Updated Resource WWII Tank Names - Re-formatted 2023-04-17

WWI and Pre WWII Tank and Vehicle Names V7 - Re-formatted

  1. KevinT

    KevinT Senior Member

    CL1, dbf, Ramiles and 1 other person like this.
  2. KevinT

    KevinT Senior Member

    Thanks Chris,

    I had a couple of emails from people saying that they could not open the file properly and it was difficult to read, probably because of the number of columns I had to squeeze in, so I have tweaked it a bit. I have removed the Crew column and merged the 2 Comment columns into one now I don't have to reduce the Excel file so much making the text larger and easier to read. Still working on V8 which has over 100 new names already.


  3. phozzyman

    phozzyman New Member

    HI Kevin, Just found this list. I have a tank name that is not on your list. It's an Archer tank S279645 with the name "Castleford". This was my fathers tank who was with the 55th anti tank 220 bty. Sorry I don't know the date. I have another photo of an Archer tank S279820 named "Wakefield". Again with the 55th anti tank. I hope this may be of use to you.


    dbf and Chris C like this.
  4. Andreas

    Andreas Working on two books

    See this one? Screenshot 2023-11-10 at 1.50.48 PM.jpg

    I'm imagining the Crusader marking white/red/white on the fender, so this would be between 21 November and 3/4 December 1941.

    All the best

    CL1, KevinT and Chris C like this.
  5. KevinT

    KevinT Senior Member

    Hi Andreas,

    I knew the name only, as it is from 6 Royal Tank Regiment but that was only because it appeared on their tank name list which is dated 1943 so the name was carried on to other tanks. This image is obviously earlier so it is a "new" name to add to the list. Thank you.


    CL1 and Andreas like this.
  6. Andreas

    Andreas Working on two books

    I would put this picture into Operation CRUSADER (white/red/white marking on the fender), which means it was taken after 21 November 1941, and before 3/4 December 1941.

    Someone on FB identified it as 2 Troop, A Squadron.

    All the best

    Chris C likes this.
  7. Chris C

    Chris C Canadian

    Also worth nothing that it appears to have been painted with the Caunter camouflage scheme.
    Andreas likes this.
  8. Andreas

    Andreas Working on two books

    A Squadron was the part of the element that didn't do the death ride across the ridge:

    The Short but Violent Operation CRUSADER of 6 RTR

    I suspect we are looking at one of the tanks that were on tow, and that it was subsequently abandoned and the Germans came across it.

    All the best

    Chris C likes this.
  9. KevinT

    KevinT Senior Member

    A Sqn 2 Tp is were FROME sets on the 1943 name list.


    Chris C likes this.

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