Though a bit off topic, this thread brings to mind our local historical water fountain. It is front of the Ansonia Public Library in Ansonia, Connecticut and is called the Anna Sewell Memorial Fountain dedicated to the author of Black Beauty. Phelps Stokes, wealthy granddaughter of Anson Greene Phelps, the man who founded Ansonia, wished to make a benefaction to the town. In 1891, she traveled from New York to supervise the construction of a building designed for her by architect George Keller. The structure - a library - was dedicated on June 9, 1892 but sat vacant for four years until the town administrators voted the annual $1,500 appropriation for the library's operating expenses. Miss Stokes was a life member of the American Humane Education Society, and her love of horses inspired her to supplement her gift of Ansonia's library building with a public drinking fountain. Located in the shadow of the library, the fountain was placed in memory of Anna Sewell, author of the novel, “Black Beauty” who died in 1878. The fountain, "with water flowing constantly," had a trough on the street side for horses, and a small basin on the library side "from which the human family may quench their thirst."