Tom: I initially missed that the thread was in the Canada part of the forum. Other than that I think I provided some pretty detailed coverage of the 4th Canadian Armoured Division. Regards, Dryan67
Dryan67 You most certainly did all that and more for which I am sure that it made many posters on the forum aware of the great work of all the Canadian Contributions not only on the land, but on the Seas and in the Air where their actions in the BoB were immense for such a small amount of people. So many Canadians will be thanking you - as I do for this detailed coverage of just ONE division in that conflict Cheers
Tom, From the book you suggested " DDay Dodgers - The Canadians in Italy " the end of the war, Canada had the 3rd largest Navy and 4th largest airforce. Not bad for a country of just 11 million citizens, eh?
Tom: As 17thDYRCH knows, I am working on a book detailing the contribution of Canada's Army at home during the war years. The foundation for the five overseas divisions and two armoured brigades was laid out in Canada throughout the war. The home army was constantly bled for reinforcements during the war while organising the defense of two large coastlines along with the Newfoundland and Labrador. They also contributed to the defence of the Caribbean, Bermuda and British Guiana. Regards, Dryan67
Dryan67 Sounds good as we know all about the lack of reinforcements after Rome was "liberated" when the Canadians were running short of manpower as they - like us had to bend to the demands of the NWE in your book - don't forget the support given to the Canadians - by the 4th Brit bde- 1st Cdn bde and the 21st and 25th Brit bdes all through Italy- Cheers
Dryan67, Pte Ernest Smith of the Seaforth Highlanders of Canada was awarded a VC for action in Italy. Tom's tank brigade was in support of the 1st Canadian Division. Tom has numerous stories about 'Smokey Smith' as he used to drive him around on his back of his tank. Cheers from Canada
The 4th Canadian Armoured Division was split into 2 brigade sized battle groups in Abbeville prior to the entry into Belgium, travelling on different axes, which explains some confusion for the period. Both were aimed at the Bruges area, Stewart Force ended up in Moerbrugge, whilst Moncel Force (I think) ended up liberating Ghent. I wrote an article detailing some of this in 2001 or so for Tank Museum News in Brussels. I could find an English version and scan it to anyone interested. PM me. Merlin
Bonjour Monsieur, Dans la partie de texte ci-dessous vous parlez de Lumbres. J'habitais Lumbres et j'ai vécu le passage des blindés sur remorques, des camions, des troupes et des véhicules sur chenilles. J'ai même une photo de deux chars d'assaut de cette journée. J'ai maintenant 81 ans. Je recherche un récit et des photos de cette journée. Merci de me répondre sur le Forum Guy. La Division polonaise était d'avancer sur la droite, avec la 4e Division dans le centre, tandis que la 3e Division avancé jusqu'à la ligne de côte. L'objectif immédiat était Brigade Bruges, en Belgique. Pour mener l'avance de la brigade, "Smith force» a été organisé, composé de n ° 1 escadron sous le major Smith, la troupe de reconnaissance, et une compagnie de la Lake Superior Regiment. Cette force était de se déplacer comme une avant-garde à l'avance de la colonne de la brigade. A 1800 heures, les chars déménagé dans la région Lake Superior Regiment pour former vers le haut. Tôt le lendemain matin de l'avance a commencé, avec le lieutenant. Crocker conduisant et de la troupe de reconnaissance en éventail devant. La route passait par Domvast, Le Boisle Hesdin, Fruges, Lumbres Famquembergues à, et à 1100 heures, les éléments principaux sont à la périphérie de Saint-Omer. La ville a été signalé clairement, mais la traversée du canal avait été soufflé. En début de matinée un pont avait été improvisée et les deux groupes concentrés dans les zones juste au-delà de la ville.
Anyone have details of whereabouts and actions involved in, of 23rd Field Regiment RCA. September / October 1944. Thanks in advance.
23rd Field Regiment, RCA, was part of 4th Canadian Armoured Division. Wikipedia has the details, town by town from Normandy through to the end.
23rd Field Regiment, RCA, was part of 4th Canadian Armoured Division. Wikipedia has the details, town by town from Normandy through to the end. Does this help? Cheers Kevin
Réponse à Stolpi Senior Member - En principe échangerait documents ou photos sur Lumbres en 5/6 septembre 1944 contre ma photo. Peut-on trouver plus de précisions sur la partie ci-dessous? - This vigueur etait de deplacer soi Comme une avant-garde à l'Avance de la Colonne de la brigade de la. A 1800 heures, les caractères Les déménage de Dans la région du lac Supérieur Régiment versez Vers Le Haut anciens. Tôt le matin Lendemain de l «Avance une commence, le lieutenant-with. Crocker et conduisant de la troupe de reconnaissance en Éventail devant. La route passait par Domvast, Le Boisle Hesdin, Fruges, Lumbres Famquembergues A, et quelques heures de 1100, les éléments principaux sont à la périphérie de Saint-Omer. La Ville, - Bonne journée. Guy.
Hello I'm looking for a map or the route of this unit after the Somme crossing to Saint-Omer. Regards Hello Right, it is the Canadian one. I'm trying to draw a map with as many places crossed as possible. Avalaible online inormations are poor between Pont Rémy crossing and Saint-Omer. Sincerly Bonjour, Avez-vous pu dessiner la carte ? La consulter serait intéressant. Merci de votre réponse. Guy.