Researching Wessex Wyverns, 1st Battalion Worcestershire regiment June ‘44

Discussion in 'User Introductions' started by Sharon Hill-Boulton, Aug 6, 2019.

  1. Sharon Hill-Boulton

    Sharon Hill-Boulton New Member

    Hi there,

    Just wondering if anyone out there can give me some more information with regards to my grandfathers movements, during the short time he was in Normandy. He landed on Gold on 21/22nd June 1944, then was wounded on 29th June. I would be interested in hearing from anyone who would have information or relatives that would have fought along side him for that short time before he was sent home. His injury was such that he was discharged from the army as his left arm was paralysed by the mortar shrapnel that hit him.

    The only other bit of information I have is that he was a sniper.

    Thank you in advance for any info someone may have.

  2. Owen

    Owen -- --- -.. MOD

  3. Tricky Dicky

    Tricky Dicky Don'tre member

    Copied from the War Diary - Worcestershire Regiment (29th/36th of Foot)
    28th June 1944
    O Group, Battalion then moved forward R.V. at 916668 preparation to operation against Mouen 9365.

    MOUEN - Map of Mouen 14790 France

    Operation Epsom - Wikipedia
    The 15th (Scottish) Infantry Division would lead the assault. During Phase I, codenamed Gout, they were to take the villages of Sainte Manvieu and Cheux.[28] In Phase II (Hangover), the division would advance to capture several crossings over the Odon River and the villages of Mouen and Grainville-sur-Odon.[28] Should resistance during the opening phase prove light, the 11th Armoured Division would seize the bridges over the Odon River by coup de main.[31] During the first two phases, the 43rd (Wessex) Infantry Division—to be reinforced on 28 June with the infantry brigade of the Guards Armoured Division—was to remain on the start line to provide a "firm base".[29]


    At 0530 elements of the 15th (Scottish) Infantry Division with tank support, launched a new assault to capture the village of Grainville-sur-Odon. After shelling and close quarter street fighting, the Scots secured the village by 1300 hours; German counter-attacks followed but were repulsed.[76] At 0600 the Germans began two strong flanking attacks, with the intention of pinching out the British salient. Kampfgruppe Frey on the eastern flank, launched an attack north of the Odon, supported by Panzer IVs of the 21st Panzer Division. This reached the villages of Mouen and Tourville but the British counter-attacked from the direction of Cheux, resulting in confused heavy fighting throughout the day.[72] Frey's battle group managed to gain control of Mouen and British counter-attacks supported by tanks halted any further advance but were unable to retake the village.[77][78] British patrols found Marcelet partly empty, the German front line having been pulled back towards Carpiquet.[79]

    29th June 1944
    VIII Corps also launched spoiling attacks, at 0800 1st Battalion Worcestershire Regiment, from the 43rd Division, assaulted Mouen, without tanks behind an artillery barrage.[87] By 1100 the battalion had forced the 1st SS Panzer Division panzergrenadiers back and the 7th Battalion Somerset Light Infantry moved up and dug in on the Caen–Villers-Bocage road.[88] The 129th Brigade of the 43rd Division, swept the woods and orchards around Tourville-sur-Odon, before crossing the river north of Baron-sur-Odon and clearing the south bank.[89] An attempt by the 44th Brigade of the 15th Division to advance towards the Odon and link up with the force holding the Gavrus bridges failed, leaving this position isolated and in the salient the 44th Battalion Royal Tank Regiment failed to capture Hill 113 (49°6′14″N 0°30′45″W) north of Évrecy, after clashing with 10th SS Panzer Division and losing six tanks.[90] Elements of the 11th Armoured Division attacked Esquay-Notre-Dame west of Hill 112 but were repulsed and an attack by the 8th Rifle Brigade and the 3rd Royal Tank Regiment on the southern slope of the hill, drove the Germans from the position.[90][91]
    Damion Simpkin and Tony56 like this.
  4. Hi Sharon, there is also the following book. The 43rd Wessex Division at War 1944-1945;
  5. Sharon Hill-Boulton

    Sharon Hill-Boulton New Member

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