Didn't the army use tooth paste?

Discussion in 'Weapons, Technology & Equipment' started by 8RB, Aug 26, 2020.

  1. Tony56

    Tony56 Member Patron

    Open wide!
    Dentist 1.png
    Dentist 2.png
    Dentist 3.png
    PackRat and JimHerriot like this.
  2. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    Hello dbf,

    I realise the description in the advert for the Macleans "toothpaste" (dentifrice") tin at the start of your post are not your words, so time for a bit of old bloke clarification (if needed!) from me (not nit-picking mind, that's a whole other personal hygiene area!)

    Tins, powder, "dentifrice", dentures for the use of.

    Tubes, toothpaste, teeth for the use of.

    Folks using the (compacted) powder (dentifrice) on teeth (still seated within gums) would be spitting blood as a result of shredded gums within a couple of uses.

    Definitely tinned powdered stuff for dentures, though it didn't preclude folks from using either (powder or paste) on either (dentures or teeth). Toothpaste on/with dentures will work, but powder on teeth (real living teeth still resident within ones cake'ole) not recommended!

    Kind regards, always,

    4jonboy, Dave55 and 8RB like this.
  3. Robert-w

    Robert-w Banned

    However before toothpaste in a tube there were cakes of toothpaste in a tin. From Colgate's own history

    Prior to the 1850s, ' toothpastes ' were usually powders. During the 1850s, a new toothpaste in a jar called a Crème Dentifrice was developed and in 1873 Colgate started the mass production of toothpaste in jars.

    This was in the USA - it took longer for Europe to catch up on this one.
    I can remember tinned tooth pastes post war, indeed as a smallboy in rural Sligo it was the only kind the local shop sold, and they were not for dentures. However tooth paste in tins became associated with poverty and institutions and not an image that the marketing jonnies wanted.
    JimHerriot likes this.
  4. ceolredmonger

    ceolredmonger Member

    My Dad (ex RAF) always used tooth powder on both his teeth and dentures. He told me it became habit after they had some 'rotten' Indian made toothpaste in Burma - in addition to the rancid hair oil.
    JimHerriot likes this.
  5. Robert-w

    Robert-w Banned

    The hair oil was probably made from old ghee - quite good for the hair but exceedingly whiffy.
    ceolredmonger and JimHerriot like this.
  6. Rich Payne

    Rich Payne Rivet Counter Patron 1940 Obsessive

    I recall starting off as a nipper in the 1960s with tooth-cleaning product in a tin...I think the idea was that the sort of small boy who was always covered in paint or mud would swallow half a tube of anything if he was allowed to squeeze. There must've been a shortage of the favoured brand at one time too, as I've also used bicarbonate of soda...That fizzed !
    JimHerriot likes this.
  7. SteveDee

    SteveDee Well-Known Member

    Yep, we also used toothpowder from a tin for a while... I think it was Eucryl
    ceolredmonger and JimHerriot like this.
  8. Nfr1974

    Nfr1974 Member

    Coincidentally, last Saturday while searching with the metal detector, I found a tube of toothpaste. This one is from the Kolynos brand. The complete set ( as you can see in the picture) s a reproduction which you can buy apparently. However I do not know where. Kolynos - reproductie.jpg Kolynos - tandpasta.jpg

    Attached Files:

    Domobran7, SteveDee and 8RB like this.
  9. Red Jim

    Red Jim Active Member

    I can certainly remember using tooth powder in the 1970's.
    To be fair British dentistry was pretty poor up to the 1980's. In 1983 when I was 19 I went to the local dentist as I was suffering toothache. He filled most of the teeth in my mouth and did 2 extractions all during the same visit. I was in agony for at least a week and I didn't visit another dentist around 30 years
    SteveDee and TTH like this.
  10. Welchchap

    Welchchap Member

  11. 8RB

    8RB Well-Known Member

    Photo found on Facebook...

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