Film: Downfall - Der Untergang

Discussion in 'Books, Films, TV, Radio' started by Gerard, Jun 10, 2005.

  1. adamcotton

    adamcotton Senior Member

    I saw Downfall this weekend and I agree entirely with the comments others have posted. A superb film - and one that conveys brilliantly just how demonic was Hitler and how utterly mad was the whole Nazi regieme - the scenes of the fighting in the streets of Berlin, the lynch mobs, it all makes you realize what a true hell on earth had been created by factions of the human race. If the devil has his disciples, then Hitler was truly one of the most devout....

    The second disc is also worth a look, as it features interviews with the cast and a couple of documentaries on the making of the film. Interesting, all the exterior shots - the fighting in Berlin - were actually shot in St.Petersburg, Russia, and many of the German soldiers played by Russian extras!
  2. laufer

    laufer Senior Member

    In a short period I saw the film and read Antony Beevor's 'Berlin - The Downfall 1945'. That was some experience!
  3. laufer

    laufer Senior Member

    (adamcotton @ Oct 10 2005, 11:51 AM) [post=39882]The second disc is also worth a look, as it features interviews with the cast and a couple of documentaries on the making of the film. Interesting, all the exterior shots - the fighting in Berlin - were actually shot in St.Petersburg, Russia, and many of the German soldiers played by Russian extras!

    I wonder if this cooperation is the reason why not even a single rape committed by Soviet soldiers was shown or mentioned. images/smilies/default/tongue.gif
  4. Wise1

    Wise1 There We Are Then

    Agreed, I think the way they portrayed Hitler was every bit the way I would have expected him to be, he did appear very much the inadequate, I still think its amazing just how he turned on his own people as he was loosing the war, well not amazing just Hitler!
  5. Nick

    Nick Member

    I have not seen it yet so please dont give away the ending !!! ; )
  6. Wise1

    Wise1 There We Are Then

    lol, the ending might not be a big surprise, it was Goldie I felt sorry for!
  7. Nick

    Nick Member

    goldie?? ? ?
  8. Wise1

    Wise1 There We Are Then

    lol, just making sure you were paying attention :)
  9. angie999

    angie999 Very Senior Member

    lol, the ending might not be a big surprise, it was Goldie I felt sorry for!

    I just hope they do not come up, in a few year's time, with a director's cut with alternative endings. This is what they are doing with Titanic right now, but there again I expect the ship still actually sinks!
  10. Wise1

    Wise1 There We Are Then

    hmmm, that would be quite interesting actually, will need to have a think about that one.
  11. Kiwiwriter

    Kiwiwriter Very Senior Member

    I just hope they do not come up, in a few year's time, with a director's cut with alternative endings. This is what they are doing with Titanic right now, but there again I expect the ship still actually sinks!

    Haven't seen it. Looking forward to getting the DVD.

    As for alternate endings...let's see, they can do

    1) the one where Hitler escapes to Argentina in a two-man midget submarine

    2) the one where the Volkssturm and Hitler Youth make a counterattack that hurls the Soviets all the way back to the Urals, and Hitler strides triumphant and victorious through the ruins of Berlin, enjoying acclaim from Berliners

    3) The American and British forces come to their "senses" and attack the Soviets, driving them all the way back to the Urals, and Hitler strides triumphant and victorious through the ruins of Berlin, enjoying acclaim from Berliners, Churchill, Eisenhower, and Allied troops, grateful for his leadership in fighting Bolshevism. John Wayne stars as the US paratroop Colonel who saves the Bunker from the Russians.

    4) Hitler pulls off his mask to reveal....surprise! that he's really Elvis! :lol: "Thank you, thank you very much!"

    5) The one where Hitler and his entourage finish the movie by singing and dancing "Springtime for Hitler."

    6) Space aliens save the Reich from destruction, ibid.

    7) Eva Braun reveals that she's really a guy in drag.

    8) Goebbels shoots Hitler and takes over...and saves Germany from the Americans, signing an alliance with Stalin.

    9) Hitler summons his last surviving flunky, and hires him as his successor, in the Nazi version of "Der Apprentice." :lol:

    10) Hitler moves into an apartment in a Chicago housing project with a smart and sassy wife, a wisecracking oldest son, a would-be tramp daughter, a precocious eight-year-old, and a wacky Jewish neighbor and his Gypsy wife. It's the sitcom everyone has been waiting for! :lol: "Hitler Knows Best!"

    11) Hitler becomes manager of a new musical group, "Sig Heil and the Gestapos," and makes millions off their hit, "These Boots Were Made for Stomping" and the flip-side, "We Have Ways of Making You Talk, Darling!"

    12) Hitler gets a talk-radio show, "The Adolf Factor," where he and sidekick Eva Braun take on the liberal-controlled media and dirty words in movies. It also includes his vegetarian recipes.
  12. Nick

    Nick Member

    how about hitler wakes up and it was all a dream, kinda like in the programme Dallas or he becomes the new Jerry Springer , and at the end of his show he does his little heart to heart on why not to try and dominate the world and kill millions in the process
  13. angie999

    angie999 Very Senior Member

    This film of the last days in Hitler's bunker, which has attracted critical acclaim, is being shown on "More4" (Freeview channel 13) tomorrow.

    If you have not got cable, satelite, or freeview digital, not too late to buy a "digibox". The other week they had them on sale in Sainsbury's for under £30. They take about five minutes to connect and not much longer to program.
  14. Wise1

    Wise1 There We Are Then

    The film is being shown on More4 tomorrow for those who have not seen it yet, (UK only I think)
  15. mattgibbs

    mattgibbs Senior Member

    An EXCELLENT film, very well done. I saw the DVD and the making of it, well worth a look.
  16. mattgibbs

    mattgibbs Senior Member

    Excellent film.
    With regard to the comment about Fegelein, could I ask where the info came from about him being found in an attic in workmens clothes?
    I know he was supposedly hauled up in front of Hitler, and that was missing, but there are many confused stories about this.

    For interest he was interrogated by 'gestapo' Muller about his movements and also his knowlege about the recently discovered treachery of 'der treue Heinrich' and he confessed to a knowlege of Himmler's meetings with Count Bernadotte with regard to jewish prisoners etc. Not the wisest course. From what he said, and didn't say it was concluded that he had prior knowlege of Himmler's deception and desire to take over the position of Fuhrer if and when Hitler died. This foreknowledge and Fegelein's mistake in not reporting any of it to the relevant departments was considered to mean he was in league with Himmler, and therefore also considered a traitor.
    He was degraded in rank for desertion after being found at his flat on the Kurfsendamm on the 27th April 1945 according to Walter Lorenz' testimony and that of von Below. His execution took place some time between 9pm and midnight on the 28th April, after his interrogation by Muller. The fact that Himmlers meeting with Bernadotte to discuss release of prisoners was a legitimate one was probably not realsied by Fegelein as being of huge significance, because Fegelein would have known nothing about the reuters report that Himmler considered a partial surrender. However, after admitting knowlege and finding out about Himmler, it is likely that this looked like some kind of involvement in treachery, with the hystrionical Fuhrer's viewpoint the only outcome for Fegelein was to be presumed guilty and shot.
    Anyone know who he was shot by..?
    I assume an SS guard detail from the bunker..?
    Matt Gibbs
  17. Nick

    Nick Member

    watched Downfall last night, i hope i dont offend anyone but i thought it was just ok, i think i had a lot of hype about it unfortunately, for me it wasnt deep enough and felt a bit suface, skimmed over things. I thought the acting was good though.
  18. Kiwiwriter

    Kiwiwriter Very Senior Member

    how about hitler wakes up and it was all a dream, kinda like in the programme Dallas or he becomes the new Jerry Springer , and at the end of his show he does his little heart to heart on why not to try and dominate the world and kill millions in the process

    Well, it would be pretty funny, to see who is meaner, Hitler or J.R. Ewing, but I think he'd be a lot happier in "Dynasty," because he wanted to live in a house presided over by an older and attractive woman, where all his friends would gather to hear is views on art, politics, and music. I could see Linda Evans and her shoulder pads in that role...she's blonde, blue-eyed, and has bigger shoulder pads than the New York Jets defensive line, so she has a fine "Aryan" look to her. And Eva Braun and Joan Collins can have vicious catfights over who will win Adolf's heart (and fortune) in the end. A laugh riot for the whole family! :lol:
  19. smc66

    smc66 Member

    I'm certain the Fegelein story about workers clothes comes from Trevor-Roper, but I don't have the book to hand to give the exact quote.

    Kershaw Hitler: Nemsis 1936-45 p.816 has the following statement:

    "That evening [April 27] he was discovered in civilian clothes in his apartment in Charlottenberg, allegedly with a woman friend, worse for wear for drink, and with a good deal of money in his bags packed for departure." A footnote acknowledges the information from a book by Heinz Linge.
  20. mattgibbs

    mattgibbs Senior Member

    Hiya, OK I will check up Trevor-Roper. Thanks.
    The info I have comes from evidence from the Bunker Wireles Operator and SS member Rochus Misch, State Secretary Von Bulow and SS General Monke. In regards to his drunkeness, to quote Gen. Mohnke, who had the "distasteful" assignment of presiding over the court martial of Fegelein:
    Roarring drunk, with wild, rolling eyes, Fegelein first brazenly challenged the competence of the court. He kept blubbering that he was responsible to Himmler and Himmler alone, not Hitler. Fegelein had a right to defense counsel but rejected it. He refused to defend himself. The man was in wretched shape, bawling, whining, vomiting, shaking like an Aspen leaf. He began urinating on the floor. He was really drunk, he was not acting.

    Mohnke later states the Fegelein, being tried for "desertion in the face of the enemy", was in no condition to be tried, as the German Army Manual states that a soldier tried must be of "sound mind and body", so Mohnke turned Fegelein over to General Rattenbhuber and his security squad. He never saw Fegelein again.

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