British Raj Unit in Middle East and Burma

Discussion in 'Indian Army' started by Waleed Ahmed, Aug 5, 2024.

  1. Waleed Ahmed

    Waleed Ahmed New Member

    I would like to ask is there any unit that take part in Middle east and then Burma or First engaged in Burma in battle of sittang bridge and then goes toward Middle east From British Raj in India.
    Actually my grandfather is from Akhndoor District of Jammu and Kashmir who was then under Dogra Raj and my grandmother told me he was in Egypt , Syria and then fight in battle, his whole document was destroyed during partition, and i want to create a book on his life that why i am tracing back the history which unit did take part in these two fronts and having solider from Jammu and Kashmir in ww2.
    JimHerriot likes this.
  2. davidbfpo

    davidbfpo Patron Patron

    Welcome aboard.

    The 5th Indian Division fought in:
    From a book summary: BALL OF FIRE The Fifth Indian Division in the Second World War. - Naval & Military Press

    This list supports only the 5th fits: Docs – Divisional Histories – Indian Divisional Histories

    Wiki has a history and a list of which units formed the division, though I don't see one readily id'd as from Kashmir. See: 5th Infantry Division (India) - Wikipedia

    Ah, this has a Jammu & Kashmir unit: 5th Indian Infantry Division - Burma Star Memorial Fund

    A partial list (1941-1942):

    I cannot think of a division that fought in North Africa and then went to Burma. Obviously there are non-divisional units, notably brigades and others like engineers who could have moved.

    Syria was invaded to remove the Vichy French rulers, in June-July 1941, Indian units were present. See: Syria–Lebanon campaign - Wikipedia It was garrisoned till WW2 ended and used for R&R, training etc.

    Hope this helps.
    Waleed Ahmed, JimHerriot and Rothy like this.
  3. Waleed Ahmed

    Waleed Ahmed New Member

    I really don't know how to thanks you but you really save my day thank youu soo much if i need more information can i ask you again ?
  4. idler

    idler GeneralList

    It might be worth contacting your ministry of defence to enquire about any service or pension records they hold. They should have some reference to his regiment or corps, if not the actual unit.
  5. Waleed Ahmed

    Waleed Ahmed New Member

    Actually i cannot do it he was from jammu and now we are in Pakistan , i am talking about before partition when there is no India and no Pakistan, so when they came there, people from Jammu mostly some terrorist groups killed many muslim in Akhndoor and his entire family was massacred there and his house was set on fire. so he really dont have any document, then he came to Pakistan serve to Pakistan army as JCO and then die before my birth. so i cannot contact my ministry because there is not any british raj any more and they dont have any record of it.
  6. idler

    idler GeneralList

    My limited understanding is that when the Indian Army split with partition, the personnel records would have followed. The fact he went on to serve in the Pakistan Army suggests he would definitely have records for that, and they might include details of his IA service. What I don't know is whether the Pakistan armed forces allow family to apply for 'historical' personnel records.
  7. Waleed Ahmed

    Waleed Ahmed New Member

    oh really if it so then i would like to give a try to army thank you soo much.

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