Coup Du Main - D-Day, Normandy 1944

Discussion in 'Airborne' started by BGUNN, Aug 17, 2023.

  1. BGUNN

    BGUNN Active Member

    Hello all,

    I am hoping somebody may be able to assist me. I am looking for a list of men that participated in the coup du main in D-Day.

    additionally any information of who was in what glider would also be fantastic.

    thank you in advance
  2. Temujin

    Temujin Member

  3. BGUNN

    BGUNN Active Member

    Thank you for the link, it is a great resource of information, but can not see it listing the men that took part in the coup du main and in which glider.
  4. Temujin

    Temujin Member

    Go to REPORTS. Info is near bottom under
    Coup Du Main
    Tullybrone likes this.
  5. Temujin

    Temujin Member

    Here is what it says

    Coup de Main Force

    The following is a complete list of all those who participated in Major John Howard's Coup-de-Main raid on the BĂ©nouville and Ranville Bridges, more familiarly known as the Pegasus and Horsa Bridges, in the early hours of the 6th June 1944. The list comes from "The Devil's Own Luck" by the late Denis Edwards, and from research notes that he passed on to the site.

    BĂ©nouville / Pegasus Bridge

    Glider No.1

    A Horsa glider towed by a Halifax tug piloted by Wing Commander Duder. All aboard, unless otherwise noted, were members of No.25 Platoon, designated No.1 Platoon for the duration of the Coup-de-Main Raid, of "D" Company, the 2nd Battalion The Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry.

    Staff-Sergeant Jim Wallwork (Glider Pilot Regiment)

    Staff-Sergeant John Ainsworth (Glider Pilot Regiment)

    Lieutenant Den Brotheridge (Platoon Commander)

    Sergeant Ollis

    Corporal Caine

    Corporal Webb

    Corporal Bailey

    Lance-Corporal Packwood

    Lance-Corporal Minns

    Private Baalam

    Private Bates

    Private Bourlet

    Private Chamberlain

    Private Denis Edwards

    Private Gardner

    Private Gray

    Private O'Donnell

    Private Wally Parr

    Private Tilbury

    Private Watson

    Private White

    Private Windsor

    Private Jackson (08)

    Major John Howard ("D" Company Headquarters, Commander Coup-de-Main Force)

    Corporal Tappenden ("D" Company Headquarters, Wireless Operator)

    Corporal Watson (249th Field Company)

    Sapper Danson (249th Field Company)

    Sapper Ramsey (249th Field Company)

    Sapper Wheeler (249th Field Company)

    Sapper Yates (249th Field Company)

    The following men were of No.25 Platoon but did not participate in the Coup-de-Main raid. Privates Saunders, Fry, Taylor, Whale, Wilks and Sergeant Page.

    Glider No.2

    A Horsa glider towed by a Halifax tug piloted by Warrant Officer Berry. All aboard, unless otherwise noted, were members of No.24 Platoon, designated No.2 Platoon for the duration of the Coup-de-Main Raid, of "D" Company, the 2nd Battalion The Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry.

    Staff-Sergeant Boland (Glider Pilot Regiment)

    Staff-Sergeant Hobbs (Glider Pilot Regiment)

    Lieutenant David Wood (Platoon Commander)

    Sergeant Leather

    Corporal Charles Henry Godbold

    Corporal Cowperthwaite

    Corporal Ilsley

    Lance-Corporal Roberts

    Lance-Corporal Drew

    Private Chatfield

    Private Lewis

    Private Cheesley

    Private Waters

    Private Clarke (33)

    Private Musty

    Private Dancey

    Private Harman

    Private Warmington

    Private Leonard

    Private Weaver

    Private Radford

    Private Harry Clark (48)

    Private Pepperall

    Private Malpas

    Lance-Corporal Harris ("D" Company Headquarters, RAMC Medic)

    Captain Neilson (249th Field Company)

    Sapper Conley (249th Field Company)

    Sapper Lockhart (249th Field Company)

    Sapper Shorey (249th Field Company)

    Sapper Haslett (249th Field Company)

    The following men were of No.24 Platoon but did not participate in the Coup-de-Main raid. Privates Orris, Davis, Batchelor, Irving, Brooks and Meredith.

    Glider No.3

    A Horsa glider towed by a Halifax tug piloted by Warrant Officer Herman. All aboard, unless otherwise noted, were members of No.14 Platoon, designated No.3 Platoon for the duration of the Coup-de-Main Raid, of "B" Company, the 2nd Battalion The Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry.

    Staff-Sergeant Barkway (Glider Pilot Regiment)

    Staff-Sergeant Boyle (Glider Pilot Regiment)

    Lieutenant Richard Smith (Platoon Commander)

    Sergeant Harrison

    Corporal Higgs

    Corporal Stan Evans

    Corporal Aris

    Lance-Corporal Madge

    Lance-Corporal Cohen

    Lance-Corporal Greenhalgh

    Private Wilson

    Private Hook

    Private Stewart

    Private Keane

    Private Noble

    Private Crocker

    Private Basham

    Private Watts

    Private Anton

    Private Tibbs

    Private Slade

    Private Burns

    Private Turner

    Private Golden

    Major Jacob-Vaughan (Medical Officer)

    Lance-Corporal Albert Gregory (195th Airlanding Field Ambulance, Medic)

    Lance-Corporal Waring (249th Field Company)

    Sapper Clarke (249th Field Company)

    Sapper Fleming (249th Field Company)

    Sapper Green (249th Field Company)

    Sapper Preece (249th Field Company)

    Ranville / Horsa Bridge

    Glider No.4

    A Horsa glider towed by a Halifax tug piloted by Flying Officer Clapperton. All aboard, unless otherwise noted, were members of No.22 Platoon, designated No.4 Platoon for the duration of the Coup-de-Main Raid, of "D" Company, the 2nd Battalion The Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry.

    Staff-Sergeant Lawrence (Glider Pilot Regiment)

    Staff-Sergeant Shorter (Glider Pilot Regiment)

    Lieutenant Tony Hooper (Platoon Commander)

    Sergeant Barwick

    Corporal Goodsir

    Corporal Bateman

    Lance-Sergeant Rayner

    Corporal Ambrose

    Corporal Hunt

    Private Allwood

    Private Wilson

    Private Hedges

    Private Everett

    Private St. Clair

    Private Waite

    Private Clive

    Private Timms

    Private Whitford

    Private Johnson

    Private Lathbury

    Private Hammond

    Private Frank Gardener (08)

    Private Jeffrey

    Captain Priday ("D" Company Headquarters, Second-in-Command)

    Lance-Corporal Lambley ("D" Company Headquarters, Company Clerk)

    Lance-Sergeant Brown (249th Field Company)

    Sapper Deighton (249th Field Company)

    Sapper Guest (249th Field Company)

    Sapper Paget (249th Field Company)

    Sapper Roberts (249th Field Company)

    The following men were of No.22 Platoon but did not participate in the Coup-de-Main raid. Lance-Corporal Griffiths, Privates Harris and Nicholls.

    Glider No.5

    A Horsa glider towed by a Halifax tug piloted by Warrant Officer Bain. All aboard, unless otherwise noted, were members of No.23 Platoon, designated No.5 Platoon for the duration of the Coup-de-Main Raid, of "D" Company, the 2nd Battalion The Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry.

    Staff-Sergeant Pearson (Glider Pilot Regiment)

    Staff-Sergeant Guthrie (Glider Pilot Regiment)

    Lieutenant "Tod" Sweeney (Platoon Commander)

    Sergeant Gooch

    Corporal Murton

    Corporal Howard

    Corporal Jennings

    Corporal Lawrence Stacey

    Lance-Corporal Porter

    Private Allen

    Private Bowden

    Private Buller

    Private Bright

    Private Bleach

    Private Clark (46)

    Private Galbraith

    Private Jackson (59)

    Private Roach

    Private Roberts (94)

    Private Read

    Private Charles Edward Tibbit

    Private Wixon

    Private Wood

    Private Wilcox

    Lieutenant Macdonald (7th Parachute Battalion, Liaison Officer)

    Corporal Straw (249th Field Company)

    Sapper Bradford (249th Field Company)

    Sapper Carter (249th Field Company)

    Sapper Field (249th Field Company)

    Sapper Wilkinson (249th Field Company)

    The following men were of No.24 Platoon but did not participate in the Coup-de-Main raid. Privates Fergoson, Giles and Lance-Corporal Lennon.

    Glider No.6

    A Horsa glider towed by a Halifax tug piloted by Flying Officer Archibald. All aboard, unless otherwise noted, were members of No.17 Platoon, designated No.6 Platoon for the duration of the Coup-de-Main Raid, of "B" Company, the 2nd Battalion The Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry.

    Staff-Sergeant Howard (Glider Pilot Regiment)

    Staff-Sergeant Baacke (Glider Pilot Regiment)

    Lieutenant Dennis Fox (Platoon Commander)

    Sergeant Charles Thornton

    Corporal Lally

    Corporal Burns

    Corporal Reynolds

    Lance-Corporal Loveday

    Private Collett

    Private Hubbert

    Private Clare

    Private Peverill

    Private Pope

    Private Whitehouse

    Private Whitbread

    Private Lawton

    Private Rudge

    Private O'Shaughnessy

    Private Annetts

    Private Summersby

    Private Eric Woods

    Private Wyatt

    Private Ward

    Private Storr

    Lance-Corporal Lawson ("D" Company Headquarters, RAMC Medic)

    Lieutenant Bence (249th Field Company)

    Sapper Burns (249th Field Company)

    Sapper C. W. Larkin (249th Field Company)

    Sapper C. H. Larkin (249th Field Company)

    Sapper Maxted (249th Field Company)
  6. BGUNN

    BGUNN Active Member

    Thank you Temujin, apologies that I missed this.

    I appreciate the information, thank you
  7. Temujin

    Temujin Member

    No problem. Enjoy

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