Hello everybody. I thought it is more appropriate to post the info here and ask a question. During my search for a completely different subject, I found the term "RCV" (Remote Control Vehicle) which was used to set up a signal office at the Army HQ. I went through the list of vehicles that are available in this forum but I did not find this acronym "RCV" or the term "Remote Control Vehicle" The actual photo are attached below. They are coming from a signal order of the 2nd British Army (date unknown but probably within 1944). The question I am asking is if you have details about this RCV vehicle. Is it a wireless truck which has been emptied of its wireless equipment (which became part of a ground wireless station) and the vehicle is simply using the remote control units to operate the wireless sets from safe distance? Or is it a standard common vehicle which carry some remote control units that give its operators the ability to operate remotely wireless sets. By the way, if the diagram is at scale, one can see that the dimensions of the RCV vehicle are the same with those of the Cipher Office Lorry's. Thank you