Jews Not Allowed Dogs ....?

Discussion in 'The Holocaust' started by Steve G, Dec 3, 2009.

  1. Steve G

    Steve G Senior Member

    " Forgotten Voices of the Holocaust ". (Page 63, 2006 PB edition. Second line from bottom of page. Jan Hartman)

    I'm sorry. Please don't misunderstand me but, when I read this last night, that they brought in laws against the Jews ~ and I wonder who else ~ which included them not being allowed to keep their Dogs ..... That brought it crashing home to me like nothing else ever before quite could! That I can identify with. I've never been near a Cattle Truck, after all .....

    Anyone got anything on this particular 'Edict', please? Brenters? Ron? Anyone?

  2. Ron Goldstein

    Ron Goldstein WW2 Veteran WW2 Veteran

  3. Steve G

    Steve G Senior Member

    F***ing Hell, Ron! And I wonder if even a minuscule fraction of the people out there have ever heard of just a few of those?

    I'm stunned. Just how much of that could one tolerate before .....

    Little wonder then that so many seemed so resigned to simply being shot into a pit, in cold blood. After experiencing That sort of hell on earth, and for so long ..... Just stunned :(

  4. AndyDenmark

    AndyDenmark Junior Member

    No matter how long I live I will never be able to understand what drove people to act like that...regardless of how bad a state your country is in or who you blame for it and I will be eternally grateful to those who helped stop them and made it possible for my daughter to grow up in a free country not some poisonous hellhole run by a gang of twisted freaks.....
    Za Rodinu likes this.
  5. brndirt1

    brndirt1 Senior Member

    I too am constantly amazed at the lengths to which Hitler and the Nazis went to make this portion of their citizens "less than citizens".

    Mr. Franz Neumann explained the Nazis/Hitler's choice of the Jews as the "targets" in the early and formative years of the Party in the twenties. Here is a short quote from his book Behemoth; published in mid-war years, discussing that very thing. Franz Neumann wrote in 1944:

    "National-Socialism, which claims to have abolished the class struggle, needs an adversary whose very existence can serve to integrate antagonistic groups within a common society. That enemy can not be too weak. If it were too weak, it would be impossible to present it to the population as its supreme enemy. Nor can it be too strong, for that would commit the Nazis to a difficult struggle against a powerful enemy.

    It was for that reason that the Catholic church was not promoted to the rank of supreme enemy. But the Jews fit the bill admirably. As a result, such an ideology and such anti-Semitic practices entail the extermination of the Jews, the only means to achieve an ultimate aim: the destruction of institutions, beliefs, and (any) groups still remaining free." (F. Neumann, Behemoth, p. 513.)
  6. Steve G

    Steve G Senior Member

    ..... An ultimate aim: the destruction of institutions, beliefs, and (any) groups still remaining free." (F. Neumann, Behemoth, p. 513.)

    Yep. How does it go? " First, They Came For ..... "

    I've been out, all evening. Relaxing and watching a great film. Generally chilling. But, this thread hasn't left my mind all night.

    They really did figure out which buttons to press, didn't they? (Shaking my head at the thought of it) Can Anyone imagine what it must have been like, to have had the 'laws' imposed upon one such as Ron's link shows us?

    Imagine that; Waking up Today and suddenly WW2Talk blinks out. The entire 'Net blinks out. And there's some uniform at ye door telling ye you're in the wrong group. That's it. Oh; And where's ye Mobile ....? And just because the new boy at the top doesn't like ye. Ye've become one of ' Them '.

    In my own time, I've had to live through maybe One of those 'laws'. It nearly wrecked me. That showed me the writing on the wall and I was lucky enough to be able to get out in time for the next.

    Now I feel so sad for the poor souls who became trapped. I've gained a glimmer.

    Andy; Abso F*cking Lutely!
  7. Fireman

    Fireman Discharged

    I'm slightly bemused, no more confused. Why did the Nazis withdraw passports from Jews to stop them leaving the country in 1938? It seems a strange thing to do given how they felt about them. Surely it wasn't just to keep them there to kill later on! Given what was going on at the time I suppose anything was possible.
  8. Vitesse

    Vitesse Senior Member

    I believe one of the reasons was to keep them as "economic hostages" - their freedom could only be bought with foreign currency, which Germans weren't allowed to hold. To get out of Germany, they therefore had to know someone abroad who could pay in a hard currency like US dollars or (preferably) Swiss francs. That someone had to be a very generous person though, since Jews were not allowed to take significant assets out of Germany with them ...
  9. Fireman

    Fireman Discharged

    Thanks, yes that would be a 'good' reason. If anyone has other clues I would be most interested to know.
  10. canuck

    canuck Closed Account

    Human nature has been exceptionally consistent over time so I personally believe this easily could happen again, anywhere on the globe. Rwanda being a case in point. How many more major terrorist attacks would it take before Muslims became the next target group?
  11. MyOldDad

    MyOldDad Senior Member


    This particular edict began in 1941
    Have a look at this


    This is a sad, worrying, evil, unforgivable and pathetic list of edicts leading to only one barbaric conclusion - but I couldn't help but see a little (respectful) irony in it:

    Jews forbidden to use the German greeting 'Heil Hitler'
  12. Tom Canning

    Tom Canning WW2 Veteran WW2 Veteran

    Then surely the muslims have the remedy in their own hands at this time - stop blowing people up and the rest won't get mad at them.....they have sworn to take over the world by the womb....that being too slow they revert to the bomb ?
    Granted it's much faster so quit trying to take over ....
  13. Za Rodinu

    Za Rodinu Hot air manufacturer

    Perhaps one should not measure all Christians by Afonso de Albuquerque who used to cruise up and down Indian coasts loading his cannons with prisioner body parts and firing them into the Rajah's cities for psychological warfare.

    Sorry for the off-topic.
  14. Fireman

    Fireman Discharged

    I agree Za, we shouldn't judge all Christians by Afonso de Albuquerque. Neither should all Muslims be judged the same.
    'Racial' hysteria is once again rising to the surface in Europe and it needs all men to argue against it. Do we want in any way a repeat of the lists as displayed in the post Ron Goldstein gave us? It has already started in Belgium and France. There is a hypocrisy surrounding what is going on that is quite disconcerting and dangerous. No I'm not a Muslim I just value all the freedoms men on this site fought for.
  15. Rule.303

    Rule.303 Member

    If you read "I shall bare witness" by Victor Klemprer, the Nazis show up at his house to confiscate his cat because Aryan cats cannot live in his care.

    The Nazis really did persue their racial idiocy/ideology to the point of the obsurd. It would be comicle if it weren't so damned sad and cost so many people their lives in the name of something as silly as "racial purity".

    Think of it this way, if Heinrich Himmler were alive today and on the Jerry Springer show he'd be a sick joke something that people would watch and say "Christ .... this is whats on tv?" and flip the channel with a vacant look in their eye. Sadly though these clowns were a head of one of the most powerful states in the Western world at that point and look at the destruction wrought.

    All of these small things, are all applicable lessons for today and the future. It was all too easy for these crack-pots to have their way in the 1930's.
    Za Rodinu likes this.
  16. Za Rodinu

    Za Rodinu Hot air manufacturer

    I never saw my cat wearing a kippah and he loves bacon, may I assume he is Aryan??
  17. PeterG

    PeterG Senior Member

    Even gestures of humanity towards Jews by Germans was strictly forbidden and the Gestapo took steps to prevent it. On 24 October 1941 Heinrich Müller, head of the Gestapo (Section IV of the Reich Security HQ) and Adolf Eichmann's immediate superior, issued the following instruction to all branches:Re: Behaviour of persons of German blood towards Jews.

    It has repeatedly come to our notice that persons of German blood continue to maintain friendly relations with Jews and appear with them in public in a blatant fashion. Since such persons of German blood apparently even now still show a lack of understanding of the most elementary and basic principles of National Socialism and since their behaviour must be regarded as flouting of official measures, my orders are that in such cases the person of German blood concerned is to be taken into protective custody for educational purposes or in serious cases to be transferred to a concentration camp, Grade I. The Jewish participant is invariably to be taken into protective custody and transferred to a concentration camp for the time being.

    Requests for such action sould be made to the RSHA Ref. IV C 2.
    Source: A Documentary Reader: Nazism 1919-1945 volume 3: Foreign Policy, War and Racial Extermination, edited by Noakes & Pridham, document 834, page 1,111.
  18. Rule.303

    Rule.303 Member

    :( Jesus, it always catches me off guard how 'cleanly' these orders are usually written 'protective custody' for 'educational purposes' transfered to a concentration camp grade 'I' 'for the time being'.

    The official documentation is always so sanitized and you know that said persons German, German-Jewish or otherwise were most likely taken to a Gestapo location and if they werent beaten senseless and let loose they were beaten senseless, then executed. The Jewish person would most likely have been beaten, tortured then transfered to a ghetto or death camp.

    Sends chills down my spine.
  19. PeterG

    PeterG Senior Member

    And this is the actual order regarding pets. It appeared in Jüdisches Nachrichtenblatt (Jewish Newsletter) on 15 May 1942:

    Attached Files:

  20. Oggie2620

    Oggie2620 Senior Member

    I should imagine the "for the time being" was probably an afterthought and was to cover their arses for future times to come.... Going back to the original posting though I would feel devastated without my dog (and before her my cats) so I can imagine how these poor people felt.

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