Need help with identification of US medals

Discussion in 'US Units' started by Suz, May 30, 2024.

  1. Suz

    Suz Member

    Anyone know what these pins and bar signify? They were my father- in law’s, a Marine. TIA!

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  2. Bedee

    Bedee Well-Known Member

    Ribbon = Navy Unit Commendation
  3. Suz

    Suz Member

    Thank you.
    He wasn’t in the Navy though.
  4. Owen

    Owen -- --- -.. MOD

    Suz likes this.
  5. Suz

    Suz Member

    Thank you!
  6. Suz

    Suz Member

    I also have my dad‘s medals- he was in the Army Air Cops in World War II . CBI theatre. Can anybody tell me about any of these and are these issued automatically or do you have to do something special to get them?

    And here’s a close up from the first post.

    Attached Files:

    Dave55 likes this.
  7. Uncle Target

    Uncle Target Mist over Dartmoor

    Dave55 likes this.
  8. Suz

    Suz Member

    Thank you!
  9. Owen

    Owen -- --- -.. MOD

    Suz, Mr Jinks and Dave55 like this.
  10. Suz

    Suz Member

    Thank you!
  11. Suz

    Suz Member

    Yes, I bought them after getting my father's service record and seeing what he was awarded. Not sure what happened to the originals. (I found out one of my brothers has them).
  12. Suz

    Suz Member

    And these are the last of them.


    I spoke too soon. These are two my brother has and we don’t know what they are for. I didn’t see them pictured on the website that was posted above.
    Dave55 likes this.
  13. Suz

    Suz Member

    I can’t seem to remember how to find out which medals someone was awarded. Is there a site to request service records?
  14. Owen

    Owen -- --- -.. MOD

  15. Suz

    Suz Member

    Wonderful! This has been so helpful!
  16. Suz

    Suz Member

    It looks like the photos I thought I posted didn’t get posted before. These are the two my brother has. Does anyone know anything about these?

    Attached Files:

  17. Owen

    Owen -- --- -.. MOD

  18. Suz

    Suz Member

    Many many thanks again!
    Though one of these confuses me because it says it’s for acts of heroism after 1996. My dad was retired from the Reserves by then.
  19. Owen

    Owen -- --- -.. MOD

    I have no idea, I'm not American.
    I'm only Google Lensing them because nobody else is helping.
    Shame that.
    Suz likes this.
  20. Suz

    Suz Member

    Actually , I see now it states after 1958 so it must have been something while he was in the Reserves. None of us eight kids knew anything about these, although I suspect the distinguished flying cross was from the time he did talk about- being shot down in his plane once and how the Chinese villagers helped hide them from the enemy.
    Owen likes this.

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