Exercise Shudder II

Discussion in 'United Kingdom' started by David Thomas, Jan 13, 2022.

  1. David Thomas

    David Thomas Member

    I'm trying to find some information on Exercise SHUDDER II
    I believe it took place between 24 and 31 March 1944 (British XII Corps). Can anyone assist?
  2. davidbfpo

    davidbfpo Patron Patron

    Oddly there are two mentions of an Operation Shudder on 23/3/1944, minus any II. Here is one and the second is from the same book:
    From GHQ Liaison Regiment: A Nominal Roll with Short Biographies by Ashley Pirt and available via Google Books

    An undated mention:
    From The Fighting Wessex Wyverns: From Normandy to Bremerhaven with the 43rd Wessex Division by Patrick Delaforce and available via Google Books.

    See Post 14: RASC troop carrying in 1944 Armd Divs

    Google says there is a mention:
    From: Red Crown & Dragon: 53rd Welsh Division In North-west Europe 1944-1945 by Patrick Delaforce and is available as a PDF via Red Crown & Dragon: 53rd Welsh Division In North-west Europe 1944-1945 [PDF] [20vspkr8gkg0]

    Two one line items in: War Diaries For 621 Field Squadron, Royal Engineers 1944
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2022
    David Thomas and 4jonboy like this.
  3. David Thomas

    David Thomas Member

    Many thanks, David! :)

    I've come across the various 'mentions' during my research, but nothing that gives any detail. The "Red Crown & Dragon" book provides the best clue so far. Thank you.

    My own interest is in 262 Field Company, R.E. (and, in particular, its OC during 1944, Major C.B. Stone).
  4. davidbfpo

    davidbfpo Patron Patron

    Initially I thought the exercise was a command post exercise, based on the GHQ Liaison element and then others indicated it was "all hands to the pump". I can only assume it was part of the pre-invasion process, one of many, so no real surprise that little is found. Do you have a location for the exercise?

    There are a few threads here for 262 Field Company RE, but they are either for 1940, D-Day Juno Beach and Crossing the Rhine, not what you seek. Unless, your subject appears in them. Found via "262 Field Company" + "ww2talk.com"
    David Thomas likes this.
  5. David Thomas

    David Thomas Member

    Sadly, the location is not given in 262's War Diary - just that they took part in 'Exercise Shudder II'. (The Canadian R.E. War Diaries are much more useful!) They had been at Eastwell Park - where they were visited by H.M. The King ('Exercise VIP') - and are next recorded moving to Waterlooville, Hants; then Maidstone (Mote Park) and Bracklesham Bay.

    I am related to Major Stone, DSO, and have access to a family archive. I'm busy trying to write this up into a paper, for publication.
  6. MongoUK

    MongoUK Junior Member

    Again, no detail, but all I have is that it was 12 Corps Exercise "SHUDDER II", between 25-31 March, Bridley Manor near Guildford.

    Phantom were training their "Adv HQ in providing a rear link for "A" Sqn patrols and passing of information to a fictitious Second Army - a job that they were earmarked to do in the coming invasion"

    I can't see a report in anything that I have seen currently.
    David Thomas likes this.

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