The General Perspective
Discussion in 'Books, Films, TV, Radio' started by Charley Fortnum, Mar 23, 2014.
- adrian carton de wiart
- alanbrooke
- allan adair
- archibald wavell
- arthur (bomber) harris
- arthur coningham
- arthur tedder
- bernard montgomery
- bertram ramsay
- brian horrocks
- carol mather
- charles portal
- charles richardson
- claude auchinleck
- david belchem
- donald banks
- donald bennett
- douglas graham
- edmund ironside
- edward spears
- francis de guingand
- francis tuker
- frank messervy
- frederick (boy) browning
- george symes
- gerald templer
- giffard le quesne (q) martel
- harold alexander
- harold pyman
- henry pownall
- hugh dowding
- ian jacob
- john dill
- john glubb (pasha)
- john slessor
- keith park
- lashmer (bolo) whistler
- leigh-mallory
- merton beckwith-smith
- mike calvert
- noel mason-macfarlane
- oliver leese
- philip (pip) roberts
- richard (windy) gale
- richard o'connor
- robert (roy) urquhart
- roderic hill
- simon (schimi) fraser lord lovat
- trafford leigh-mallory
- william slim
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