1944 MT Road route Map Egypt Syria and Palestine. Road Route Book Palestine

Discussion in 'North Africa & the Med' started by morrisc8, Nov 13, 2023.

  1. morrisc8

    morrisc8 Under the Bed

    Have this original map in my collection so i thought it might be of help to put on here and
    a road routes book for Palestine 1943, gives times from a to b and type of road.
    MT road map Egypt.  ls large.jpg MT road map Egypt. Syria.jpg MT road map Egypt.  l.jpg MT road map Palestine.jpg
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2023
  2. morrisc8

    morrisc8 Under the Bed

    The map is large.
    MT road map Egypt. Syria large.1944.jpg
  3. Lindele

    Lindele formerly HA96

    I wonder what was left after 1948 and
    what will still be there after this war is finished.
    morrisc8 likes this.
  4. Alex1975uk

    Alex1975uk Well-Known Member

    Thanks for sharing,
    Can you see Bir Salem on the map at all? Should be just south east of Tel-Aviv

  5. morrisc8

    morrisc8 Under the Bed

    Hi Alex, i cant find it on the map but camps are marked on it
    MT road map Palestine. Jaffa.jpg
    Juha and Alex1975uk like this.
  6. morrisc8

    morrisc8 Under the Bed

    A few more of the MT map Reference.
    MT road map Egypt.  Reference.jpg MT road map Egypt.  Reference. Routes.jpg MT road map Egypt.  Reference. mileages.jpg
    Juha likes this.
  7. morrisc8

    morrisc8 Under the Bed

    Found this 1943 map of Palestine [ Not to be published ] in my box that i have not opened for a long time .
    MT  Palestine. map 1943. 1a.jpg MT  Palestine. map 1943.jpg MT  Palestine. map 1943. 1.jpg MT  Palestine. map 1943. 2.jpg
  8. morrisc8

    morrisc8 Under the Bed

    Map Reference.
    MT  Palestine. map 1943. ref 3.jpg MT  Palestine. map 1943. ref 2.jpg MT  Palestine. map 1943. ref.jpg
  9. morrisc8

    morrisc8 Under the Bed

    MT Routes in Palestine Supplement No 1. Printed Oct 1943.
    MT road map Palestine.jpg route book. map.jpg route book. 2.jpg route book. 2b.jpg
  10. morrisc8

    morrisc8 Under the Bed

    One more route. There must be 100s of routes in this book and gives good detail on the state of the road. The distance is in Kms not miles. Anyone know why it is in kms but miles on the large maps.
    route book.jpg route book. 1.jpg
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2023
  11. Bruneval

    Bruneval Well-Known Member

  12. morrisc8

    morrisc8 Under the Bed

    What`s a Irish Bridge, is it a type of bridge.
  13. Richard Lewis

    Richard Lewis Member

    Alex1975uk and morrisc8 like this.
  14. Alex1975uk

    Alex1975uk Well-Known Member

    Was hoping to find some reference to Bir Salem, now called Netzer Sereni (Israeli settlement)
    There was a weapons school there, apparently in Allenby’s old HQ. Cannot find anything on it! No reference at the Archives, nothing!
  15. davidbfpo

    davidbfpo Patron Patron

    The War Diaries of the 18th Indian Brigade's move from Iraq to Egypt in June 1942, give the route taken and sometimes comment on the going. I recognise some of the place names here. After Gazala June 1942 others would use the same routes, the New Zealanders before the 18th and later the Australians. See: Deir el Shein sources - July 1942
  16. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    It's a tough one Alex. The only reference I've found so far, but at least a name to work on:


    From "An Englishman at War: The Wartime Diaries of Stanley Christopherson DSO MC & Bar 1939-1945", edited by James Holland.

    Kind regards, always,


    EDIT: On a course at the school in 1941;

    1st Lieutenant Włodzimierz Drzewieniecki.

    And his instructor;

    Staff Sergeant French

    Course photo;

    1st Lieutenant Włodzimierz Drzewieniecki with Students from Australia, New Zealand, and Other Countries

    Extract below from "With The Argylls: A Soldier's Memoir" by Ray Ward, Trevor Royle.

    Last edited: Nov 16, 2023

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