Help identifying my Geat Grandads wartime photos.

Discussion in 'British Army Units - Others' started by Thomas wise, Jan 10, 2024.

  1. Thomas wise

    Thomas wise Member

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on these photos. I haven't got many details on the photos , or his service. Looking at his capbadge I can only assume he served in the Royal Scots Fusiliers (but this is only a guess based on what I can see). Apparently the photo of the 5 wearing the battledress tunics was taken in Devon. If anyone has any other suggestions or information it would be greatly appreciated.

    Many thanks,

    Tom IMG-20240101-WA0006.jpg IMG-20240101-WA0003.jpg
    HighlandRoots and Beni like this.
  2. AB64

    AB64 Senior Member

  3. Thomas wise

    Thomas wise Member

    Many thanks, just looked they have quite a wartime history. Would you have an idea what the white belt would signify? I've also attached another photo, but he is wearing a side cap instead a tam o shanter. Could this be that he possibly transfered into the Scots fusiliers?

    Attached Files:

    Uncle Target likes this.
  4. Thomas wise

    Thomas wise Member

    His name was Alfred Sawyer, originally from Roydon/Nazeing in Essex
  5. AB64

    AB64 Senior Member

    The other photos look like Royal Artillery to me, checking the RA attestation book I can see the below, which "may" be him - do you have any paperwork with his number that could confirm?

    HighlandRoots and Uncle Target like this.
  6. Jacobr

    Jacobr Active Member

    I guess the white belt either signifies Military Police or it was a ceremonial occasion. But I might be wrong.
  7. Thomas wise

    Thomas wise Member

    I think we have his paybook around, which I can confirm with my grandad. This is very interesting as he did mention once that he served on anti aircraft batteries. Would this mean he was originally artillery and transfered or attached to RSF in 1945 for their service in Germany?
  8. Jacobr

    Jacobr Active Member

    Probably white blankcoe MP belt/white courlene parade belt. :)
  9. AB64

    AB64 Senior Member

    On the white belt I'm not sure, sometimes units would order equipment scrubbed for parades, in the period just after VE-Day there was quite a lot of "bull" keeping men busy and maintaining discipline. As Jacobr mentions the Military Police wore white equipment

    If you have his paybook could you post up some images, it will confirm if the entry I posted relates to him (or not). The S/L on the attestation book shows the person it relates to was posted to a Searchlight Unit, late in the war when Infantry casualties were unsustainable and the need for Air Defence (due to the weakening of the Luftwaffe) was reduced a lot of men were transferred across
    Uncle Target likes this.
  10. bofors

    bofors Senior Member

    Does the guy top left on the first photo have the Africa Star ribbon?
    As for your question above, yes that would fit in with the RA attestation above, if it is him.
    Paybook should have his service number.
    Getting his service records would confirm everything.
  11. Jacobr

    Jacobr Active Member

    Is he the Alfred Sawyer in here: (London Gazette p2500)?

    Attached Files:

  12. Jacobr

    Jacobr Active Member

  13. Jacobr

    Jacobr Active Member

    Actually it's really kind of readable:

  14. Thomas wise

    Thomas wise Member

    I don't think this would be him, he never mentioned being commissioned at all. But thank you for the help.
  15. AB64

    AB64 Senior Member

    This one stayed with the RA all through and was in the Far East rather than N W Europe
  16. Thomas wise

    Thomas wise Member

    This maybe a possibility, but the service number doesn't tie in with the one from the first post? About him transferring to the RSF?
  17. Jacobr

    Jacobr Active Member

    Oh OK sorry.
    My bad.
  18. Thomas wise

    Thomas wise Member

    Nothing to apologise for, just helping any throwing out options
    Beni likes this.
  19. Thomas wise

    Thomas wise Member

    It's a shame that most of the people in these photos will go unnamed and nothing known about their service. He didn't really speak much about his service. One thing that I was told, is he came out with a story of how he came face to face with a German soldier, they both agreed to walk away and pretend they never saw each other. Apparently my nan said yeah sure you were probably hiding behind a tree, and he just sat there is silence staring at her
    Beni likes this.
  20. Jacobr

    Jacobr Active Member

    Thomas wise, do you know what your Great-Grandad's service number was?
    That would really help narrow things down. :)
    Beni likes this.

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