Non-commemoration war dead adjudication and backlogs

Discussion in 'Non-Commemorated War Dead' started by ritsonvaljos, May 29, 2024.

  1. ritsonvaljos

    ritsonvaljos Senior Member

    Does anyone know what the current situation is with the backlog of CWGC adjudications on non-commemoration of war dead please? To quote the CWGC from a relatively recent email I received from them they have been, "... working with the National Army Museum over many years to resolve a number of difficult and complex cases and unfortunately this has led to a backlog" (which rather stands like a standard 'non-answer').

    In the case of these recent I've sent the Commission, they are WW1 casualties rather than for WW2 as this forum mainly deals with. However, the issue of non-commemoration by the CWGC is basically the same, be it for WW1 or WW2. For years, they have been talking about a backlog and it never seems to get any better.

    When I say "recent", it's been almost 5 years (2019) for the two casualties I was enquiring about in this instance. In January 2023 they accepted these two casualties were eligible for commemoration and written into the United Kingdom Book of Remembrance. There's still no action about a CWGC headstone even though they've been sent relevant copies from the burial register and grave location in the cemetery.

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