H/50558 Private John Lewis HUGHES, No. 10 Field Dressing Station, RCAMC: 02/11/1944

Discussion in 'Canadian' started by Pieter, Oct 20, 2023.

  1. Pieter

    Pieter Member

    Moved from 4th and 9th Field Dressing Station, RCAMC War Diaries

    I'm currently researching a soldier, John Lewis HUGHES, who was with the No. 10 Field Dressing Station, Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps, as a nursing orderly. He died on November 2, 1944, during the Battle of the Scheldt. We have no idea what happened, as the only reference says Killed In Action, so wonder if anyone might possibly have a war diary from that month as it is not available online (at least that I can see).
    No. 10 Field Dressing Station, Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps

    Thank you for any assistance in this.

    Service Number: H/50558

    Regiment & Unit: 10 Field Dressing Station, Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps
    Date of Death: 02 November 1944
    Age 28 years old
    Buried or commemorated at HOLTEN CANADIAN WAR CEMETERY
    Grave Reference: IV. G. 9.
    Location: Netherlands
    Additional Info: Husband of Irene Hughes, of Winnipeg, Manitoba.
  2. vestingjager

    vestingjager Well-Known Member

    Here is his service file:

    According to the state of his service pay book, it must have been a violent death beacuse it is burned!
  3. vestingjager

    vestingjager Well-Known Member

    I guess you already have these?

    upload_2023-10-25_12-32-27.png upload_2023-10-25_12-32-59.png
  4. vestingjager

    vestingjager Well-Known Member

    My best guess it happend on the beach at Westkapelle or near the casualty collecting point at Zoutelande, as his field grave was at Zoutelande.
  5. Pieter

    Pieter Member

    Thank you Niko. Yes, I already have his service file and the pages from the book. All I am missing is the war diary, which unfortunately is not online.

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