Been watching at last a TV prog on Hitlers Bunker. It was attached to the Reichs Chancellory, I know Berlin quite well especially that area but just cannot place the buildings at all.. can anyone help me please so i can get my bearings.. John
Hi john, Rather than me try to explain you may find this article and map useful
Ruined, empty safe with doors burned off standing at foot of bed inside Adolf Hitler's bunker where he & his mistress Eva Braun allegedly committed suicide. Bust of Adolph Hitler laying near battered geographical globe amid rubble and debris outside the Reichschancellery bldg. following fall of the city to Allied forces. Sofa upon which Adolf Hitler's mistress Eva Braun is alleged to have shot herself before Hitler committed suicide in his bunker under the Reichschancellery. War correspondents examining arm of sofa stained with blood which might have been Eva Braun's, as one of them uses a candle to search the floor for evidence of suicide in Adolf Hitler's underground shelter beneath the Reichschancellery. Papers (mostly news reports dated 4/19, the day before Hitler killed himself) amid rubble inside Adolf Hitler's command bunker where he and his mistress Eva Braun were alleged to have committed suicide, under the Reichschancellery building.
Burned wreckage inside Adolf Hitler's command bunker where he and his mistress Eva Braun were alleged to have committed suicide, under the Reichschancellery building. Mold covered Nazi SS officers cap (w. Death Skull insignia) on floor inside Adolf Hitler's command bunker where he and mistress Eva Braun allegedly committed suicide. Russian soldier standing amid rubble in Adolf Hitler's command bunker where he and his mistress Eva Braun were alleged to have committed suicide, under the Reichschancellery bldg. Burned and scattered papers on desk inside Adolf Hitler's command bunker where he and his mistress Eva Braun were said to have committed suicide, under the Reichschancellery building. Unident hand touching destroyed hinge of door to Adolf Hitler's command bunker, burned off by advancing Russian combat engineers.
Fuhrer Adolf Hitler's command center conference room partially burned out by SS troops and stripped of evidence by invading Russians, in bunker under the Reichschancellery after Hitler's suicide. Abandoned furniture and debris inside Adolf Hitler's command bunker where he and his mistress Eva Braun were said to have committed suicide, under the Reichschancellery building. Bullet riddled pillbox watchtower outside Adolf Hitler's command bunker, located under the severly damaged Reichschancellery bldg. Empty jerrycans of gasoline reportedly used by SS Troops to burn bodies of Adolph Hitler & Eva Braun after their suicides in his command bunker under the Reichschancellery bldg. LIFE correspondent Percy Knauth sifting through the dirt & debris in the shallow shell hole where the bodies of Hitler and Eva Braun were thought to have been burned after their suicides, in the garden of the Reichstag.
Well, not likely, these photos were certainly taken days or weeks after the fighting ended, so dead and wounded had more than time to be removed.
Why nobody took the bust of Adolf, it would have made a nice souvenir in somebody's collection. Look at the photos, everything of a value was taken, take a notice at the globe, and the art which is burned, this is how soviet soldiers see education and art, they don't see it as valuables.
Why nobody took the bust of Adolf, it would have made a nice souvenir in somebody's collection. Look at the photos, everything of a value was taken, take a notice at the globe, and the art which is burned, this is how soviet soldiers see education and art, they don't see it as valuables. I guess we may never know who did what in the Bunker at that time. Maybe, the Germans burned most of everything, including art to stop them from being in Russian hands.
I guess we may never know who did what in the Bunker at that time. Maybe, the Germans burned most of everything, including art to stop them from being in Russian hands. Yes maybe it was the germans who did it, your right i didnt though about that possibility..
I went to Berlin this year and stumbled across where the bunker was located. It is now just a shabby car park in front of a block of fifties/sixties built flats. There are no signs or any official recognition of the site although strangly I vaguley recognised it (from the World at War TV series I think!),and this was confirmed when groups of tourists where being shown round. It is located just round the back of where the new Holocaust Memerial is located.
I went to Berlin this year and stumbled across where the bunker was located. It is now just a shabby car park in front of a block of fifties/sixties built flats. There are no signs or any official recognition of the site although strangly I vaguley recognised it (from the World at War TV series I think!),and this was confirmed when groups of tourists where being shown round. It is located just round the back of where the new Holocaust Memerial is located. Germany is very sensitive about the history of world war 2.
Hi there. Really fascinating stuff. Does anyone know if the blood stained sofa survived, or where it may be?
As a youngster I read Hugh Trevor Roper's "The Last Days Of Hitler" so I was familiar with the story and on a business trip to East Berlin in 1987 I went to look for the remains of the Bunker. Rather naively I first asked a taxi driver who took me from my hotel to the Friedrichshain Park which was indeed full of bunkers because it was where masses of rubble from war damage had been piled high into what they called Schuttberge. Undeterred I used an old map of Berlin to locate the actual site of the Reich Chancellery Garden and from that worked out the position of the bunker itself which at the time was covered by a large mound of rubble. The only souvenirs I took were ornately decorated pieces of masonry which I believe were from the walls or floors of the Chancellery itself. Lost in thought I didn't at first notice a couple of armed East German borders guards approaching me across wasteland from the direction of the Berlin Wall. It was obvious why I was there but I managed to mumble a few words in broken German about getting lost and after they had checked my papers and scolded me they let me go on my way.
hi dave55.yesterday. 03:12pm.great thumbnail.and was a take off of german sensitivety.have a good one.bernard85
hi dave55.yesterday. 03:12pm.great thumbnail.and was a take off of german sensitivety.have a good one.bernard85 Hi Bernard. I sent you a private message with a link to Fawlty Towers that you might like. Dave