Tanks Arrive at Tripoli - March 1943 THE BRITISH ARMY IN NORTH AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST 1940-1947 E22949 : Object description - Original wartime caption: Some of the ships that brought tanks for the 8th Army in the harbour at Tripoli. THE BRITISH ARMY IN NORTH AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST 1940-1947 E22950 : Object description - Original wartime caption: Some of the ships that brought tanks for the 8th Army in the harbour at Tripoli. THE BRITISH ARMY IN NORTH AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST 1940-1947 E22951 : Object description - Original wartime caption: Some of the ships that brought tanks for the 8th Army in the harbour at Tripoli. THE BRITISH ARMY IN NORTH AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST 1940-1947 E22952 : Object description - Original wartime caption: A Valentine tank comes out of the hold of a ship in Tripoli harbour. THE BRITISH ARMY IN NORTH AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST 1940-1947 E22953 : Object description - Original wartime caption: A Valentine tank comes out of the hold of a ship in Tripoli harbour. THE BRITISH ARMY IN NORTH AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST 1940-1947 E22954 : Object description - Original wartime caption: A Valentine goes over the side of the ship on to a special lighter alongside. THE BRITISH ARMY IN NORTH AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST 1940-1947 E22955 : Object description - Original wartime caption: A Valentine goes over the side of the ship on to a special lighter alongside. THE BRITISH ARMY IN NORTH AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST 1940-1947 E22956 : Object description - Original wartime caption: Valentine tanks are lowered on to a lighter alongside the ship which has brought them to Tripoli. THE BRITISH ARMY IN NORTH AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST 1940-1947 E22957 : Object description - Original wartime caption: A feighter unloading tanks in Tripoli harbour. THE BRITISH ARMY IN NORTH AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST 1940-1947 E22958 : Object description - Original wartime caption: The tank landing craft comes into the quayside with its load of tanks. THE BRITISH ARMY IN NORTH AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST 1940-1947 E22959 : Object description - Original wartime caption: A Crusader tank drive off a lighter under its own power. Tank number T25797 (?) THE BRITISH ARMY IN NORTH AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST 1940-1947 E22960 : Object description - Original wartime caption: A Sherman tank is towed off the lighter at the quayside. THE BRITISH ARMY IN NORTH AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST 1940-1947 E22961 : Object description - Original wartime caption: Crusader tanks leaving the quayside for the dispersal area where they will be serviced ready for action. THE BRITISH ARMY IN NORTH AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST 1940-1947 E22962 : Object description - Original wartime caption: One of the new Valentines with 6-pounder gun arrives in Tripoli. Tank number T67010 THE BRITISH ARMY IN NORTH AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST 1940-1947 E22963 : Object description - Original wartime caption: Tanks on the dockside waiting to be driven to the R.E.M.E. Port Workshops. THE BRITISH ARMY IN NORTH AFRICA 1943 E22964 : Object description - Newly-arrived Crusader tanks being driven from the docks in Tripoli to the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers port workshops, 15 March 1943. THE BRITISH ARMY IN NORTH AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST 1940-1947 E22965 : Object description - Original wartime caption: R.E.M.E. men swarm over the newly arrived tanks on the dockside at Tripoli. Tank number T46181 THE BRITISH ARMY IN NORTH AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST 1940-1947 E22966 : Object description - Original wartime caption: R.E.M.E. men swarm over the newly arrived tanks on the dockside at Tripoli. Tank number T45209 THE BRITISH ARMY IN NORTH AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST 1940-1947 E22967 : Object description - Original wartime caption: Sherman and Crusader tanks lined up ready for inspection by R.E.M.E. Port Workshop men. THE BRITISH ARMY IN NORTH AFRICA 1943 E22968 : Object description - Newly-arrived Sherman tanks on the quayside in Tripoli, 15 March 1943. THE BRITISH ARMY IN NORTH AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST 1940-1947 E22969 : Object description - Original wartime caption: Tanks and armoured cars lined up at the dispersal area outside Tripoli, where they are completely checked over by R.E.M.E. personnel and made ready for action. THE BRITISH ARMY IN NORTH AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST 1940-1947 E22970 : Object description - Original wartime caption: Tanks and armoured cars lined up at the dispersal area outside Tripoli, where they are completely checked over by R.E.M.E. personnel and made ready for action. THE BRITISH ARMY IN NORTH AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST 1940-1947 E22971 : Object description - Original wartime caption: R.E.M.E. personnel working on the gun of a Crusader tank. Nb. Tank "appears" to be named "BETHNAL GREEN". THE BRITISH ARMY IN NORTH AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST 1940-1947 E22972 : Object description - Original wartime caption: Crusader tanks being serviced by R.E.M.E. personnel. THE BRITISH ARMY IN NORTH AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST 1940-1947 E22973 : Object description - Original wartime caption: Sherman tanks are serviced by men of the R.E.M.E. THE BRITISH ARMY IN NORTH AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST 1940-1947 E22974 : Object description - Original wartime caption: Colonel T.D. Murray, DSO., MC., O.I.C. Tank Reorganisation Group and Lieut. Colonel L.E. Gibbs, MBE., who commands Tank Delivery Regiment, look over new tanks. THE BRITISH ARMY IN NORTH AFRICA 1943 E22975 : Object description - A newly-delivered Valentine VIII or IX tank being tested near Tripoli, 15 March 1943. THE BRITISH ARMY IN NORTH AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST 1940-1947 E22976 : Object description - Original wartime caption: Self-propelled guns and tanks proceeding along a track at the dispersal point. THE BRITISH ARMY IN NORTH AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST 1940-1947 E22977 : Object description - Original wartime caption: Self-propelled guns and tanks proceeding along a track at the dispersal point. THE BRITISH ARMY IN NORTH AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST 1940-1947 E22978 : Object description - Original wartime caption: A "Priest" tank moving off for a trial at the dispersal point.
Tripoli - January 1943 Battle of Tripoli (1943) - Wikipedia "Aftermath Montgomery ordered a huge victory parade in Tripoli on 23 January 1943. On 3 February 1943, Prime Minister Winston Churchill addressed 8th Army in Tripoli. "Let me then assure you, soldiers and airmen, that your fellow-countrymen regard your joint work with admiration and gratitude, and that after the war when a man is asked what he did it will be quite sufficient for him to say, 'I marched and fought with the Desert Army.' And when history is written and all the facts are known, our feats will gleam and glow and will be a source of song and story long after we who are gathered here have passed away."[4] Rommel successfully withdrew to Tunisia, where he was reinforced with Tiger tanks and more infantry. But it was too little, too late. 1st and 8th Armies merged into the 18th Army Group; together with the Americans, they breached the Mareth Line. By May 1943, Some 50,000 Axis soldiers surrendered, ending the North African Campaign." Tripoli and Beyond ----- x ----- x ----- 9th Lancers - Tripoli - 1943... Regimental-Histories_1936-1945 Bright_0178.jpg - The Royal Lancers Museum at Derby
Entry into Tripoli Description Coverage of General Montgomery's (General Officer Commanding 8th Army) entry in to Tripoli. These pictures show the final stages of our advances towards Tripoli and our entry into the town this morning. Our infantry and Bren carriers advancing along the Tripoli road near Garabouth also guns etc. Scenes at Garabouth of Senussis and our troops. More shots of our tanks advancing along the Tripoli road. Also Italian civilians cheering our columns on the roadside as we near Tripoli and shots as we entered the town. The scene at the hoisting of the Union Jack. The official surrender of the city of Tripoli by Governor of Libya the lord mayor of Tripoli and the chief of police and General Montgomery on the outskirts of the city. General Montgomery entering the city and driving through the streets in his car passing civilians and driving past and saluting the tank crews. Our columns of tanks passing through crowds of cheering civilians as they rumbled through the city. The highlanders playing their bag pipes as they marched through the streets of the city which were lined with civilians. Place made : North Africa: Libya, Tripolitana Date made : January 1943
WAR PICTORIAL NEWS NO 91 [Main Title] Object description : The Last Lap. Full description I. "THE LAST LAP." Eighth Army Crusaders (with sand skirts) and M3 General Stuart light tanks negotiate desert terrain at high speed. The commentary outlines the success of the Eighth Army in defending Egypt and in conquering Cyrenaica and states that the men of the Eighth cheerfully face the challenges ahead. Wounded British infantry are carried by stretcher. A Sergeant dressed in a artilleryman's leather jerkin offers a cigarette to a wounded man. Douglas Boston bombers of the Desert Air Force bomb Axis soft-skinned vehicles retreating along a desert road. Stock shot footage shows United States Army Air Force (USAAF) Consolidated B-24 Liberator bombers in flight and Royal Air Force (RAF) Liberators bombing shipping in Tripoli Harbour. The commentary outlines the composition of the logistics tail following the British advance which comprises of soft-skinned vehicles carrying water, food, ammunition, fuel and support workshops. A German prisoner collects personal belongings from the side stowage bin of a Sd Kfz 10/4 (Demag D7) with rear mounted 2cm Flak 30 anti-aircraft gun. Curtiss Kittyhawk Mk IIa fighter-bombers of 260 Squadron RAF take off from a desert air strip (Castel Benito ?). An RAF Bristol Beaufighter takes off from an unidentified airfield. Axis soft-skinned vehicles are attacked by Beaufighters flying at very low level (No Squadron codes visible). Camera gun footage shows shipping coming under attack by cannon armed RAF aircraft. The commentary states that the British Army moved into the town of Tarhuna on the last leg of their advance on Tripoli over scenes of Eighth Army M3 General Lee tanks and soft-skinned vehicles moving through the outskirts of Tarhuna. British tank crews mix informally with the local populace of Tarhuna as Italian prisoners are marched into captivity, escorted by a British infantryman armed with a Lee-Enfield .303-in No 4 rifle. A British Crusader III tank (side skirts and 6-pounder gun) drives past a road sign bearing the legend "Castel Benito K 64, Tripoli K 88." The children of Italian colonists mix happily with the British crew of a 40mm Bofors anti-aircraft gun. A camera car drives past a lengthy traffic jam made up of Eighth Army soft-skinned vehicles, Crusader and General Sherman tanks. Full description II. 'TRIPOLI.' The commentary outlines the arrival of the Eighth Army into Tripoli, described as the pride of the Italian North African Empire and a holiday playground rivalling the European Riviera. British Valentine tanks drive into Tripoli watched by the town's inhabitants. Panoramic views shows a large statue of the Roman she-wolf (Romulus and Remus) in the centre of Tripoli and sunken coastal vessels in Tripoli Harbour. General Bernard Law Montgomery presides over the official surrender ceremony in Tripoli where he meets town representatives including the Chief of Police and the Mayor. Montgomery salutes British Valentine tank crews who line the streets as he drives past in a Humber Snipe Tourer.