Hello This is a picture of my Grandad whilst serving in India i cannot trace his army record through the m o d as i do not have his army number or regiment. This is where you come in can you identify the uniform? Thanks for your help.
Are my eyes playing tricks or does that say HLI on his shoulder title? If so he'd be 2nd HLI in India in 1930s. 2nd Bn, The Highland Light Infantry: Service Not sure if they wore a hackle in their toppee. Edit, white over red HLI hackle here. Scottish Regimental Cap Badges Gallery :: Regimental Cap Badges (Scottish Regimental Cap Badges) :: 107_0798_IMG Another edit, oops, that photo has Royal Highland Fusiliers nameplate . Maybe I'm wrong. yet another edit, I was right about the hackle.>> SCOTTISH MILITARY FEATHER PLUMES AND HACKLES
I may be deluding myself into thinking he's HLI but his shorts look like they are the same Tartan as this chaps trews, even though this image is from an earlier era. hli2
Owen Maybe worth contacting the RHF HQ or maybe post the photo on their forum on their website. There is a section of the Forum devoted to the HLI. Owen, I added a link but it messed the thread up. Go to www(dot)rhf.org.uk/
Okay - perhaps our friend can do a high-res scan of the shoulder title area so we can see it better. I bet we could read it at 600dpi or better.
Thanks for all your help Owen and Paul at least now im sure it was a scottish regiment that he was in and not an irish one as he was recruited in northern ireland