British WW2 Sea Mines

Discussion in 'The War at Sea' started by Tony BARNES, Feb 15, 2018.

  1. Tony BARNES

    Tony BARNES Member

    I'm currently researching the RN and RM in the Faroes area of the North Atlantic in WW2 and have included a piece on the Northern Barrage series of minefields - Op SN. I want to include images of the following sea mines but am having difficulties finding any: Marks XIV, XIX, XX & XXII. Does anybody have any ideas as where I might find some?
  2. Tricky Dicky

    Tricky Dicky Don'tre member

  3. Tony BARNES

    Tony BARNES Member

    Many thanks TD!
  4. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

  5. Tony BARNES

    Tony BARNES Member

    Thanks dbf. It appears to bet he only image available of a Mk XIV mine. TB
  6. Tricky Dicky

    Tricky Dicky Don'tre member


    It would seem that all the Mk's you are looking were of the contact variety, so would assume thet all had "horns" of some shape or form
    Mine Chart (Table 1) 2
    Introduction 3
    H II Mark II 5
    "T" Mark III 9
    Vickers Antenna 11
    Mark XIV (Mark XV, XVI and XVII) 15
    Mark XIX 21
    Mark XIV (Mark XXVII) 25
    Mark XX XIXs (Mark XX*) 29
    Mark XXII (Mark XXII*) 33
    Mark XXV 37

  7. Tony BARNES

    Tony BARNES Member

    Thanks, TD. I'd already looked at the website and, regrettably, there are no 'live' links in CHAPTER 2 - BRITISH CONTACT MINES to the mines of interest. The only 'live' links to British mines are in Chapter 7 - BRITISH CONTROLLED MINES and none of the mines depicted were laid on Op SN. TB
  8. Tricky Dicky

    Tricky Dicky Don'tre member

    Frustrating isnt it - still I worked on the principal that it narrowed down the search to specific types on mines - i.e. contact

  9. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    Tricky Dicky likes this.

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