Infantry Base Depots

Discussion in '1940' started by James K, Mar 27, 2024.

  1. James K

    James K Well-Known Member

    Does anyone have information about these depots?

    I understand most were in the Rouen area but know little else about them.
    Was there a depot supporting each corps of the BEF?
    Did they carry out Depot duties of administration, training courses in France, supply of equipment, holding centre for men going on and returning from leave, courses in the UK, returning to unit after medical treatment ?

    Answers to these questions and any other information will be most appreciated.

    Were there other personnel depots RE/RA/AMPC/RASC etc carrying out the same duties?

    What happened to Soldiers Under Sentence? was there a glasshouse in theatre?
  2. Uncle Target

    Uncle Target Mist over Dartmoor

    An interesting topic that I hadn't considered until now.
    Very few clues in the excerpt from a letter but raises the question of where was he.
    in some sort of transit camp for officers returning to units?

    "It is hard to realise that there is a war on as one passes
    through the French countryside by train.
    I wont write more now, I cannot pretend that this is a happy day.
    I can only hope that it will prove a worthwhile one and meanwhile we can only trust in God and Pray.
    I cannot believe that its hardly a week ago that I said goodbye to you all, it has seemed like months.
    Nor can I tell you where I am but say that you need not worry about me at present .
    I have not re-joined my Regiment and do not think I will for some time but hope that it will be possible eventually.
    Until today we have been with people of the French Aristocracy who have been most kind and have entertained us well.
    I have had to do a lot of marching but my feet have stood it well.
    Luckily, I have just enough kit with me to suffice.
    I heard the king speak tonight on Empire Day, I stood with a group of officers in the courtyard of a French farm".

    Lt Shepherd (later Major MC) 67th Field Regt RA having returned from leave after the birth of his son.
    Posted 25th May 1940 The Day that Boulogne fell.

    Might just dig through a few more of his letters to look for clues.

    The Regiment were withdrawing from the Dyle and on this day, had just left Lille having fought the Germans trying to cross the Scheldt.
    Moving back to defend the beaches at Bray Dunes.

    For Full withdrawal see
    67th Field Regt RA TA in the BEF
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2024
    James K likes this.
  3. Uncle Target

    Uncle Target Mist over Dartmoor

  4. Rich Payne

    Rich Payne Rivet Counter Patron 1940 Obsessive

    James K and Uncle Target like this.
  5. LondonNik

    LondonNik Senior Member

    There was an RAC Base Depot somewhere near Pacy, I have not yet found a War Diary for it!
    James K likes this.

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