Henry William Lancefield-Staples 1906-1971

Discussion in 'Service Records' started by David Gordon, Sep 26, 2024.

  1. David Gordon

    David Gordon Member

    Born in India and died (and buried) in Folkestone, Kent.
    Graduated from Sandhurst 1931.
    Served in Palestine 1936-1939 as Captain.

    I've also found rather vague stuff about his attachment to Queen's Royal West Surreys. Two regimental numbers - 6082459 and 49881.
    All a bit confusing. Can anyone straighten it out please?
  2. Owen

    Owen -- --- -.. MOD

    4jonboy and spindrift like this.
  3. davidbfpo

    davidbfpo Patron Patron

    I note the cited London Gazette entry shows he was awarded a Mention in Dispatches (MiD) following service with the Welch Regiment:
    From: https://www.thegazette.co.uk/London/issue/35396/page/7339/data.pdf

    His sword was in an auction and the accompanying text states:
    From: WW2 era Wilkinson 1897 Pattern for a named Colonel

    have you seen these two RMAS documents? See: RMC Intake 1929 - page 99 - The Sandhurst Collection and The Sandhurst Collection

    His obituary appears in the QRR website:
    From: Deaths & Obituaries Surname L What is QRSRNL? A newsletter I think.

    A May 1948 career summary is in the QRR journal: https://www.rcmcollection.com/archives/journal-of-the-queens-royal-regiment-1948-05.pdf

    From a 1941 London Gazette on: (591) - Army lists > Half-yearly Army lists 1923 - Feb 1950 (From 1947, annual, despite the name) > 1941 > Second half - British Military lists - National Library of Scotland

    From: https://www.thegazette.co.uk/London/issue/38197/supplement/891/data.pdf

    This site indicates a man with a similar name was born in and died in Kentucky, USA? See: William Lancefield Staples - Historical Records and Family Trees - MyHeritage
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2024
  4. David Gordon

    David Gordon Member

    Thank you.
  5. Jay B

    Jay B New Member

    I was doing some family tree history and turns out he's my great grandfather! trying to find some history on him and saw this post. Any information on his wife/spouse or siblings would be greatly appreciated!
  6. David Gordon

    David Gordon Member

    Hi Jay. He was married to my great aunt. He's therefore included in my family tree and if you have specific questions about his relations I'll be happy to assist you.
    4jonboy and Jay B like this.
  7. Jay B

    Jay B New Member

    Yes that would be amazing! do you use something like myheritage (which is what I am using) or ancestry? I could perhaps link with you on there. If not I was looking to see if he had a child Margherita (my grandmother), or was married to a Dorothy Maud? forgive me, first time poster here and I wasn't sure if this forum allows for private messages.
  8. David Gordon

    David Gordon Member

    No sorry you've got me there. I use Ancestry. Seems I've only got him as far as his relationship with my great aunt goes.
    Hopefully you'll find the information you're seeking and I wish you good luck in doing so.
    Have you tried FamilySearch and Rootschat?
  9. Jay B

    Jay B New Member

    I have not tried those, will give them a go thanks. :) still freshly looking into who he was, very interesting person indeed! I am based in Western Australia btw so he has ties here now haha.
  10. David Gordon

    David Gordon Member

    G'day, Western Australia! My mother lived in Queensland till her death in 2008. I'm looking for Irwins and Quatermasses over there.

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