What have you learned about WW2 recently?

Discussion in 'General' started by dbf, Oct 22, 2010.

  1. Dave55

    Dave55 Atlanta, USA

  2. Dave55

    Dave55 Atlanta, USA

  3. riter

    riter Well-Known Member

    I learned in one recently published (2024) sniping book that the M1903A4 (American Springfield rifle with M73 scope) could be loaded from a clip. El Oh El is not a title of Spanish nobility.
  4. Chris C

    Chris C Canadian

    Apparently that is false and it derives from the Italian word guappo.

    Wop - Wikipedia
    Warlord and riter like this.
  5. Dave55

    Dave55 Atlanta, USA

  6. A-58

    A-58 Not so senior Member

    This is the Crosley Pup, AKA the 500 kg jeep! This tiny vehicle was made as an air-portable lightweight machines for paratroopers. Its fenders were made from canvas to keep the weight down.

    I never heard of such a thing. Dang!

    Crosley Pup Weighed Half as Much as a Jeep -

  7. Little Friend

    Little Friend Senior Member

    Looks to be carrying a Tree ! So should be Ten Times heavier :whistle:
    A-58 and Dave55 like this.
  8. Ewen Scott

    Ewen Scott Well-Known Member

    Conversion of a second ship, Agamemnon, which was begun at Vancouver in Dec 1944 was abandoned with the end of WW2.

    The entertainment hall in Menestheus had seating for 350, and a fully equipped stage designed in consultation with ENSA as well as being equipped for use as a cinema.

    As planned ratings would have a meal in the cafeteria, then a beer in the bar before moving on to see a show or film.

    Installation of the brewery brought its own headaches as it required a large amount of Auxiliary equipment that took up double the space required to actually produce the beer. So there were Wort coppers, fermenting vessels with yeast containers on top, refrigerating plant, cold store for stowage of containers after filling in a filling room, cold store for malt extract and hops and a lift for transport of stores and containers.

    The cafeteria kitchen eqpt included range, griller, bread & pastry oven, mixing machine, steam hot closets, potato peeler, bread slicer, bacon slicer etc.

    The ship also had tailors shop, kit shop, bootmakers shop, bookstall, laundry, barbers shop, information office, printing office & dark room plus a sick bay, post office designed for rapid handling of mail, reading and writing rooms, library. And it carried plenty of sports kit to cater for football, cricket, water polo etc.

    She was designed to have all the amenities of a shore base while anchored up in some tropical atoll in the Pacific in support of the BPF.
    A-58, riter, Dave55 and 2 others like this.
  9. Red Jim

    Red Jim Active Member

    Today, I read an article on James Holland's website, about the amazing life of Field Marshal Alexander.
  10. Dave55

    Dave55 Atlanta, USA

  11. Chris C

    Chris C Canadian

    I'm confused. Was this ship's conversion actually completed?
  12. Ewen Scott

    Ewen Scott Well-Known Member

    The conversion of Menestheus was completed in Sept 1945 and she served in the Pacific area until spring 1946, by which time her services were no longer required with the RN having re-establihed itself at Hong Kong & Singapore. Shecwas returned to her original owners on 26 July 1946 and converted back to mercantilebuse. Photos here:-




    The theatre/cinema occupied the new superstructure built forward of the bridge with the cafeteria and bar beneath and the brewery in the forward hold beneath that.

    It was the second ship, Agamemnon, whose conversion was cancelled in Sept 1945.

    Attached Files:

    Chris C and dbf like this.
  13. riter

    riter Well-Known Member

    For the while the US Army had frogmen who were intended to do the same thing as WW III UDT.
    JimHerriot likes this.
  14. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    Not a documentary, but made with the co-operation of (post war recruitment drive etc.)

    The Frogmen (1951) ⭐ 6.5 | Adventure, Drama, War

    Of Hamilton wristwatches and the like :)

    Kind regards, always,

  15. A-58

    A-58 Not so senior Member

    Anyone heard of this event before? Pretty clever fellow whoever thought the ploy up.

    Redd, OpanaPointer and Warlord like this.
  16. Warlord

    Warlord Veteran wannabe

    Ranks up there with the Toilet Raid of 'Nam fame
    A-58 likes this.
  17. Warlord

    Warlord Veteran wannabe

    Taken from the "Navy General Board" FB page:

    Normally fire and water don't mix, but that didn't stop Italy from deploying a flamethrower on a submarine.

    Now why would a submarine need a flamethrower?The Girosi flamethrower takes its name from its creator Carlo Girosi. The weapon was designed to create a barrier of sorts.

    The weapon operated differently then what you see in the photo. In actual use, it would be used while submerged.The submarine would discharge fuel from its tanks, creating a slick on the surface. The flamethrower, mounted on a protruding mast, would then be used to ignite this slick.

    The resulting flame would last for a few minutes, creating a formidable looking barrier.It was intended to use this barrier against harbor entrances and channels, impeding the movement of ships. The submarine would then take advantage of this to inflict more damage during the confusion.

    Some sources state that the testing was successful enough that twenty or more Italian submarines were eventually equipped with the Girosi device. However, I have not seen any sources showing it was ever actually used during the Second World War.
    Dave55 and A-58 like this.
  18. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    Chris C and Dave55 like this.
  19. Dave55

    Dave55 Atlanta, USA

  20. Deacs

    Deacs Well i am from Cumbria.

    Aixman likes this.

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