Personal Number: 8503 Rank: Brigadier Name: Eric Wingfield PERT, MC, MiD Unit: Royal Engineers London Gazette : 11 August 1914 The undermentioned Gentlemen Cadets from the Royal Military Academy and Royal Military College, etc., to be Second Lieutenants: — Corps of Royal Engineers. Eric Wingfield Pert. London Gazette : 2 November 1917 CORPS or ROYAL ENGINEERS. The undermentioned Lts. to be Capts., and to retain their actg. rank where specified:— 3rd Nov. 1917. E. W. Pert. London Gazette : 21 July 1919 Decorations conferred by HIS MAJESTY THE KING OF THE HELLENES. Greek Military Cross. Captain Eric Wingfield Pert, M.C., Royal Engineers. London Gazette : 21 August 1919 CORPS OF ROYAL ENGINEERS. The undermentioned to be actg. Majs. :— Capt. E. W. Pert, M.C. 10th Feb. 1919. London Gazette : 13 December 1919 CORPS OF ROYAL ENGINEERS. Capt. E. W . Pert, M.C., relinquishes the actg. rank of Maj. 25th Apr. 1919. London Gazette : 2 April 1937 The undermentioned appts. have been made in India:— C.R.E.—Maj. E. W. Pert, M.C.,. R.E., 15th Feb. 1937. London Gazette : 11 August 1939 REGULAR ARMY. The undermentioned to be Cols.: — Lt.-Col. E. W. Pert, M.C., from R.E. 1st Aug. 1939. London Gazette : 13 October 1939 COMMANDS AND STAFF. The undermentioned officers have vacated appts.: — Comdr., R.E.— Lt.-Col. E. W. Pert, M.C., R.E., 1st Aug. 1939. London Gazette : 14 January 1943 The KING has been graciously pleased to approve that the following be Mentioned in recognition of gallant and distinguished services in Iraq, Syria and Persia during the period April, 1941, to February, 1942: — COMMANDS AND STAFF. Brig, (actg.) E. W. Pert, M.C. (8503), late R.E. London Gazette : 1 January 1946 REGULAR ARMY. The undermentioned are retained on the Active List (supern.), 31st Dec. 1945: — Col. (temp. Brig.) E. W. PERT, M.C. (8503). London Gazette : 27 September 1946 REGULAR ARMY. Col. E. W. PERT, M.C. (8503) retires on ret. pay, 26th Sept. 1946, and is granted the hon. rank of Brig.
London Gazette : 14 January 1943
See also: Biography of Brigadier Eric Wingfield Pert (1893 – 1970), Great Britain British Army General Sir Alan Cunningham , High Commissioner of... Fotografía de noticias - Getty Images