1329586 Sergeant James McNEARY, 61 Squadron, RAFVR: 19/08/1942

Discussion in 'The War In The Air' started by conaire mcneary, Feb 19, 2024.

  1. https://www.cwgc.org/find-records/find-war-dead/casualty-details/1079707/james-mcneary/

    I am after anyone who can help turn up a photo or more information on a cousin of my grandfather that was shot down and killed on 19th August 1942. I have only recently learnt of his existence and would love to be able to find out a bit more information about him. From what I have read he was a Sergeant navigator and was killed without trace along with his crew on a flight over St Valery, France. 61 squadron were on loan to Coastal Command and the last flight was from St. Eval. He was in Lancaster bomber R5563 QR-M along with flight Sergeant C P Shriner (RCAF), Sergeant PRAS Whiting (RAAF), Flight Sergeant K R Jackson (RCAF), Flight Sergeant F J Monk, Sergeant G A Melville, Sergeant E Temple.

    This is a long shot but if anyone out there has a photo or connection to any of the other crew members I would really appreciate it if you would get in touch.
    Little Friend likes this.
  2. Peter Clare

    Peter Clare Very Senior Member

    Hi, I expect you already have this from the 61 Squadron ORB, might give others some insight to your request.

    Little Friend and dbf like this.
  3. Yes I already have it but thanks very much for taking the time to reply. I saw a Mike Temple posted on rafcommands.com asking for information relating to his uncle Ernest Temple who was also a member of the crew and lost on 19th August 1942. I have registered but am waiting on admin approval before I can contact him. He hasn't posted on there for a good few years so I am not sure if he is still a member, hopefully he is and gets in touch.
  4. alieneyes

    alieneyes Senior Member

    Hi Conaire,

    Mike Temple made just that one post on RAFCommands.

    I had a look at his profile to see if there was an email address. There isn't.

    Attached are two articles from the Canadian press in 1943 concerning the two RCAF members of the crew.



    dbf likes this.
  5. Kenneth Stone

    Kenneth Stone Member

    McNeary J Ops.png Hi Conaire,
    Sorry, don't have any photos for you but a list of his operations with 61. He was a Flight Engineer from what I can tell and was part of the Beard crew before he flew with Charles Shriner. I think your best bet is to chase up the family for Sidney John Beard 89597 who survived the war. There may be a photo in his collection.

  6. Dave

    thank you very much for sending through the information, it was very interesting to read. I am still clinging onto the hope that someone will be able to dig out a shot of the crew and James. It was good to be able to put faces to two of the crew members names.

    Many thanks again.

  7. Awesome Ken, thank you so much for the reply and information. I will chase up the Beard family tomorrow.
  8. Has anyone any idea how I track down the family of Sidney John Beard 89597? Ken in your spreadsheet there is also a E. D. Robinson listed and his cell is coloured white like Sidney's. Does this mean he also survived the war and is another possible connection to my relative. I have searched online for both men and so far haven't been able to turn up much apart from a notice to say Sidney was Acting Squadron Leader by the end of June 1944.

    Any help offered at all is most welcome.
  9. Kenneth Stone

    Kenneth Stone Member

    Hi Conair,

    I have folders on the WW2 61Sqn Aircrew bare those that I have not been able to positively identify by full name and service number. Unfortunately, Robinson E D is one of those but I do know he was Canadian, and his service number was R87862, and his first name starts with “EDWI” that is all the Canadian records could tell me, but he obviously survived. If you can find him, please let me know. Sqn Ldr Sidney Beard retired from the RAF on 27Jan62. I will ask my team if they have any leads.

  10. Thanks Ken, I really do appreciate your help to date.
  11. I am trying to work out who is who in this photo taken on 1st August 1942 after a raid on Dusseldorf. James McNeary isn't in the photo but four of the guys who died along with him on 19th August are. The guys I know so far are centre of photo pilot C. Shriner, last exiting the aircraft P. Whiting, far right of photo K. Jackson. I can't work out who is who out of the rest of the crew. I am particularly interested in who is the air gunner G. Melville in the photo and am presuming he is one of the guys in the flight suits. If anyone out there is able to help identify the remaining crew members I would really appreciate it. Many thanks

    R5699 Crew - 1st August 1942 Dussledorf attack.jpg
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