Ludwig Baron von Twickel

Discussion in 'The Third Reich' started by Owen, May 7, 2023.

  1. Owen

    Owen -- --- -.. MOD

    Went to Coughton Court today.
    Coughton Court | Warwickshire
    In one room another visitor commented on the name von Twickel.
    The room guide said he was a Nazi.

    I've Google away like mad & can find next to nothing on him.
    Just the basics on his family, wife etc.
    He married Ann Throckmorton.
    Anyone help with the comment regarding him being a Nazi & any active service in the armed forces?

    Ludwig Twickel (1911-1945) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree
  2. Tony56

    Tony56 Member Patron

    Still searching.

    Marriage 1939
    twickel 1.jpg

    Newspaper April 21, 1945
    twickel 2.jpg
    dbf, Guy Hudson, von Poop and 4 others like this.
  3. ltdan

    ltdan Nietenzähler

    Last edited: May 7, 2023
    dbf, 4jonboy, von Poop and 3 others like this.
  4. Mr Jinks

    Mr Jinks Bit of a Cad

    From `Fame chain:-

    Ludwig von Twickel & Ann Barbara Von Twickel Married, Children, Joint Family Tree & History - FameChain

    Full name:-Baron Ludwig Joseph Maria Ferdinand Hubertus Georg Ignatius Antonius Thomas Eustachius Von Twickel
    Age34 (approx.)
    Date of birth 1911
    Birth place Ostrowine
    Date of death: 13 Mar 1945
    Place of death Eisenach, Germany
    Cause of death Killed in Action

    Ettal War Memorial
    Ettal, Landkreis Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Bavaria (Bayern), Germany

    From The Peerage regarding his son :-

    Alexander Rudolph Ferdinand Nicolaus Zdenko Baron von Twickel was born on 14 November 1941 at Pacov He was the son of Ludwig Baron von Twickel and Ann Barbara Throckmorton.
    He married Neville Christine Priestman in 1973 at Coughton, Warwickshire, England . He died September 2003, after a cycling accident.
    He was educated at College St. Blaslen, Germany.
    He lived in 1970 at Spiney House, Coughton, Alcester, Warwickshire, England.
    He retired from the military in 1993, with the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, late of the 9th/12th Royal Lancers.

    Last edited: May 7, 2023
    4jonboy and von Poop like this.
  5. Quarterfinal

    Quarterfinal Well-Known Member

    Two 'Vons' come to mind from Service days, but I have a feeling Alexander chose to be just 'Twickel' in the Army List. I remember him being Commandant Soltau-Luneberg Training Staff over the period 89-91 and also having a BAOR Public Relations background before that ............ where perhaps a quiet benefit may have been offered by a softly finessed allusion to the title on occasions ....?

    Noting other immediate von Twickel family links to Ludwig Baron von Leonrod, hanged for involvement in the 1944 plot to assassinate Hitler, perhaps the National Trust might welcome more information, if it is forthcoming.......
  6. Sheldrake

    Sheldrake All over the place....

    I met him on Ex Iron Triangle 1988 when he was in a PR role. We were the home team fielding an FTX with a full complement of CSCE observers. Another von was Johnny von Merfield who claimed descent from the C17th mercenary Mansfield. One of these chaps composed Stil und Form a guide for British officers to German ettiquette.
  7. ltdan

    ltdan Nietenzähler

    His brother:
    Johannes von Twickel

    However, I have found NOTHING about Ludwig.
    Neither in the Wehrmacht directories, nor in the Eisenach military hospital or prison.
    Either he died of a wound in March or he was involved in the Hitler assassination plot in some way
    (his brother-in-law Ludwig von Leonrod was executed in 1944).

    Oh, one more thing - this was the family's residence between 1933 and 1962, until they moved to England:
    Blaue Gams Chronik - Wellnesshotel in Ettal bei Oberammergau
    Last edited: May 8, 2023
    Owen likes this.
  8. Owen

    Owen -- --- -.. MOD

    Thanks for looking.
  9. Quarterfinal

    Quarterfinal Well-Known Member

    There is an unspecified von Twickel reference here:
    na dann ... Wochenschau für Münster:  Zeitzeichen
    albeit of unattributed source. If it has basis .... Johannes, Ludwig or Ignatius? Ignatius is listed elsewhere as being killed in action in Italy in April 45. Forstmeister Johannes - following ltdan's previous link - seems to have a loose agricultural connection, but may have been in Kurland at the time. Or Ludwig?

    Interesting that Johannes was married to Maria Josepha Graefin von Merveldt. Hmmm.
    ltdan likes this.
  10. ltdan

    ltdan Nietenzähler

    This was Baron RUDOLF von Twickel, brother of Johann + Ludwig:
    Johann RUDOLF Klemens August Sebastian Maria Benedikt Aloysius Hubertus Cyriakus Donatus Anton Freiherr von Twickel

    As a strict Catholic and conservative, T. was not only a member of the Westphalia-Lippe regional branch of the German Nobility Association as early as 1937, but also soon gained contacts with the German resistance of the Kreisau Circle around Count Helmuth James v.Moltke, but was not arrested after the failed assassination attempt of July 20, 1944.
    Kleines ABC zum deutschen Adel
    Quarterfinal likes this.

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