: V. M. 9.

    Guardsman FREDERIC ARTHUR ALLCOCK 2720817, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 23 on 27 April 1943
    Son of Jesse and Jane Allcock; husband of Margaret Allcock, of Castle Northwich, Cheshire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: V. C. 19.

    Guardsman ERNEST GILBERT BATTEY 2723087, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 20 on 27 April 1943
    Son of Ernest and Mary Battey, of Old Glossop, Derbyshire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: III. K. 11.

    Guardsman JAMES BRADY 2719497, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died on 29 April 1943
    Son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Brady, of Ballyjamesduff, Co. Cavan, Irish Republic.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: V. M. 10.

    Guardsman RICHARD WILKINSON BLACKBURN 2722335, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 32
    on 28 April 1943
    Son of William and Mary Ellen Blackburn, of Winmarleigh, Lancashire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: V. J. 2.

    Guardsman LEONARD SYDNEY MELLISH 2719746, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 23 on 27 April 1943
    Son of John and Alice Mellish, of Wandsworth, London.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: III. F. 20.

    Guardsman JEREMIAH MURPHY 2716837, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 38 on 27 April 1943
    Son of James and Mary Murphy, of Bere Island, Co. Cork, Irish Republic.
    Remembered with honour MASSICAULT WAR CEMETERY
    Grave/Memorial Reference: V. C. 16.

    Lieutenant JOHN JOSHUA NUNN Mentioned in Despatches 165064, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 22
    on 30 April 1943
    Son of Joshua L. and Mabel F. Nunn, of Castlebridge, Co. Wexford, Irish Republic.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: V. G. 13.

    Lance Serjeant DAVID O'CONNOR 2716913, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 35 on 27 April 1943
    Son of Thomas and Esther O'Connor; husband of Bridget O'Connor, of Cathair, Co. Tipperary, Irish Republic.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: V. C. 18.

    Lieutenant JOHN GEORGE ALEXANDER PYM 219073, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 20 on 27 April 1943
    Son of Maj. Alexander Ruthven Pym, Irish Guards, and Violet Helen Marie Pym, of Charing, Kent.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: V. G. 5.

    Warrant Officer Class II ROBERT MALONE 2716873, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 34 on 27 April 1943
    Son of Henry and Elizabeth Mary Malone; husband of Jeannie Malone, of Little Heath, Potters Bar, Middlesex.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: V. C. 17.

    Guardsman JOHN PATRICK MANLEY 2720377, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 23 on 27 April 1943
    Son of Patrick and Sarah Anne Manley, of Burnley, Lancashire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: V. J. 18.

    Guardsman OWEN ROBERT HARRIS 2717743, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 34 on 30 April 1943
    Son of Philip and Catherine Mary Harris, of Brownswood, Co. Wexford, Irish Republic; husband of Mary Jane Harris. of Brownswood.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: V. J. 3.

    Guardsman JOHN HARRIS Mentioned in Despatches 2721001, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 28 on 28 April 1943
    Son of John and Katherine Harris, of Deptford, London.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: V. J. 14.

    Lance Serjeant MICHAEL KINANE 2721739, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 30 on 30 April 1943
    Son of Patrick and Cathrine Kinane; husband of Jennie Kinane, of Cricklewood, Middlesex.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: V. J. 12.

    Guardsman CYRIL LEMAN ROSENDALE 2721292, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 28 on 30 April 1943
    Grave/Memorial Reference: V. K. 2.

    Guardsman ROBERT TWEED 2719086, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died on 30 April 1943
    Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Tweed, of Ballymoney, Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: V. G. 10.

    Lance Corporal PATRICK JOSEPH DUFFY 2717825, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 34 on 29 April 1943
    Son of Joseph and Brigid Duffy.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: V. C. 12.

    Guardsman THOMAS DUNNE 3384137, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 30 on 30 April 1943
    Son of Edward and Elizabeth Dunne; husband of Edith Dunne, of Chelsea, London.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: V. G. 6.

    Guardsman JOHN HALL 2721781, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 31 on 27 April 1943
    Son of George and Dorothy Hall, of Glossop, Derbyshire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: V. J. 8.

    Guardsman CHARLES HANDLEY 2721897, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 23 on 30 April 1943
    Son of Ralph and Annie Handley, of Manchester; husband of Violet Handley, of Openshaw, Manchester.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: V. J. 16.

    Guardsman JOHN MOLOUGHNEY 2721240, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died on 30 April 1943
    Son of James Moloughney, and of Johanna Moloughney (nee Brien), of Thurles, Co. Tipperary, Irish Republic.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: V. J. 9.

    Guardsman ROBERT BRUCE EDWARDS 2718368, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 28 on 30 April 1943
    Son of Albert Edward and Ellen Edwards; husband of Emily Tryphena Edwards, of Eccleshall, Staffordshire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: V. G. 18.

    Warrant Officer Class II MICHAEL ALBERT KINANE 2718799, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 24 on 27 April 1943
    Son of John and Mary Kinane; husband of Mary Ann Kinane.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: III. K. 12.

    Guardsman ROBERT HENRY KING 2720970, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 29 on 29 April 1943
    Son of Robert and Mary King; husband of Isabella King, of Brixton, London.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: V. G. 2.

    Lance Serjeant GEORGE CECIL FRANK KITNEY 2721566, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 26 on 30 April 1943
    Son of Alfred and Ada Jessie Kitney; husband of Ruth Ellen Kitney, of Eccles, Kent.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: V. E. 19.

    Lance Corporal FRANK BUCKLEY 4615494, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 23 on 30 April 1943
    Son of William and Mary Buckley.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: V. K. 5.

    Guardsman BERT KELLY 2718103, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 29 on 30 April 1943
    Husband of Eileen Kelly, of Dulwich, London.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: III. G. 19.

    Drummer EDMUND CHARLES KELLY 2718550, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 21 on 30 April 1943
    Grave/Memorial Reference: V. G. 11.
    Guardsman JAMES HENNESSY 2717841, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 28 on 27 April 1943
    Son of Thomas and Margaret Hennessy; husband of Winifred Margaret Hennessy, of Doncaster, Yorkshire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: V. E. 20.

    Lance Serjeant ROBERT HENDERSON 2722402, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 23 on 29 April 1943
    Son of James and Nellie Henderson, of Belfast, Northern Ireland; husband of Elizabeth Henderson.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: V. J. 10.

    Lance Serjeant JAMES LANDERS 2717927, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 29 on 30 April 1943
    Son of Joseph Patrick and Margaret Landers; husband of Elizabeth Mary Landers, of Glanamman, Carmarthenshire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: V. J. 7.

    Serjeant JAMES DOUGLAS MARR 2717958, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 28 on 27 April 1943
    Grave/Memorial Reference: II. M. 1.

    Guardsman CYRIL VAUSE 2720935, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 28 on 30 April 1943
    Son of Jesse and Florrie Vause, of Brotherton, Yorkshire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: V. G. 17.

    Guardsman ISAAC LILLY WALKER 7019405, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 21 on 28 April 1943
    Son of Isaac and Annie Walker, of Lurgan, Co. Armagh, Northern Ireland.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: III. H. 12.

    Guardsman WILLIAM WALSH 2721242, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died on 28 April 1943
    Grave/Memorial Reference: V. J. 15.
    Guardsman WILLIAM HENRY WHITFIELD 2722912, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 21 on 30 April 1943
    Son of Enoch Holford Whitfield, and of Hannah Louisa Whitfield, of Welling, Kent.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: III. K. 14.

    Guardsman JOHN WOLFENDALE 2720442, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 23 on 27 April 1943
    Son of William and Mary Wolfendale, of Millbrook, Stalybridge, Cheshire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: V. J. 13.

    Guardsman MICHAEL JAMES DEMPSEY 2721077, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 21 on 30 April 1943
    Son of Peter and Esther Dempsey, of Tullamore, King's Co., Irish Republic.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: III. E. 16.

    Captain JOHN BRINSLEY FITZGERALD 69552, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 29 on 27 April 1943
    Son of Capt. Arthur Fitzgerald, and of Mary Fitzgerald, of Hyde Park, London.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: V. M. 6.


    Remembered with honour MEDJEZ-EL-BAB MEMORIAL
    Grave/Memorial Reference: Face 13.

    Major SAMUEL JOHN RENNIE BUCKNILL 102077, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 40 on 30 March 1943
    Husband of Olivia Bucknill, of Hurstbourne Tarrant, Hampshire.

    Captain GEORGE BRUCE ISMAY 7351, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died on 30 April 1943

    Lieutenant ANTHONY WILLIAM TIMOTHY ROCHFORD 165066, 1st Bn., Irish
    Guards who died age 22 on 30 March 1943
    Son of Bernard and Angela Teresa Rochford, of South Kensington, London.

    Lance Serjeant ARTHUR REGINALD HUSTEN BURRISS 2718002, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 27 on 23 April 1943
    Son of Robert and Edith Frances Burriss; husband of Bettie Burriss, of East Grinstead, Sussex.

    Warrant Officer Class I BENJAMIN E.T. PEILOW 2716292, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 31 on 27 April 1943
    Son of Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Peilow, of Monaghan, Irish Republic; husband of V. Peilow, of Rusthall. Tunbridge Wells, Kent.

    2720433, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 27 on 30 April 1943

    Lance Serjeant THOMAS HENRY HOGGETT 2718441, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 24 on 30 April 1943
    Son of Thomas and Gladys Hoggett; husband of Edith Hoggett, of Hurst Green, Surrey.

    Corporal RAYMOND ELLIOTT 2721272, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 28 on 27 April 1943
    Son of William and Amy Elliott; husband of Nellie Elliott.

    Remembered with honour MEDJEZ-EL-BAB MEMORIAL
    Grave/Memorial Reference: Face 14.

    Lance Corporal ALAN DUCKWORTH 2721128, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 23 on 28 March 1943
    Son of John and Ivy Duckworth, of Failsworth, Lancashire.

    Guardsman JOHN GERARD CHAMBERS 2722399, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 32 on 30 March 1943
    Son of John and Bridget Chambers; husband of Margaret Chambers (nee Currie), of Motherwell, Lanarkshire. M.A. Hons. (Glasgow).

    Guardsman ROBERT JOHN PLEASANTS 2720529, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 23 on 30 April 1943
    Son of Frank and Lily Maud Pleasants, of Wrentham, Suffolk.

    Guardsman JOHN BARRY 2717914, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 28 on 23 April 1943
    Son of Patrick and Margaret Barry; husband of Bridget Barry, of Rathdowney, Co. Leix, Irish Republic.

    Guardsman MARK KEADY 2721589, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 30 on 30 March 1943
    Son of Patrick Henry and Catherine Keady; husband of Nora Keady, of Balham, London.

    BECK, CHARLES MALCOLM, Guardsman, 2721164, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 31 on 30 March 1943
    Son of Charles E. and M. A. Beck, of Vancouver, British Columbia. Canada.

    Guardsman WILLIAM BROOKS 2722364, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 32 on 30 March 1943
    Son of William and Sarah Ellen Brooks; husband of Bessie Brooks, of Sandbach, Cheshire.

    Guardsman JOHN LAWRENCE HOYLE 864622, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 24 on 27 April 1943
    Son of C.S.M. Frederick Arthur Hoyle, and of Martha Hoyle, of Liverpool.

    Guardsman DAVID THOMAS PULLIN 2718982, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 19 on 30 April 1943

    Guardsman THOMAS MULLIGAN 6409581, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 23 on 27 April 1943
    Son of Michael and Catherine Mulligan.

    Guardsman HAROLD SIMPSON MURPHY 2719026, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 22 on 30 March 1943
    Son of Thomas Archibald and Margaret Sarah Murphy, of Magheralin, Co. Armagh, Northern Ireland.

    Guardsman NOEL LEWIS 2719312, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 21 on 30 March 1943
    Fosterson of Joseph and Rebecca Rooney; husband of Elsie Muriel Lewis, of Northwood, Middlesex.

    Guardsman KENNETH NOEL MITCHELL 2721037, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 27 on 28 April 1943
    Son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Mitchell, of Easton, Lincolnshire; husband of S. Mitchell, of South Kyme, Lincolnshire.

    Guardsman ERIC JAMES COLLIS 2722679, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 22 on 31 March 1943

    Lance Corporal SAMUEL BROUGH 2721207, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 30 on 30 April 1943
    Son of Henry Baker Brough and Sarah Brough; husband of Norah Brough, of Upton-by-Chester, Cheshire.

    Guardsman HAROLD HARROP 2721719, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 22 on 30 March 1943
    Son of James Harrop, and of Dora Harrop, of Gorton, Manchester.

    Guardsman WILLIAM HESKETH 2721366, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 22 on 30 March 1943

    Guardsman NORMAN McKIMM 2719325, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 35 on 30 March 1943
    Husband of Mary Jane McKimm, of Belfast, Northern Ireland.

    Guardsman WILLIAM MAIRS 2718689, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 27 on 30 March 1943

    Guardsman JOSEPH HORSLEY 2719690, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 25 on 30 March 1943
    Son of Henry Horsley, and of Emma Horsley, of Parr, St. Helens, Lancashire.

    Lance Serjeant WILLIAM DOUGLAS MURRAY 2717646, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 26 on 30 March 1943
    Son of George and Mary Elizabeth Murray; husband of Edna Murray, of Liverpool.

    Guardsman CHARLES ARTHUR MANN 2721694, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 23 on 29 April 1943
    Son of Charles and Amy Mann, of Miles Platting, Manchester.

    Guardsman JAMES FREDERICK THURLOW 2572167, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 23 on 30 March 1943

    Guardsman BRIAN DENIS ROBERTS 2718758, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 25 on 29 April 1943
    Son of William and Florence M. Roberts, of North Strand, Dublin, Irish Republic.

    Guardsman JAMES RYDER 2718203, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 28 on 30 March 1943
    Husband of Maude Alice Ryder, of Walworth, London.

    Remembered with honour MEDJEZ-EL-BAB MEMORIAL
    Grave/Memorial Reference: Face 35.

    Private PATRICK DOLAN 3767449, 1st Bn., Parachute Regiment, A.A.C. formerly of, Irish Guards who died age 28 on 05 February 1943
    Son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Dolan, of Southport, Lancashire; husband of Blanche M. Dolan, of Guildford, Surrey.


    Remembered with honour MEDJEZ-EL-BAB WAR CEMETERY

    Lance Serjeant MARK HIGGINSON 2721468, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 32 on 30 March 1943
    Son of Gnr. Mark Higginson, Royal Garrison Artillery, killed in action in France, 21st March, 1917, and of Sarah Higginson, of Reddish, Stockport, Cheshire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 4. D. 9.

    Lance Serjeant ANDREW ALEXANDER McCARTHY 2717933, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died on 30 March 1943
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 9. G. 1.

    Guardsman SYDNEY ALBERT McKIM 2718357, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 32 on 19 April 1943
    Son of George and Annie McKim, of Ballinfull, Co. Sligo, Irish Republic.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 3. F. 20.

    Guardsman HARRY LEES JACKSON 2722258, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died on 25 April 1943
    Son of Harold and Elizabeth Jackson, of Oldham, Lancashire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 9. G. 7.

    Guardsman STANLEY ELLIS HARRIS 2722466, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 22 on 25 March 1943
    Son of Rose Brunning, of Grundisburgh, Suffolk.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 8. H. 19.

    Lance Corporal JAMES PATRICK CONNORS 2723130, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 23 on 27 April 1943
    Son of John and Margaret Connors; husband of Gwendoline Connors, of Aintree, Liverpool.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 9. G. 10.

    Guardsman ANDREW ELLIOTT 2718836, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 33 on 27 April 1943
    Son of Andrew and Mary Jane Elliott; husband of Peggy May Elliott, of Sanderstead, Surrey.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 9. G. 11.

    Lance Serjeant DAVID McMURRAN 2718432, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 24 on 08 July 1943
    Husband of Margaret McMurran, of West Croydon, Surrey.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 13. G. 4.

    Guardsman THOMAS JAMES MEGAW 2718459, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died on 27 April 1943
    Son of Robert and Mary Megaw; husband of Florence Elizabeth Megaw, of Moneymore, Co. Londonderry, Northern Ireland.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 9. G. 20.

    Serjeant JOHN MIDDLETON 2718163, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 27 on 27 April 1943
    Son of Michael and Sarah Middleton; husband of Margaret Mary Middleton, of Victoria, London.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 9. G. 14.

    Guardsman STANLEY KITSELL DREAN 2722908, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 21 on 26 April 1943
    Son of Frederick Anderson Drean and Emma Winifred Drean, of Belfast, Northern Ireland.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 6. D. 8.

    Guardsman WILLIAM ANDREW CAMPBELL 2722831, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 21 on 27 April 1943
    Son of William and Elizabeth Campbell, of Belfast, Northern Ireland.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 9. G. 9.

    Lance Serjeant HENRY CARR 2718725, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 26 on 12 April 1943
    Son of Henry and Elizabeth Carr, of Dublin, Irish Republic.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 3. F. 19.

    Lance Corporal CHARLES WILLIAM HOWDEN 2721282, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died on 26 April 1943
    Son of Thomas Wright Howden and Henrietta Howden; husband of Mabel Howden, of York.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 9. G. 6.

    Guardsman NORMAN CATON 2719269, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 24 on 23 April 1943
    Son of Frederick and Edith Caton, of Bolton, Lancashire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 9. G. 4.

    Guardsman HAROLD JOHNSON 2720915, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 29 on 27 April 1943
    Son of George and Lilian Johnson, of Hull; husband of Beatrice Ellen Johnson, of Hull.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 9. G. 16.

    Serjeant ALEXANDER FRANCIS O'DONNELL 2718058, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 29 between 27 April 1943 and 28 April 1943
    Son of Alexander Francis and Ellen O'Donnell; husband of Mary Josephine O'Donnell, of Clapham Common, London.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 9. G. 13.

    Guardsman HERBERT CECIL MAULE 2722055, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 30 on 30 April 1943
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 17. A. 3.

    Guardsman JOHN LEAVY 2717036, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 37 on 27 April 1943
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 9. G. 12.

    Guardsman HUGH ALFRED ANDREW PATTON 2722512, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 22 on 27 April 1943
    Son of Hugh Oswald and Maud Elizabeth Patton, of Stapenhill, Burton-on-Trent.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 9. G. 18.

    Guardsman HARRY CECIL GREEN 2720911, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 23 on 23 April 1943
    Son of Annie Green, and stepson of George Asquith; husband of Elizabeth Margaret Green, of Leeds, Yorkshire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 9. G. 5.

    Lance Serjeant JOHN ANTHONY GEOGHEGAN 2615936, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 22 on 18 June 1943
    Son of Peter and Elizabeth Geoghegan, of Rosemount, Co. West Meath, Irish Republic.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 7. G. 5.

    Guardsman MICHAEL FUREY 2719553, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 23 on 30 March 1943
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 9. A. 18.

    Guardsman ARTHUR LESLIE KEELING 2719692, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 25 on 26 September 1943
    Son of Thomas and Mabel Keeling, of Liverpool; husband of Winifred Josephine Keeling, of Liverpool.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 7. H. 19.

    Guardsman P J LEWENS 2718792, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 29 on 10 April 1943
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 9. G. 3.

    Lance Corporal STANLEY LEWIS 2721137, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 23 on 27 April 1943
    Son of David and Lydia Lewis, of Heaton Mersey, Lancashire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 9. G. 17.

    Guardsman RONALD SAVAGE 2723057, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 20 on 27 April 1943
    Son of Stephen and Gertrude Savage, of Liverpool; husband of Florence Savage, of Liverpool.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 9. G. 8.

    Serjeant WILLIAM HENRY LONG 2717341, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 30 on 30 March 1943
    Son of George and Catherine Long; husband of Rose Long, of Grangetown, Yorkshire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 3. F. 18.

    Guardsman DAVID WILLIAM LUMLEY 2720274, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 23 on 30 March 1943
    Son of Alfred and Racheal Lumley; husband of Irene Lumley, of Romford, Essex.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 9. G. 2.

    Serjeant JOHN JOSEPH SOMERS 2717709, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 33 on 03 May 1943
    Son of John and Delia Somers, of Lixnaw, Co. Kerry, Irish Republic.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 9. A. 14.

    Lance Serjeant GEORGE CHRISTOPHER TEELING 2718803, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died on 27 April 1943
    Son of John and Mary Teeling; husband of Margaret E. Teeling, of Lanark.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 9. G. 15.

    Lieutenant GEORGE FREDERICK BARNES 248037, 137 Field Amb., Royal Army Medical Corps attd. 1st Bn. , Irish Guards who died age 24 on 04 May 1943
    Son of Bernard and Margaret Julia Barnes, of Acton, Middlesex. husband of Margaret Constance Barnes. L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 9. A. 16.

    Guardsman JAMES HURLEY 2716825, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died on 29 March 1943
    Son of Richard and Mary Hurley; husband of Charlotte Hurley, of Purley, Surrey.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 3. H. 16.

    Guardsman PATRICK REDDINGTON 2718717, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 27 on 03 May 1943
    Son of Thomas and Anne Reddington, of Ballyvary, Co. Mayo, Irish Republic.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 9. A. 15.

    Guardsman LEONARD GEORGE ROMPEN 2719803, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 24 on 27 April 1943
    Son of Victor and Nora Rompen; husband of Mary Patricia Rompen, of Dowlais, Glamorgan.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 10. G. 19.

    Guardsman ALBERT EDWARD ROWLEY 2722664, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 27 on 23 April 1943
    Son of Alfred and Elizabeth Rowley; husband of Hannah Bell Rowley, of Wormley, Hertfordshire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 9. A. 17.


    Remembered with honour NAPLES WAR CEMETERY

    Lance Corporal RALPH WILLIAM HARRISON 2720839, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died on 21 February 1944
    Grave/Memorial Reference: III. A. 18.

    Guardsman JAMES KELLY 2717831, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 32 on 19 February 1944
    Son of John and Elizabeth Kelly; husband of Gladys Mabel Kelly, of Southfields, Surrey.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: III. A. 12.

    Guardsman THOMAS MOLONEY 2718770, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 27 on 21 March 1944
    Son of Thomas and Johanna Moloney, of Roscrea, Co. Tipperary, Irish Republic.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: II. P. 17.

    Guardsman JOHN DOWNEY 2717078, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 36 on 15 April 1944
    Son of Michael and Elilabeth Downey, of Dublin, Irish Republic; husband of Margaret Downey, of Dublin.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: II. B. 16.

    Lieutenant DARCY WILLIAM (BILL) HALL 228331, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 21 on 16 February 1944
    Son of Lt.-Col. Walter Darcy Hall, M.C., and Anne Madeleine Hall, of Shipton-under-Wychwood, Oxfordshire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: II. R. 16.

    Guardsman ARTHUR PATRICK SMALL 2719676, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 29 on 14 February 1944
    Son of George Henry and Mary Ellen Small, of Liverpool.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: II. R. 17.


    Remembered with honour NARVIK NEW CEMETERY

    Lieutenant Colonel WALTER DOUGLAS FAULKNER M C 15271, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 42 on 14 May 1940
    Son of James and Ada Faulkner; husband of Patricia Faulkner.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: XI. K. 5.

    BOWEN, CECIL LEANDER JOHN, Major 10398, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 44 on 15 May 1940
    Son of George and Dorothy Bowen; husband of Mary Josephine Bowen, of Wimbledon, Surrey.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: XI. K. 3.


    Remembered with honour NETLEY MILITARY CEMETERY

    Guardsman DANIEL RYAN 2717153, Irish Guards who died age 25 on 13 October 1939
    Son of John and Mary Ryan, of Waterford, Irish Republic.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 985.


    Remembered with honour NUNHEAD (ALL SAINTS) CEMETERY

    Guardsman WILLIAM HENRY SHERLOCK 2724513, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 21 on 29 August 1945
    Son of William and Louisa Sherlock, husband of Joan Sherlock of Streatham Vale.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: Screen Wall. Panel 15. Square 5. Coll. Grave 41451


    Remembered with honour OUED ZARGA WAR CEMETERY

    Guardsman NORMAN BIRD 2720899, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 28 on 03 May 1943
    Son of Alfred and Rosanna Bird; husband of Edith Elizabeth Bird, of Horsforth, Yorkshire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 1. E. 8.

    Guardsman ROBERT ALBERT CHARLES BRADSHAW 2719989, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died on 28 April 1943
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 1. C. 4.

    Lance Serjeant LESLIE WARHURST 2721396, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 28 on 27 April 1943
    Son of William and Ellen Warhurst; husband of Gladys Mary Warhurst, of Wakefield, Yorkshire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 1. C. 14.

    Guardsman GEORGE BRENNAN 2717799, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died on 24 April 1943
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 1. A. 2.

    Guardsman ALBERT VICTOR BROCKLEBANK 2720901, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 28 on 28 April 1943
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 1. D. 9.

    Lance Serjeant THOMAS PEARSON M M 2721484, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 30 on 28 April 1943
    Son of John and Elizabeth Pearson; husband of Margaret Harper Pearson, of Belfast, Northern Ireland.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 1. C. 24.

    Guardsman JOHN CORKAN 2720246, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 25 on 01 May 1943
    Son of Edward and Jane Corkan, of Frizington, Cumberland.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 1. E. 23.

    Guardsman FREDERICK DITCHFIELD 2722930, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 20 on 30 March 1943
    Son of Ernest and Norah Ditchfield, of Runcorn, Cheshire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 1. H. 23.

    Lance Serjeant FREDERICK VINCENT SPARKES 2722704, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 22 on 01 May 1943
    Son of Frederick White Aylwin Sparkes and Vera Gertrude Sparkes, of Horndean, Hampshire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 1. E. 7.

    Guardsman JAMES McCLUSKEY 2722921, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 38 on 02 May 1943
    Son of Hugh and Margaret McCluskey; husband of Kathleen McCluskey, of Parade, Birmingham.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 1. E. 24.

    Guardsman JAMES DOUGLAS FLEMING 2719240, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died on 23 April 1943
    Son of William and Mary Fleming, of Belfast, Northern Ireland.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 1. A. 10.

    Guardsman JAMES O'SHEA 2720811, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 29 on 28 April 1943
    Son of David and Ellen O'Shea, of Tralee, Co. Kerry, Irish Republic; husband of Kathleen O'Shea, of Tralee.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 1. D. 19.



    Guardsman HARRY GRIMSHAW 106612, Irish Guards who died age 42 on 30 December 1939
    Son of Samuel and Mary Grimshaw, of Swinton; husband of Annie Grimshaw.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: Grave 182.


    Remembered with honour RAMLEH WAR CEMETERY

    Guardsman ANTONY RUDDY 2726371, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 21 on 29 July 1947
    Son of Michael and Margaret Ruddy, of Clogher, Ballina, Co. Mayo, Irish Republic.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 9. J. 19.

    Guardsman L LEE 2725049, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died on 03 July 1947
    Grave/Memorial Reference: 9. H. 22.


    Remembered with honour REIGATE (REDSTONE) CEMETERY

    Guardsman ALFRED JAMES BENNETT 2719729, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 25 on 06 November 1942
    Son of Frederick James Bennett and Alice Maud Mary Bennett, of Meadvale, Redhill.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: Plot B. Grave 770.


    Remembered with honour ROME WAR CEMETERY

    Guardsman DENIS CAIN 2719390, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 35 on 05 February 1944
    Son of Thomas and Margaret Cain, of Waterloo, Liverpool.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: I, A, 5.

    Guardsman JOHN ALBERT BEESLEY 2720068, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 22 on 05 February 1944
    Son of John and Edith Beesley, of Liverpool; husband of Ann Beesley, of Liverpool.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: I, A, 6.

    Guardsman STANLEY PORTER 2721040, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 24 on 05 February 1944
    Son of Harry and Fanny Porter, of Sleaford, Lincolnshire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: I, A, 7.

    Guardsman EDWARD DALTON 2722128, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 32 on 07 February 1944
    Son of John and Catherine Dalton, of Liverpool.Grave/Memorial Reference: I, A, 8.

    2721823 Guardsman Mark MOORES, 1 Irish Guards: 14/02/1944 who died age 32
    Son of Elizabeth Ann Moores, of Clayton, Lancashire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: I, A, 22.

    Guardsman THOMAS CALLAGHAN 2720319, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 27 on 08 February 1944
    Son of Thomas and Mary Callaghan, of Frenchpark, Co. Roscommon, Republic of Ireland.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: I, A, 27.

    Guardsman JOHN JAMES DUFFY 2718380, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 29 on 08 February 1944
    Son of Patrick and Bridget Duffy, of Monea, Co. Fermanagh, Northern Ireland.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: II, A, 32.


    Remembered with honour SALTDAL MAIN CHURCHYARD

    Guardsman NORMAN JORDAN 2717964, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 28 on 29 May 1940
    Son of John and Francis Jordan, of Belfast, Northern Ireland.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: British Plot. A. 2.

    Lance Serjeant SYDNEY CONOR TAYLOR 2717983, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died on 26 May 1940
    Grave/Memorial Reference: British Plot. A. 5.

    Guardsman MICHAEL ARTHUR DONNELLY 2718507, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 21 on 25 May 1940
    Son of Patrick and Julia Donnelly, of Dublin, Irish Republic.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: British Plot. B. 2.

    Guardsman WILLIAM HENRY RANKIN 2718899, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died on 28 May 1940
    Son of William J. and Margaret J. Rankin, of Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh, Northern Ireland.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: British Plot. C. 3.

    Guardsman JOHN TIERNEY 2717801, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died on 25 May 1940
    Grave/Memorial Reference: British Plot. C. 10.


    Remembered with honour SANGRO RIVER WAR CEMETERY

    Lance Serjeant CHRISTOPHER O'DOWD M M 2719054, Irish Guards and, Special Air Service Regiment, A.A.C. who died age 23 on 05 October 1943
    Son of James and Sarah O'Dowd, of Badgerfort, Shrule, Co. Galway, Irish Republic.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: X. C. 4.


    Remembered with honour SITTARD WAR CEMETERY
    Lieutenant ROBIN ROMNEY O'KELLY 307921, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 19 on 15 November 1944
    Son of Charles Martin O'Kelly and Agnes Monica O'Kelly, of Straffen, Co. Kildare, Irish Republic.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: L. 2.

    Remembered with honour STAGLIENO CEMETERY, GENOA
    Guardsman JOHN OLIVER DINSMORE 2723037, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 21 on 16 September 1944
    Son of James Dinsmore, and of Fanny Dinsmore, of Portrush, Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: I. B. 13.


    Remembered with honour THIBAR SEMINARY WAR CEMETERY

    Guardsman JAMES JOSEPH DALY 2719215, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died on 03 May 1943
    Son of James and Elizebeth Daly, of Liverpool.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: A. 6.

    Guardsman PATRICK RIDGE 2718348, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 28 on 23 April 1943
    Son of Michael and Agnes Ridge, of Costelloe, Co. Galway, Irish Republic.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: C. 25.

    Lance Serjeant GEORGE RICKMAN 2720578, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 22 on 24 April 1943
    Son of Alec and Elizabeth Ann Rickman, of Bolton, Lancashire.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: D. 9.


    Guardsman JAMES NESTOR 2717889, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died on 25 June 1941
    Grave/Memorial Reference: Grave 324.

    Last edited: May 17, 2024
  7. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD


    Battalion Headquarters
    Lieut.-Colonel W.D. Faulkner, M.C.
    Major C.L.J. Bowen
    Captain and Adjutant Hon. B.A. O’Neill
    Captain and Quartermaster T.D. McCarthy, M.B.E.
    Lieutenant A.D.P. O’Neill (Medical Offficer)
    Father Cavanaugh (R.C. Chaplain)

    H.Q. Company
    Major J.A. Hacket-Pain
    Captain D.M.L. Gordon-Watson, M.C.
    Lieutenant H.L.S. Young
    Lieutenant J. Gilliat

    No. 1 Company
    Major V.V. Gilbert-Denham
    Captain B.O.P. Eugster, M.C.
    Lieutenant E.C. FitzClarence
    2/Lieutenant D.R.S. FitzGerald

    No. 2 Company
    Captain J.R. Durham-Mathews
    Captain D.H. FitzGerald
    2/Lieutenant G.P.M. FitzGerald
    2/Lieutenant J.E. Vesey

    No. 3 Company
    Captain L.W. Armstrong-MacDonnell
    Lieutenant D. Mills-Roberts
    Lieutenant I.H. Powell-Edwards
    2/Lieutenant D.M. Kennedy

    No. 4 Company
    Captain H.C. McGildowny
    Lieutenant C.A. Montagu-Douglas-Scott
    2/Lieutenant D.L. Cole
    2/Lieutenant J.S.O. Haslewood
  8. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD


    Bar to Military Cross
    63088 Major D.M.L. Gordon-Watson, M.C. 1940 373/15

    65413 Captain B.O.P. Eugster, M.C. 1940 373/15

    Military Cross
    2715069 R.S.M. Stack, J. 1940 WO 373/15

    Distinguished Conduct Medal
    2718517 Sergeant Johnston, W. 1940 WO 373/15

    2719527 Guardsman Wylie, J. 1940 WO 373/15

    2717837 Guardsman O’Shea, M. 1940 WO 373/15

    2716776 Guardsman Callaghan, T. 1940 WO 373/15

    Military Medal
    2718134 Drummer Hughes, A. 1940 WO 373/15

    Twelve Mentioned in Despatches
    of which
    D/Major G. Stone - see http://www.ww2talk.com/forum/postwar/22983-postwar-guards.html

    IG Awards listed alphabetically by surname here
    AWARDS A - E
    AWARDS F - L
    AWARDS M - P
    AWARDS Q - Z
  9. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    From IG WW2 HISTORY, pgs 42-47

    The “Chobry” [Chrobry]

    On the morning of the 13th, the Polish Carpathian Brigade took over the Ankenes peninsula. From all round the fjord the scattered units of the 24th Guards Brigade converged on Skaanland. The orders were for the battalions to sail at four-hour intervals, the SCOTS GUARDS first in the two destroyers, then IRISH GUARDS in the Chobry, and finally the SOUTH WALES BORDERERS in H.M.S. Effingham. Three old river boats and one flat-bottomed barge put in to LILAND to transport the Battalion and three times the normal reserve of ammunition. The barge was dangerously overloaded. The steamers were unseaworthy and so top-heavy that men and kitbags had to be packed as ballast into the water-logged holds. Bodies are less perishable than bullets and bombs. All three steamers and the barge left LILAND together and arrived together alongside the Chobry at five o’clock in the afternoon. Part of Brigade H.Q., a battery of field gunners and some Fleet Air Arm officers were already on board, but no preparation had been made to load the Battalion. It was three o’clock in the morning before the last man and last box of ammunition were loaded.

    The SCOTS GUARDS sailed that morning. “We should be under way in four hours‘ time,” Captain BRIAN O’NEILL sat smoking ’like a piquet officer’ - one Balkan Sobranie after another - waiting for the operational and sailing orders. He waited all day. “The Chobry now remained at anchor within 400 yards of the Resolution, Cairo, and other warships, until 1830hrs., 14th May, thus endangering the troops to an unnecessary risk from air attack.” At six o’clock a Liaison Officer arrived at HARSTAD. “Chobry will sail immediately.” He brought no other orders - nothing except a vague apology for keeping the Battalion waiting. Captain O‘NEILL dispatched him with the cold professional rudeness of an Adjutant. “Five hours you’ve kept us waiting. During that time we’ve been bombed three times and it was pure good fortune that the ship was not hit.”

    “It is a hard thing to say,” wrote Captain GORDON-WATSON later, “but it is possible that this delay contributed to the loss of much valuable life when the ship was again bombed and hit.”

    At half-past six the CHOBRY steamed slowly down the fjord, followed by a German observation plane. When she reached the open sea, the CHOBRY was sailing alone through the peaceful evening sunshine. The German aeroplane had disappeared; the naval escort, the destroyer WOLVERINE and the sloop STORK were out of sight over the horizon. As the evening grew chilly, the Battalion went below to eat and sleep. The CHOBRY was a new Polish motor ship, comfortable and well-provisioned. “This is the way to go to war,” said one officer. “It‘s all very well,” said Colonel Faulkner, “but it only needs one bomb. It would go through this ship like a hot knife through butter. Also, I have no information at all. I do not know whether our landing will be opposed or not, but I think it will be pretty sticky, particularly if the German aircraft spot us. We will land about four o‘clock, so I will advise you all go to bed early and get some sleep while you can. Nobody ever gets enough sleep in this country.”

    At midnight three Heinkels bombed the ship. The entries in the War Diary are laconic:

    0015hrs 15th May, H.M.T. CHOBRY bombed and set on fire. Ship abandoned.
    0930hrs Arrival of STORK and WOLVERINE at HARSTADT.

    Naval reports are notoriously brief and unemotional. The Commodore, Rear-Admiral BURKE, R.N., wrote to the Admiralty:

    The calm courage shown by the troops can hardly - if ever - have been surpassed and is best illustrated by the following: -
    Embarked 2a.m.; under frequent bombing attack all day cooped up at anchor - 300 or more were collected on the forecastle - whole midship part of the ship a raging furnace - enemy planes overhead - 50 tones of ammunition in the hold - rescuing destroyer alongside. Not a man moved until I gave the order, which was not until I judged that men from the rest of the ship had got off. When they did move, they did so at a deliberate walk, some even refusing to part with their rifles. It was naturally not possible to single out anyone particularly, but I did notice the very admirable conduct of the Roman Catholic Chaplain.”

    “I turned in about 2230hrs,” said one of the Fleet Air Arm officers, Lieutenant COMPSTON, R.N., “and went to sleep almost immediately. The next thing I remember was the crack of machine-guns and the roar of aircraft engines overhead. Familiarity truly breeds contempt, and my cabin companion and I decided it was no good getting up and hoped the enemy would miss us as he had done for the past few days. Unfortunately this was not the case, and no sooner had we turned over to go to sleep again than there was the most deafening roar I have ever heard or want to hear. The ship had been struck abaft by large calibre bombs - one at least incendiary. My cabin collapsed immediately, and the lights went out. I left the cabin and ran through the adjoining dining saloon - the floor of which was covered with glass and debris - cutting my feet rather badly, and on reaching the port side of the ship saw that she was already ablaze."

    Lieutenant J. GILLIAT shared a cabin with Lieutenant C.A. M.-D.-SCOTT. “He had the bottom bunk, because I am more agile than he. At about 1130hrs I was awakened by a bang, not a big one, as I thought it might be stores being moved. As my feet touched the floor, the lamp burst and glass flew around the room. I grabbed my watch and life-belt, put my feet into boots (unlaced) and went out into the passage, followed by ANDREW SCOTT in similar undress. I must have looked like a slightly obscene pantomime dame. The passage was dark and a thick with acrid smoke gripped one‘s throat. I thought we were done for.” The boots belonged to Lieutenant C.A. SCOTT.

    “It was the unluckiest thing in the world that the bombs all landed near by the senior officers‘ cabins,” wrote Captain M. GORDON-WATSON. “I‘m afraid the first one must have killed JACK D.-MATHEWS and FREDDIE LEWIN and the second or third the COMMANDING OFFICER, JOHN BOWEN, TOMMY H.-PAIN and BRIAN O‘NEILL.”

    “The cabins collapsed like a pack of cards,” said one of the Brigade Staff Officers, “lights went out, the whole of the top decks amidships were immediately ablaze and very soon the main staircase seemed to have disappeared.”

    Guardsman DRAPER, the sentry at the head of the stairs, was killed at his post. Of the servants and orderlies sleeping in the corridor outside the cabins, Guardsman O’CONNELL had his arm broken and ARMER was pinned to the ground badly burnt. Guardsman ARMER, the C.O.’s orderly, extricated himself from the wreckage and struggled through the smoke to his cabin. There was no trace of Colonel FAULKNER. Guardsman ALLEN dragged Major GILBERT-DENHAM out of his cabin and carried him up to a life-boat. Captain D.H. FITZGERALD was having a shower when the first bomb exploded. He and his servant, Guardsman O’SHEA, were trapped in the bathroom and had to get out into the sea through a port-hole. Lieutenant F. LEWIN, who shared his cabin, was killed in his sleep.

    The fire spread rapidly, for the explosion had wrecked the sprinkler system. P.S.M. MORROW, and Guardsman SULLIVAN, the Battalion Fire Orderly, struggled to get the hoses working, but there was no water in the hydrants. “Theirs was a very creditable performance,” said Lieutenant I.H. POWELL-EDWARDS, “since this task appeared almost hopeless from the start.” The crackle of .303 and the red and green flares of exploding Very lights mingled with the steady firing of the A/A barrage. The Heinkels circled overhead at a respectable height, “waiting to machine-gun the boats,” thought Lieutenant J. GILLIAT gloomily. So, too, thought Lieutenant COMPSTON, R.N., “but to our surprise they were gentlemanly enough not to machine-gun us in the water as we expected. Their main interest seemed to be to take photographs.”

    After the first explosion the Battalion was ordered up on deck. The fire divided the ship into two halves, with the result that the most of the men had to go forward and most of the officers aft. The companies filed up from their mess decks, in full kit, carrying their rifles and Brens. “Get on parade - face that way.” At the sound of R.S.M. STACK’s familiar voice the companies formed up in mass, D./Sergeant HOEY in front, D./Sergeant PEILOW in rear. The sentries already on deck acted as markers. Only one man jumped overboard; he broke his neck on his lifebelt.

    The lifeboats forward could not be lowered, for “the power was cut off and the electric winches were unworkable; the Herculean efforts of the Guardsmen on the hand winches proved of no avail.” There was nothing to do but wait till the escorting destroyer came alongside. Father Cavanagh began to recite the Rosary. On a burning ship in the Artic Circle men said the prayers that they had learnt in the quiet churches and farmhouses of IRELAND. Rescue parties searched the burning wreckage and brought the wounded up on deck. Sergeant JOHNSON, the Medical Sergeant, cleared an area on the promenade deck for an R.A.P. and there collected and tended the casualties. His first two casualties were the doctor, Captain A.D.F. O’NEILL, and Captain R. McGILDOWNY both of whom were unconscious. Only four men were now reported missing - Guardsmen J. O’DONNELL, WIDDISON, P. KILLIAN and R. TWEED. Guardsman CALLAGHAN - “Mushy” CALLAGHAN of No. 3 Company - knew that they must be trapped by fire down below in the hold. He threw a rope over the ship’s side and swung from porthole to porthole till he discovered them, and hauled them out one by one up on to the deck.

    The winches aft were still working, so the Polish crew lowered the first flight of lifeboats. These were already full with mixed loads of soldiers, sailors and wounded. Lieutenant COMPSTON, R.N., with his boat load, “cast off and drifted away from the CHOBRY to see the escorting destroyer, H.M.S. WOLVERINE, approaching fast to come along the starboard side. We headed for the other ship - the sloop STORK. At this moment I must praise the courage and devotion to duty of the men of your Regiment who, in spite of finding themselves in an element which is certainly not their own, showed the greatest calm - many of them carrying their kitbags and rifles to the lifeboats and waiting patiently to embark - without the slightest sign of panic. We had great difficulty in parting them from their weapons.” No mere naval disaster could shake the effect of the Depot, reinforced by a Sergeant shouting at them, “Take care of those rifles, they are government property.”

    “In the lifeboat,” continues Lieutenant COMPSTON, “they were magnificent, and once they had been told to obey orders of one officer, they never faltered. I shall always be grateful to one Guardsman who gave me his battle-dress tunic to put over my cold and wet silk pyjamas which was all I stood up in. Another Guardsman gave me his scarf and they all did their best to keep the most scantily clad of us from freezing in the incredible cold. We had rather difficulty in getting the Polish crew to row and do as they were told - possibly this was because I was a British officer and they had their own ideas - but on the whole they were calm. Eventually in the crowded life-boat we managed to get Guardsmen to man the oars. They did as we asked them and after about thirty minutes in the water we managed to row alongside the sloop STORK. They still behaved with the greatest reserve, obeying every calmly given order of the N.C.Os. Because as the boat was crowded there was a great possibility that if they disembarked too quickly she might have overturned.”

    The crew lowered the second flight of boats aft while they could, and then slid down the rope after them. Some men, led by the Quartermaster, who ruptured himself, followed them, and swam to the half-empty boats.

    Lieutenant B.O.P. EUGSTER, M.C., also started to go down a rope, very slowly in the orthodox P.T. style, hand over hand. A solid block of six Polish sailors slid down on top of him an swept him into the sea. He was wearing bright pyjamas when he went into the water; he came up stark naked. Lieutenant H.L.S. YOUNG could not swim; Lieutenant P.M. FITZGERALD did not like the look of the water; Lieutenant C.A. SCOTT, questioned the Polish Captain and learnt that it would take the ship twenty-four hours to burn herself out and sink, though she might blow up at any time. The three of them decided to stay on board and stop anyone else from sliding down into the water. If the ship blew up, everyone would go into the water anyway; if it did not, they might as well keep warm and dry.

    By the time the escort came up there were some twenty heads bobbing about in the sea, for the fire amidships was spreading and forcing isolated men overboard. The STORK launched the whaler to pick them up. She herself stood off astern, engaging the bombers with her guns, and taking on board the lifeboats. H.M.S. WOLVERINE came alongside starboard.

    “We closed on their burning and sinking ship,” said Commander CRASKE, R.N. “I never before realized what the discipline of the Guards was. We got a gangway shipped forward and the men were ordered to file off on to us. There was on confusion, no hurry, and no sign of haste or flurry. I knew that there might be only a matter of minutes in which to get them off. I had four ropes fixed so as to hurry up the transfer. They continued to file steadily off in one line. I cursed and swore at them, but they had orders to file, and they filed. I saw someone who seemed to me to be a young officer and in no measured terms I told him to get them off by all four ropes. In a second they conformed to this order by one of their own officers, still steadily and without fuss or confusion. Their conduct in the most trying circumstances, in the absence of senior officers, on a burning and sinking ship, open at any moment to a new attack, was as fine as, or finer than, the conduct in the old days of the soldiers on the BIRKENHEAD. It may interest you to know that 694 were got on board in sixteen minutes.”

    Two years later Admiral CRASKE wrote to the Regimental Lieutenant-Colonel:
    “You will not know me. My son, Commander R.H. CRASKE, R.N., was in command of H.M.S. WOLVERINE in May, 1940. He lost his life in H.M.S. BARHAM in November, 1941, and amongst the papers he had treasured is your letter to him referring to the rescue of the Battalion from the CHOBRY. He never mentioned the affair till the following December, when he was awarded the D.S.C., and then told us very little, except that any rescue would have been impossible but for the superb discipline of the men of the Battalion.”
    CWGC :: Casualty Details
    Gazette Website: PDF Navigator
    Gazette Website: PDF Navigator

    The “letter” was a message from Officer Commanding, 1st Irish Guards dated 16th May, 1940:
    “I wish to convey to you the deepest gratitude and admiration of all ranks for the bravery and skill displayed by officers and crews of H.M.S. WOLVERINE and STORK. It was entirely due to your gallant action that so many lives were saved.”

    “The sailors were wonderful,” wrote an officer, “and made coffee and cocoa and gave us clothes. We had a seven-hour journey back to HARSTAD and were bombed all the way. Not a good ending.”

    The destroyer WOLVERINE arrived at HARSTAD first and discharged its load of survivors on the quay. “What a funny feeling it is to have nothing except what you stand up in.” They came ashore wrapped in blankets and naval greatcoats over pyjamas and dungarees. Stretcher-bearers carried the wounded off first, and laid them in a little tin shed. From there, the worst cases, Major GILBERT-DENHAM, Guardsman CORBETT and Guardsman SLINEY, were taken straight to the Base Hospital. D./Sergeant PEILOW jumped ashore and doubled away to look for a square. He found one and put out company markers, while R.S.M. STACK ordered the men straight on parade. They fell in - “a proper Battalion parade” - and waited for the other boat to arrive. The SCOTS GUARDS R.Q.M.S., still at HARSTAD with their Base Details, with real charity, sent down containers of tea and mounds of ‘wads’. The Officers and the Company Sergeant-Majors waited on the quay for the STORK to come in. Everybody was desperately hoping that Lieut.-Colonel FAULKNER would be on board. As the STORK came in, they saw Captain M. GORDON-WATSON in pyjamas standing on the bridge, and shouted enquiries. “Where‘s Colonel FAULKS?” “No sign.” “JACK?” “Never seen.” And so on, I almost cried.”

    The Company Sergeant-Majors collected their men off the sloop and called the roll on the square. “We were surprised to find so few men missing.” The Battalion marched out of the town to the village of ERVIK.

    cally likes this.
  10. Capt.Sensible

    Capt.Sensible Well-Known Member

    What a stupid, stupid incident...just the same as Sir Galahad in 1982, only in 1982 it really was the fault of some bloody fool of a Guards officer. Grr Grrr.....

  11. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    Senseless indeed given the delay and the presence of enemy aircraft all day.

    As far as I can tell these are the men who died as a result of the Chobry incident. 6 Officers, including the C.O., and 6 Guardsmen.

    001 BOWEN, CLJ 10398 15/05/1940
    002 CORBETT, J 2717086 16/05/1940
    003 DRAPER, EW 2717810 15/05/1940
    004 DURHAM-MATTHEWS, JR 27656 15/05/1940
    005 ELLIOT, JA 2718736 14/05/1940
    006 FAULKNER, WD 15271 14/05/1940
    007 HACKET-PAIN, TA 18189 14/05/1940
    008 LEWIN, FRA 67054 15/05/1940
    009 MCLOUGHLIN, DK 2718911 15/05/1940
    010 O'NEILL, BA 49895 14/05/1940
    011 RIGBY, W 2695829 15/05/1940
    012 SLINEY, E 2716210 15/05/1940
  12. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    From IG WW2 History, by FitzGerald:

    It was on 15th April that the 1st Battalion landed at HARSTAD. In 1914 the Battalion had gone abroad with the first flight of the B.E.F. and had fought through the retreat from MONS. In 1940 the Battalion landed for action five days after the real war began. At home the British public waited for news of this tiny force - but nobody guessed how few they were - who had disappeared into the darkness of the northern spring.

    The British Army, we are told, should be a projectile fired by the Navy to strike the enemy at his weakest point. The Navy had carried the 24th GUARDS BRIGADE safely across the North Sea and launched it against the Germans in Northern NORWAY. Other projectiles had been fired at central NORWAY, at NAMSOS and ANDALSNES. If these cleared the NARVIK area, their combined force would move down and chase the Germans out of NORWAY.

    These hopes and plans ended in failure and depression. The campaign was a tragedy, made more grievous by endurance of the few troops who did the fighting with inadequate material. From the beginning of May a sense of ineluctable fate hung over NORWAY. There remained only an unshakable confidence in the magnificent spirit and companionship of the Battalion and in the skill and gallantry of the Royal Navy. The discipline, tradition and steadfast courage of the Battalion saved it from annihilation on the Chobry and disintegration at BODO, and brought it proudly through the collapse with dearly bought experience and credit. But all the battles in AFRICA, ITALY, FRANCE, HOLLAND and GERMANY, longer and bloodier though they were, could not efface the memory of the Norwegian campaign as the worst of all experiences.

    What happened in NORWAY? Briefly, it was this. The Battalion sat round the shores of the OFOTEN FJORD, slowly edging closer in to NARVIK, waiting for Force H.Q. to make up their minds. The question was, would it be possible to lay on a naval bombardment effective enough to cover an assault landing? This question was never decided. After three weeks the Allied troops in central NORWAY were evacuated to save them from complete destruction.

    There is only one way through NORWAY to the NORTH. Now it lay wide open. The Staff ordered the 24TH GUARDS BRIGADE to move nearly two hundred miles SOUTH, to Mö, the narrowest part of NORWAY. They thought, apparently, that there was no reason why the Brigade should not hold up the entire German Army a Mö for ever, but out of the whole Brigade only the 1ST BN. SCOTS GUARDS ever arrived at Mö. The Chobry, carrying the Battalion, was bombed and sunk, and H.M.S. Effingham, carrying the 2ND BN. SOUTH WALES BORDERERS, struck an uncharted rock. The SCOTS GUARDS could not hold on and began a hundred mile retreat on foot. The Battalion refitted as best they could and went SOUTH again, this time to BODO to hold the road a hundred miles behind the SCOTS. After the SCOTS had passed through, the Battalion held on for a week and was then evacuated to HARSTAD. Meanwhile the French and Poles had captured NARVIK, fighting with great gallantry and suffering heavy casualties, but every ship and man was now needed at home.

    On 4th June the Battalion went back to ENGLAND.
    cally likes this.
  13. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    Also from FitzGerald's book, something a little lighter:

    Three German bombers were overhead. The cruiser’s guns kept the aircraft up at a great height, but some of the bombs fell unpleasantly close. In the fishing boat they could clearly see the bombs glittering in the sun directly overhead and called for more speed from the engines. Thousands of stunned fish floated up to the surface. When the bombers had gone the Norwegians scrambled into rowing boats and had the easiest day’s fishing in their lives.

    The “puffer” reached LILAND pier just as a seaplane flew in low over the village. It was an old Walrus from H.M.S. Southampton, carrying the Admiral to Aurora. The anti-aircraft post by the pier greeted it with a sharp burst of Bren gun fire. The seaplane climbed steeply and then came down again and circled round for recognition. The Bren gun opened up again.
    “Who is in charge of that post?” asked Colonel FAULKNER.
    “Lance-Corporal LUDLOW, sir.”

    Lance-Corporal LUDLOW (generally known as “Twenty to Four” from the angle of his feet) was marched into the Commanding Officer’s Orders the next morning as “idle in the recognition of aircraft.” Sympathetic friends were waiting for him outside the Battalion H.Q.
    “What did you get?”
    “What for?”
    “Missing a low-flying admiral.”
  14. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD


    I am researching my reletives past military history and decided to start with my dad uncle.

    I have found out (thanks to this forum) where he was buried and when he was killed. Is it possible to find out about the actual fight?
    Thankyou for the information made available.

    Massicault War Cemetery
    Guardsman LEONARD SYDNEY MELLISH 2719746, 1st Bn., Irish Guards who died age 23 on 27 April 1943
    Son of John and Alice Mellish, of Wandsworth, London.
    Grave/Memorial Reference: III. F. 20.

    Andy Mellish

    Hi Andy,

    As close as I can get, your uncle joined IG in December 1939 just before Christmas...

    As Tom mentioned in the other thread, he was killed near Djebel Bou Aoukaz.

    This is from the 1Bn War Diary, Tuesday, 27th April 1943:

    Place - Points 151 and 187
    The Bn was preparing to take part in a Brigade attack on the hills to the East of us, Djebel Bou Aoukaz, our objectives being Pts 212, 214, 181 and 128, zero hours 1900hrs, when the time was put forward by Division and the zero hour became 16oohrs.

    The Bn began to move out of its forward edge of Olive Grove, East of Pt 187. This movement was observed by enemy O.Ps and from then until Pt 212 was finally captured, the Bn was subjected to continuous fire from shell, M/Gs, mortars, and, peculiarly unpleasant, six-barrel mortars. The Bn advanced, in broad daylight, across an open yellow cornfield and finally reached the Olive Grove. This grove gave little shelter, and was in addition, a German registered mortar task. Casualties up to date had been heavy.

    Captain J.B. Fitzgerald, Lieutenant J.G.A. Pym and R.Q.M.S. Peilow being killed, Captain I.H. Powell-Edwards, Lieuts. C.A. Larking, D.C.W. Lloyd-Thomas, and D.C. Attlee being wounded. Bn H.Q. had been established on the forward edge of the olive grove - the Start Line - and from there the C.O. kept control of the battle, as far as communications would allow.

    By now the Companies were very weak - the cornfield and olive groves were strewn with wounded men, and groups of walking wounded were making their way back to the R.A.P. It was now obviously impossible to carry out the original plan. Nos. 1 & 4 Coys were being held up in front of pt 212: Nos 2 & 3 Coys, on their way to Pt 128, had suffered heavy casualties, and had run into German Armoured Cars and tanks in the olive groves. The C.O. decided to concentrate on Pt 212. An artillery concentration was put down on this pt and on a farmhouse which was blocking the approach to it. Captain O.S. Chesterton, though wounded, led No. 1 Coy into the attack again; some 50 German infantry were seen to be leaving the hill in some haste. Bn H.Q. with what men it could collect, advanced to the top of Pt 212. Two enemy officers were taken prisoner. Lieut C.D. Kennard with 30 men of No. 3 Coy then arrived, followed by Lieut T.C. Keigwin with 25 men of No. 2 Coy. The force on the hill now amounted to 170 all ranks.

    It was getting dark, and the stretcher bearers were working hard, trying to collect all the wounded men and bring them to the line of the road, where they were collected by the ambulance. The force established itself on Pts 212 & 214 and the ridge connecting them, digging itself in as best as it could in the rocky ground, in preparation for a dawn counter-attack.

    Three carriers with rations, water and ammunition made their way to the eastern foot of the hill, and a large carrying party brought up the supplies. No sleep was had that night.
    von Poop likes this.
  15. A J Mellish

    A J Mellish Junior Member

    Thanks for that. I find it hard to imagine what life was like back then in the war having never experienced it myself, but with accounts like this and many others, gives a sad but valuable insight into what was happening.

    Could you advise me on how to get his service record.

  16. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    1Bn casualties for 27 April 1943, courtesy of Geoff's search engine. Click on any number on the left to access cwgc record:

    001 ALLCOCK. FA, 2720817, 1ST BN , 27/04/1943
    002 BATTEY. EG, 2723087, 1ST BN , 27/04/1943
    003 CAMPBELL. WA, 2722831, 1ST BN , 27/04/1943
    004 CONNORS. JP, 2723130, 1ST BN , 27/04/1943
    005 DRAKE. SA, 2719137, 1ST BN , 27/04/1943
    006 ELLIOTT. R, 2721272, 1ST BN , 27/04/1943
    007 ELLIOTT. A, 2718836, 1ST BN , 27/04/1943
    008 FITZGERALD. JB, 69552, 1ST BN , 27/04/1943
    009 HALL. J, 2721781, 1ST BN , 27/04/1943
    010 HENNESSY. J, 2717841, 1ST BN , 27/04/1943
    011 HOYLE. JL, 864622, 1ST BN , 27/04/1943
    012 JOHNSON. H, 2720915, 1ST BN , 27/04/1943
    013 KINANE. MA, 2718799, 1ST BN , 27/04/1943
    014 LEAVY. J, 2717036, 1ST BN , 27/04/1943
    015 LEWIS. S, 2721137, 1ST BN , 27/04/1943
    016 MAGEE. H, 2719655, 1ST BN , 27/04/1943
    017 MAHAFFY. FA, 165051, 1ST BN , 27/04/1943
    018 MALONE. R, 2716873, 1ST BN , 27/04/1943
    019 MANLEY. JP, 2720377, 1ST BN , 27/04/1943
    020 MARR. JD, 2717958, 1ST BN , 27/04/1943
    021 MEGAW. TJ, 2718459, 1ST BN , 27/04/1943
    022 MELLISH. LS, 2719746, 1ST BN , 27/04/1943
    023 MIDDLETON. J, 2718163, 1ST BN , 27/04/1943
    024 MULLIGAN. T, 6409581, 1ST BN , 27/04/1943
    025 MURPHY. J, 2716837, 1ST BN , 27/04/1943
    026 O'CONNOR. D, 2716913, 1ST BN , 27/04/1943
    027 O'DONNELL. AF, 2718058, 1ST BN , 27/04/1943 - 28/04/1943
    028 PATTON. HAA, 2722512, 1ST BN , 27/04/1943
    029 PEILOW. BET, 2716292, 1ST BN , 27/04/1943
    030 PYM. JGA, 219073, 1ST BN , 27/04/1943
    031 ROMPEN. LG, 2719803, 1ST BN , 27/04/1943
    032 SAVAGE. R, 2723057, 1ST BN , 27/04/1943
    033 TEELING. GC, 2718803, 1ST BN , 27/04/1943
    034 WARHURST. L, 2721396, 1ST BN , 27/04/1943
    035 WOLFENDALE. J, 2720442, 1ST BN , 27/04/1943

    Please note than some of the above may have Died of wounds received in earlier action.

  17. A J Mellish

    A J Mellish Junior Member

  18. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    From Fitzgerald's History of IG in WW2 [Sgt Lynch on pg 170 is the same man mentioned earlier in this thread.]:







    cally likes this.
  19. cally

    cally Picture Prince.

    Diane - You have put together a most readable and erudite account of the trials and tribulations endured by the First Bn Irish guards.

    In order to help provide members of the forum an idea of what the ships involved looked like here are pictures of the ships mentioned so far in your documents.

    The final picture I have shown of the cruiser Southampton I have especially selected because it clearly shows the Walrus Amphibian mentioned in your text...

    Attached Files:

    dbf and von Poop like this.
  20. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    Your illustrations very much appreciated; thank you for adding information to the thread, SUPER pics. :D


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