HMS Odyssey and Special Operations - Does anybody know?

Discussion in 'Top Secret' started by H2T OZ, Aug 10, 2014.

  1. Red Goblin

    Red Goblin Senior Member

  2. Julie Beet

    Julie Beet Member

    My Uncle was at HMS Odyssey 13th Feb 1944 to 15th July 1945. Like you i cannot find him mentioned anywhere, i have applied for his service record and eagerly await its arrival. I have attached a newspaper clipping of an interview he gave to a local journalist about his time at Juno

    Attached Files:

  3. Julie Beet

    Julie Beet Member

    My Uncle Fred Bonser was also based at HMS Odyssey from 01.04 - 30.06.1944, prior to that it states Lent: 102 Sub Base Area and after Duty: naval party 1568 then 1732. He is listed as returning to Odyssey and Naval Party 1732 a few times through his service. He said that he was a signaller at Juno Beach, using flags to signal back to the ships. After that we are not sure what he did.
    We assume he was part of the RN Commandos.

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