My book-buying "problem"

Discussion in 'Books, Films, TV, Radio' started by Chris C, Jul 6, 2018.

  1. Wobbler

    Wobbler Well-Known Member


    Currently enjoying reading his “How Can Man Die Better”, 14/264 tells me it’s equally as good, which I don’t doubt, so this was a no brainer.
    Juha, Waddell, TTH and 4 others like this.
  2. Chris C

    Chris C Canadian

    Just got this from Amazon. It's the story of a small town in Ontario and the men from it who joined 98th Anti-Tank Battery which was part of 5th Canadian Armoured Division in Italy and the Netherlands. And as the cover image indicates, had M10s.

    I think the book said Port Elgin had about 1500 people at the time of the war.

  3. Orwell1984

    Orwell1984 Senior Member

    Have it on my wish list.
    Please let me know what you think of it.
    Nick the Noodle and Chris C like this.
  4. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

    Oh, god.
    I've just seen who what you mean about the intro.
    Jonathan Ball likes this.
  5. Tom OBrien

    Tom OBrien Senior Member

    Well into this first volume of two about France in WW2 and very impressed by the depth of the research so far - up to the Norway campaign so far and beginning to understand some of the many reasons for the catastrophe of May - June 1940. Highly recommended.

    Defeat and Division - Porch.jpg


    JeremyC, minden1759, Juha and 9 others like this.
  6. BFBSM

    BFBSM Very Senior Member

    Porch is a good writer, I have his book on the Mediterranean Campaign, and have learned a lot from reading his writing.
    JimHerriot likes this.
  7. davidbfpo

    davidbfpo Patron Patron

    BFBSM and Tom,

    I would recommend Porch's books: 'The Conquest of Morocco: A Savage Colonial War', pub. paperback 1987 and 'Counterinsurgency: Exposing the Myths of the New Way of War', pub. paperback 2013. Yes, not with a WW2 focus.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2023
    Tom OBrien, BFBSM and JimHerriot like this.
  8. Chris C

    Chris C Canadian

    Well.... it was $3 at an outdoor book sale at a tiny museum near me. The now illustrated diary of a Canadian chaplain.

    Wobbler, Waddell and ecalpald like this.
  9. stolpi

    stolpi Well-Known Member

    I've diverted my attention to the First World War. Now studying the French effort after a visit to the Artois battlefield and Marne region.

    Came across this fine book of Robert A. Doughty (highly recommended).


    More books to follow ...


    Last edited: Jul 15, 2023
  10. Orwell1984

    Orwell1984 Senior Member


    Very much a niche topic but looks very promising. Some good CanCon.
    Juha, Wobbler, Waddell and 2 others like this.
  11. Wobbler

    Wobbler Well-Known Member


    Another one for the Kindle. Only 99p, seemed daft not to.
  12. Orwell1984

    Orwell1984 Senior Member


    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    My usual collection of assorted stuff. I have book ADHD. No focus.
  13. JDKR

    JDKR Senior Member

    Not exactly bought but found mouldering on the bookshelf of a house in which we are staying in Wales. Had I known the book existed it would have provided a few, small points of detail for Theirs the Strife. Aw shucks! IMG_0318.jpeg
  14. Tolbooth

    Tolbooth Patron Patron

    Have seen it quoted a few times and appears in many a bibliography so thought I'd give it a go.
    Don Juan, Juha, Wobbler and 4 others like this.
  15. Wobbler

    Wobbler Well-Known Member

    First thing today, liked what I saw, and another 99p bargain for the old Kindle:

    Chris C, stolpi and Waddell like this.
  16. Markyboy

    Markyboy Member

    My office summer drinks coincided with the last day of the N&MP discounts. Long story short, I ended up £45 lighter after placing an order on the last train home....... but got a pretty good haul:

    Battle for the Channel - Brian Cull
    Fighters over the Aegean - Brian Cull
    The Blitz Then and Now - Volume 1
    Devotion to a Calling - Boxall
    The Great Escape from Stalag Luft 3 - Jens Muller (one of the three to make a home run)
    Scene of Murder Then and Now - Got this one for the good lady as she loves true crime.
    Orwell1984, Juha, stolpi and 2 others like this.
  17. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

    The old man got given some books.
    Gave them to me (though a lot more Janes went to charity :ninja:.)
    I could maybe get into this naval stuff, though the adverts in the first and second war ones appeal more.
    The relatively recent one is a hell of a thing. Beautifully produced, and maybe the heaviest book I now own. Floor-dweller I suppose, as it'd threaten most shelves.
  18. Chris C

    Chris C Canadian

    Since the start of July I've picked up just two books, both about the M10, both by David Doyle. One was a very cheap find at the Canadian War Museum book room, and the other was a more expensive online purchase because I wanted something which included the M10C.


    This one is a wide format softcover (I'm not sure this image does it justice). It's nice and glossy and is packed with photos - not a lot of space between them. It's a US production.

    Doyle also has a Squadron/Signal book which includes the M10C, but I'm not going to bother hunting that down as well!


    I believe this Schiffer Military book is what you could get locally in the UK. Where photos are common between the two, the captions are the same. This is also a hardcover, which is nice. It includes some colour photos of vehicles still existing, but not a great many. I do have to sound a note of caution about the captions of the M10C photos. Doyle seems to have derived his captions solely from the IWM caption info, and seems to think that if an infantry brigade or armoured regiment is mentioned, that the M10C belonged to that unit, which is incorrect.
    Nick the Noodle, BFBSM and Juha like this.
  19. Nick the Noodle

    Nick the Noodle Active Member

    Hunnicutt's book on the Sherman has a shortish, but detailed section on the M10.
    Chris C likes this.
  20. Chris C

    Chris C Canadian

    Thanks. If only the Toronto reference library had a copy... (they have some of his)
    Nick the Noodle likes this.

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