Along with Lockie Fulton, profiled in a previous thread, Lt-Col John David Stewart, DSO, was one of the finest Canadian regimental CO's. He probably received more recognition than Fulton, principally due to his inspired leadership at Hill 195 as well as the work of the Argyll's in St. Lambert along with David Currie VC. Hill 195 was covered very nicely in Owen's thread from 2006: "I took the scout platoon with me and we reconnoitred the route I had chosen. On the way back I left members of the scout platoon at strategic points, to guide the Battalion, so I could lead them up to the high ground." Stewart received an unusually high level of respect and affection from the men he led. "We all had a very high opinion of him [Stewart], but I don’t know that we realized he was extraordinary until the thing was all over. I think that appreciation came later."