Father - Wireless operator - Royal Artillery- cannot find any records.

Discussion in 'Royal Artillery' started by Phil Dickenson, Sep 16, 2024.

  1. Phil Dickenson

    Phil Dickenson New Member

    Hi, this is my first ever post so apologies if it doesn't look right. My Father was a wireless operator with the Royal Artillery. He signed up I believe, in 1943 when he was 18, But after training he went via troop ship to India (Poona) to be exact. Arriving just as the war ended. I've been trying to find any military records of him, but to no avail. Can anyone please advised me of where might be the best place to look for details?

    Many thanks.

    Phil Dickenson
    Wobbler likes this.
  2. Bedee

    Bedee Well-Known Member


    its all about details. The more you know, the easier you can find more about him.

    A good start is the National Archives here you can request service files, but first search with the details you have.
    Royal Artillery after the war in India, here is a good start at the Britain smallwars website

    When you have more details like, his full name, Service number and exact unit, share them in your post. Some people at WW2talk will help for sure.

    Good luck with your search.

    I found one Gunner his name was Sydney
    Wobbler and bofors like this.
  3. Wobbler

    Wobbler Patron Patron

    Welcome aboard Phil. It’s a possibility that your father was in the Royal Signals, but attached to a Royal Artillery regiment, not that that helps you either.

    Getting his service records definitely the way to go, but that can take a while at the moment.
    timuk and Uncle Target like this.
  4. Uncle Target

    Uncle Target Mist over Dartmoor

    Only one way to go to get the whole story is to apply for his Service Record.
    Get a copy of military records of service

    You can then set up a timeline of events. You will probably need help to transcribe it.
    After this you can look for War Diaries of the units mentioned.

    A poorer Alternative is to search Genealogy sites for Royal Artillery Tracer Cards
    these are sparse on information and often confusing but will be a start.

    In the meantime you could post photos or excerpts from letters, particularly address's, as theses might reveal his unit or where he was at the time.

    Address RA = Army number, Name, Battery number/ Regiment Number, Theatre of War.

    999087 Gunner Smith
    SEAC (South East Asia Command)

    Please let us know what progress you make as we may be able to help once his Army Number and full name is known..

    Edit: Attached as a sample my uncles B103
    He went to India, then Burma. Serving with a number of Infantry Regiments as a Signaller.
    3.2.45 attended an Instructors Course at Army Signals School Poona ( see the bottom of the page).

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Sep 17, 2024

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