What does HART means in ARMY OPS LOG

Discussion in 'Special Forces' started by Klaas Rein Noppert, Nov 5, 2023.

  1. Klaas Rein Noppert

    Klaas Rein Noppert Active Member

    Hello to you all.

    Below you will see an ARMY OPS LOG from MAIN HQ FIRST CDN ARMY of 9 april 1945.
    Please take a look at serial 51.
    By information it says:
    For action SAS Tac. HART and 11 Halifaxes estimated time of arrival B77 091545.

    Now my quastion. What does HART means?

    Thank you for any respons.

    HART and 11 halifaxes.jpg
  2. Tullybrone

    Tullybrone Senior Member


    Complete shot in the dark but could it be a reference to HART(FORCE) - perhaps a parachute drop of SAS troops under command (Lt Col) Hart?

    22 SAS - Hart, Lemon Evelyn Oliver Turton (Pat)

    One of the forum Special Forces experts - Skip or JimHerriot - may hopefully have a more accurate/sensible response.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2023
  3. Klaas Rein Noppert

    Klaas Rein Noppert Active Member

    Hello Tullybrone.

    Thank you for replaying.
    That could be a clou. Hope that some expert around here can give us the answer.

    JimHerriot likes this.
  4. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    Steve (Tullybrone) has the right chap.

    Major (then) Pat Hart was on the SAS Brigade Staff by that stage of the war, consequently no longer on ops as such.

    SAS TAC HQ was set up at Nijmegen (an initiative of Mike Calvert's for "hands on" management of the SAS ops in what would become the closing stages of the war in europe)

    B77 was the airfield at Gilze-Rijen. The Halifaxes that Pat Hart got a lift with were likely to be involved in supply ops for Amherst/Keystone/Larkswood/Howard/Archway.

    That's all off the top of my head. Once I'm home I'll dig out the SAS Radio logs for that period and see if they can add any more - unless Stolpi beats me to it :)

    Kind regards, always,

  5. Klaas Rein Noppert

    Klaas Rein Noppert Active Member

    Hello Jim.
    Thank you very much indeed for this conformation in Tullybrone message. I am ready :) too receive more info regarding the radio calls SAS Radio. I do have a few of these.
    HQ SAS in Nijmegen was probably in Mariënbosch, a former monastery. There was also a place for SAS soldiers to rest from this mission Amherst. They got back to RAF Woodbridge from RAF airfield B(British).91 Kluis and B.78 Eindhoven with C47 Dakotas of the RAF 46 group.
    I do have a few ORB's from both airfield back to Woodbridge.
    If interested I will place them here.
    EDIT: Jeeps where for OP Amherst.

    Kamp Mariënbosch was een voormalig klooster te Nijmegen.jpg
    Camp Mariënbosch in Nijmegen, Holland.

    Last edited: Nov 6, 2023
    JimHerriot likes this.
  6. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    Here you are Noppie, the entry regarding Pat Hart and the jeep carrying Halifax aircraft from SAS radio log.

    Kind regards, always,


  7. Klaas Rein Noppert

    Klaas Rein Noppert Active Member

    Thank you Jim. From witch unit is this? 1st CDN Army LOG?
    This will help me out.
    JimHerriot likes this.
  8. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    From 2 SAS Operations Log Noppie (held in The National Archives in the UK)

    Links below for Logs covering September '44 to April '45 and March '45 to August '45 (note, some overlap datewise). At present they are not digitised or available for download.

    2 SAS Regt: operations log | The National Archives

    2 SAS Regt: operations log | The National Archives

    Kind regards, always,

    Klaas Rein Noppert likes this.
  9. Klaas Rein Noppert

    Klaas Rein Noppert Active Member

    Thanks for your help.
    Best regards,
    JimHerriot likes this.

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