What have you learned about WW2 recently?

Discussion in 'General' started by dbf, Oct 22, 2010.

  1. Warlord

    Warlord Veteran wannabe

    No comment :reallymad:

    However, why didn't the same happen then with Juin's First Army? Goums constituted a big percentage of its ToP.
  2. davidbfpo

    davidbfpo Patron Patron


    During my research on events @ Setif, Algeria on VE-Day 1945 I found this:
    From: 1st Free French Division - Wikipedia
  3. Warlord

    Warlord Veteran wannabe

    Maybe, and just maybe, it had to do with the allegations of rape and general misconduct that French overseas troops had to face while in Italy. Nevertheless, a shameful decision.

    Will take a look around the Osprey job about L Force / 2e DB, to see if there is more related info
  4. davidbfpo

    davidbfpo Patron Patron

    Yesterday I attended a lecture by Jonathan Fennell, Kings College War Studies / Staff College, on his forthcoming three book set. His talk was very wide and fascinating. So, what was my takeaway?

    The volume of letters exchanged between those serving and their families at home. He cited one figure, from 1942, 24 million letters per month - involving Germany. Letters were - in reality rarely censored (except in the USSR) - so they can be a valuable research resource as the authors could write freely.

    The logistics were to me a puzzle, due to the volume, not weight and the speed of movement. He cited that at one stage between North Africa and India letters were sent using microfiche.

    On a quick look there are several threads on mail, notably from / to German-held POW.
  5. Wg Cdr Luddite

    Wg Cdr Luddite Well-Known Member

    Source is here:
    Note this only applies to 2e DB, not de Lattre's Army.
    TTH likes this.
  6. Warlord

    Warlord Veteran wannabe

    The Fokker D.XXI was intended solely for use by the ML-KNIL, not in Continental Europe. However, it never made it to the NEI because of the Nazi invasion, but the type gave a good account of itself in the skies over Holland.

    "Initially designed for use by the Royal Netherlands East Indies Army, the Fokker D.XXI never actually fought in South-East Asia. Instead, its combat potential was realized in the short but intense campaign mounted by the Dutch military against the invading German forces in May 1940. The fighter also had an even longer career in the Finnish air force, which flew it throughout the country’s two wars with the Soviet Union. Although by the end of World War II the D.XXI was, of course, eclipsed my much more advanced aircraft, at its outbreak it was quite a decent fighter, capable of effectively destroying contemporary German and Soviet types."
    CL1 and JimHerriot like this.
  7. Dave55

    Dave55 Atlanta, USA

    CL1, JimHerriot and Wg Cdr Luddite like this.
  8. EKB

    EKB Well-Known Member

    WAC poster showing ladies how to wear a hat as officially preferred.
    Basic Belles poster U.S. Army c.1944 shows ladies proper and improper wear of headgear.jpeg
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2024
    gash hand, CL1, Tom OBrien and 7 others like this.
  9. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    An Unrotated Projectile battery at Tobruk?

    Yes. Rockets and matelots (brave matelots) on land in North Africa.

    Too dangerous for the UK, so send 'em to Libya.

    Astounding stuff; Info courtesy of Noonan's (and their forthcoming sale).

    Kind regards, always,




    CL1 likes this.
  10. A-58

    A-58 Not so senior Member

    Nope. I have those symbols on my iPhone though.
  11. A-58

    A-58 Not so senior Member

    I just read in Quora that the Consolidated B-24 was the most popular US made aircraft in the RAF. Since the pic is provided by The Australian War Memorial, I'd take a wild guess and assume that the B-24 was popular with the RAAF too. Not sure what y'all called the B-24 "whilst" in British/Commonwealth service though. We called it the Liberator.

    Source: The Australian War Memorial.

    A Consolidated B-24 Liberator of Costal Command on anti-submarine patrol.

    They B-24 helped close the Atlantic gap, the area in which Nazi U-boats could operate without fear of aircraft detection and attack. Equipped with air to surface radar, search lights, depth charges and 20mm cannons they would hunt U-boats forcing them to limit their operations on the surface of the water.

    Given all the hundreds of thousands of tons of food, ammunition, and other supplies transported by ship during the Battle of the Atlantic this aircraft was certainly well liked by many.

    The Liberator also formed a large part of the far east bombing force.


    I've also read in other publications that there were many "modifications" to ships, planes and such before delivery. In many of the larger aircraft (bombers, transports, etc.) y'all requested that the cigarette ash tray be removed from the cockpit area and in warships, the ice cream galley had to be removed as well. We had entire ships that were dedicated to just making ice cream. Well I think that they were actually barges that were towed to forward anchorages for mass production of ice cream. Anything for our boys! Of course I'm sure the boys would also enjoy the privileges of a "playtime barge" that provided girlies you know. I doubt that the churches would go along with that endeavor.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2024
    CL1 and davidbfpo like this.
  12. Wg Cdr Luddite

    Wg Cdr Luddite Well-Known Member

  13. A-58

    A-58 Not so senior Member

    The is sort’ve WW2 related I think. I’ve just read that the opening tune on the great WW2 classic “The Great Escape” (just thinking about the movie brings that tune to mind) was used by the Vote Leave campaign in the UK Brexit referendum. It appears that the sons of the song’s composer openly criticized the use of that tune because of the notion that their deceased father (Elmer Bernstein) would have strongly opposed the party.

    I really don’t know how the sons could’ve made that claim because Elmer Bernstein was born and raised in the US and probably did not have a strong position on the matter anyways. That’s just MHO though. What little was wrote about him doesn’t give any info on his political leanings or grasps on foreign politics.

    I know that the Brexit issue was a touchy subject on the Talk over there for awhile. I know a couple of Englishmen and asked them to share their positions/opinions on the matter. Both were diametrically opposed to the issue surrounding Brexit question and gave strong pro and con arguments. And to top it off they are best friends from elementary school days. Elementary school here in the States encompasses 1st thru 6th grades in case y’all have a different system. Although things has changed a bit since me graduating from 6th grade in 1971, it seems that some school districts have what they call a “middle school” for grades 5-8 now. Some are 6-8 I’ve heard. And others have grades 5-7, with a 9th grade as a separate school. Whatever works you know. What was I talking about anyway?
    JimHerriot likes this.
  14. Dave55

    Dave55 Atlanta, USA

    I just learned that Ford manufactured R-2800s. I would have thought they would build R-1830s for their B-24s.

    JimHerriot likes this.
  15. A-58

    A-58 Not so senior Member


    This is an M19 Tank Transporter setup, which consists of an M9 trailer and the awesome-looking M20 truck.

    The truck is a Diamond T 981, more often known simply as the Diamond T. Despite being a US vehicle, the Diamond T was constructed according to British requirements, as they were in need of a tank transporter capable of moving newer tanks coming into service.

    It was powered by a 14.7 litre (895 cu in) Hercules DFXE straight six diesel engine that produced 185 hp and 900 Nm of torque at 1,200 rpm. An 18,000 kg winch was located behind the cab of the vehicle. On the back there appears to be a bed, but this is actually a ballast box, which can be loaded with up to 8 tons of weight to increase rear wheel traction.

    Diamond T's gave brilliant service to the Allies during WWII and long after, thanks to their pulling ability and ruggedness. Large numbers found themselves in commercial heavy haulage use, many of which are still active today.

    And all along I thought that damaged/broke down tanks were hauled around by tank retrievers. Dang.
    JimHerriot and CL1 like this.
  16. Dave55

    Dave55 Atlanta, USA

  17. Ewen Scott

    Ewen Scott Well-Known Member

    The battle over whether the Malta class should be a closed double hangar armoured carrier as per the original 1943/44 designs or a carrier of single open hangar design with an unarmoured flight deck as per the 1945 X1 design was not over in mid-1945.

    Sir Stanley Goodall (then the Assistant Director (Warship Production) and former Director of Naval Construction 1936-44) recorded in his diary on 28th May 1945 that the new Fifth Sea Lord, responsible for Naval Aviation, Rear Admiral Thomas H Troubridge was opposed to carriers with open hangars and unarmoured flight decks. This was the entirely opposite view from that held by his predecessor Vice Admiral Denis W Boyd, who had held the post from 1943 to Jan 1945! Both men had a lot of carrier experience before reaching that position.

    This was of course at a time when the RN had just had its first experience of kamikaze attack (1 April 1945 on Indefatigable and then other carriers through April/May) and were able to have a direct comparison with the damage wrought to US carriers. Illustrious arrived back in the UK at the end of June 1945 and her CO was giving lectures on her experience of war in the Pacific in 1945.

    Having resisted the armoured flight deck for so long (see some early schemes for the Yorktown & Essex classes in Friedman's US Carriers book), the Americans got a look at Illustrious & Formidable in 1941 when they were under repair at Norfolk. As a result they had adopted an open hangar design but with an armoured flight deck for their next fleet carrier design, the MIdway class. The first pair of these, Midway & Franklin D Roosevelt just missed the war, commissioning in Sept and Oct 1945 respectively. But these were ships of nearly double the standard displacement of the Illustrious class.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2024
  18. riter

    riter Well-Known Member

    I learned that the REME had a lance-sergeant rank.

    When did the British start using WOP in reference to the Italians? That's an American term meaning without paper (no documentations) that became a derogatory slur against Italians. My apologies to anybody here and REME George West uses it in his book, The Snail, at Length, Reached Jerusalem. I knew about "eyeties" which West also uses as does Robert Crisp in Brazen Chariots, and it's in reference to the Italian pronunciation of Italia (Ee-tal-lia) with accent on the middle syllable.

    Wish I had a pencil with me b/c there's quite a number of REME/British abbreviations I had to learn. 2ic (2nd in command), MT (motor transport), CMS (command sergeant major), OC (Officer Commanding), Dixie (closable food container), among others.
    Uncle Target likes this.
  19. Uncle Target

    Uncle Target Mist over Dartmoor

    Did it again riter, you'll end up on a fizzer!

    CSM = Company Sergeant Major not CMS and its Company not Command.

    You'll be asking what a fizzer is next!

    Lance Sergeant was used in many Regiments and Corps including Royal Artillery.

    Other Ranks rank badges - The Royal Artillery 1939-45
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2024
  20. riter

    riter Well-Known Member

    Had to look up fizzer (and also Geordie which is mentioned in West's first book)

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