The first Chindits began to cross the Chindwin River 80 years ago today, opening the first Wingate expedition, Operation Longcloth.
Thanks Owen, Hopefully all battles in 1944 will be included, should we not compile a list and work through them ? FdP and Stu Avery have 1st Div well covered at Anzio and The 1st Div on the Gothic Line is also featured on the forum. More to do though. Don't mind helping out if I can. Drop me a pm if you want. . Today, 22nd January 1944 67th Field Regt coming ashore in American DUKW's. Soon the stage was set, with 2 Infantry Brigade the Assault spearhead and 67th Field Regt as the supporting Artillery. The DUKW’s were loaded onto LST301 together with 400 troops, where normally there would be 150. The Regimental Advance Party of Major Kerr, Lt Gilberg, Bdr Tomkins, Buchan, Hardwick and Gnr Scanlon were on HMS Glengyle to go ashore to receive the Regiment at first light. 6 Corps was to assault the beaches north and south of the port of Anzio and form a bridgehead until 5th Army broke through to join up within an estimated 28 days Sketch showing movements and dates from A History of the 67th Field Regt by PM
On the run up to the D-Day 80 commemorations, some footage here of the veterans' journey to Normandy. We must always remember. D-Day 80: Veterans arrive in France for D-Day anniversary - BBC News
Look, listen, learn. D-Day veterans tell their stories for future generations - BBC News Always remember, never forget, Jim.
A few days late but September 1944 lots of French cities & towns were being liberated in The Great Swan. Ameins & Arras to name two. A couple of WW2 memorials in Arras | WW2Talk Later this month will see the 80th anniversary of the end of the Contiuation War between Finland & the USSR. Continuation War - Wikipedia
2nd Sept 1944 13:05 Via Montughi, La Pietra Florence. Death of Lt Beadle CPO 266 Bty, Bdr Tummey Driver/Surveyor 266 Bty, Lt. Gyles CPO 265 Bty, Lt Holbrook Survey Officer. initial Burials Arrow Route Cemetery All now lie in Florence War Cemetery Arrow Route Cemetery Florence Italy
8th Rifle Brigade, 80 years ago - part 39 - 4 September 1944 'The entry into Antwerp will be remembered by everyone in 29th Armoured Brigade, as the civilians were so very pleased to see us that they were thronging the streets while there was still danger from enemy mortar bombs.’ As G Company ‘…left Boom and moved through the cheering throngs all along the broad approaches to the city, there was not a sign of a German anywhere. Then suddenly as we arrived at the city itself shots rang out…' Find out more about the 8th Rifle Brigade in WW2 at Home - 8th Rifle Brigade, or become a member of