War Diary for 615 Field Squadron Royal Engineers, GAD: NWE, August 1944

Discussion in 'Royal Engineers' started by Old Git, Jun 27, 2024.

  1. Old Git

    Old Git Harmless Curmudgeon

    Hi Chaps,

    Would anyone happen to have the WD's for 615 Fd Sqn for period August 19th - 28th, 1944? Just to need to check for a map reference for a possible bridge they built during this period, D-D Bailey Class 40?]

    All help greatly appreciated.

  2. Tom OBrien

    Tom OBrien Senior Member

    Hi Pete,

    Here's the page for Aug (WO 171/1660):

    WO 171-1660 - 615 Fd Sqn RE - Aug 44.jpg


  3. Old Git

    Old Git Harmless Curmudgeon

    Hi Tom,

    thanks so much for this, sadly it doesn't answer my question re bridging activity which I know they ought to have been engaged in at this time. Although it's possible that whatever bridging activity they were involved in happened after they'd crossed the Seine.
  4. Tom OBrien

    Tom OBrien Senior Member


    Only bridge building in Sep 44 according to the war diary was at the ALBERT CANAL. Details below against 6-7 Sep 44.

    WO 171-1660 - 615 Fd Sqn RE - 1 - 20 Sep 44.jpg


    Old Git likes this.
  5. Old Git

    Old Git Harmless Curmudgeon

    Thanks for this, sorry it's taken me so long to spot your reply
    Tom OBrien likes this.

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