AA Brigade Convoy distribution

Discussion in 'Royal Artillery' started by hutt, Jan 5, 2014.

  1. hutt

    hutt Member

    Can anyone throw some light on how units were loaded on convoys to North Africa.

    I would love to be able to establish which ship my father sailed on to North Africa on convoy KMF4 but his unit diaries are missing between July 42 and February 43.

    Now, the 11th LAA Platoon RASC was part of 22nd AA Brigade and there is a diary for the 22nd AA Brigade Coy RASC that does cover November - December 42 including the sailing which states that this Brigade Coy sailed on the SS Batory. This diary also records that the 11th LAA Regt Pl were under 'HQ Coy at Maison Caree' on the 7th December and a few days later on the 11th and 12th, were unloading lorries and cars which had been completed by the 14th and then left for Souk Arras on the 16th.

    I guess my question is, would this be sufficient evidence to conclude that my fathers unit was also on the Batory or would it be more likely that the whole Brigade including the LAA and HAA regiments were split across several vessels.

    I have the diary for one of the other RASC platoons (17th LAA Regt Pl) in this brigade but frustratingly it records the journey simply as 'at sea'. Admittedly I still need to find and copy the brigades LAA and HAA diaries but in advance, any thoughts as to how such a brigade might have been organised for such a journey and were they likely that they would all have been on a single ship?

    I guess the big question would be, is there likely to be a single document at Kew that would give exact loadings for each of the ships in a specific convoy sailing?

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