I believe there were around 20 of these units dotted around.Troops were sent there to be assessed and posted to wherever and whenever required. So what went on within these units ? Troops were encouraged to participate in a whole range of sports activities,recreational,educational courses,even hobbies.You could also learn basic trade courses,plumbing,electrician,etc. I have the diary for 51 RHU,(Reinforcement Holding Unit) and have selected a few random pages for members to view. Sorry about the print quality. (files to follow) Graham.
Thanks Graham, I have on file the Oct 46 edition of "Come and Go" 105 Reinforcement Group Magazine, 26 pages, please send a PM with your email address for a copy
Cheers Steve, sent you a pm. My father was sent to 51 RHU, 6/12/1945 to 12/3/1946, (x4list) unposted reinforcements.Whilst there he took and completed his grade 3 clerks course.At that time the hostilities in Europe were all but over and these RHU units were filling up rapidly, as units became disbanded. Graham.
Cheers Steve, I have received the magazine you sent.Had a quick look at the first few pages.It was intresting to note there were 28 RHU units, and by Oct 1946 all but 3 had been disbanded. Will read the rest of it later tonight. many thanks.....Graham.
Taken from documentation at Kew 23 Aug 45 – B Sub Unit 51 Reinforcement Holding Unit arrived in Herford 10 Sep 45 – to Bielefeld 10 Sep 45 – HQ 51 Reinforcement Holding Unit arrived in Bielefeld A Sub Unit C Sub Unit D Sub Unit 12 Sep 45 – E Sub Unit arrived in Herford by Jan 46 the Commanding Officer was Lt Col RC Horton RASC by 23 May 46 – disbanded
Hello Steve, would you be kind enough to email me a copy as well? Thanks . pgarwood(AT)globalnet.co.uk
A very late reply but have only recently received Kew documentation with a Line of Communication Order of Battle for Apr 45 and can confirm 51 RHU were in Bruges Belgium a unit of 105 Reinforcement Group
My dad was taken on strength of 51 RHU on 20 Sept 1945, then posted to 165 Coy GT (I presume this means General Transport) on 4 Oct '45. Then disembarked on 21Dec 1945.
165 Coy went through many changes post VE Day 8 May 45: 165 Company (Air Freight) – Second Army Troops – 57 Transport Column as (General Transport) 23 Aug 45 to 5 Oct 45 – 40 Transport Column 8 Oct 45 – 80 Transport Column as (Car) Control Commission 19 Jun 46 Diepholz 16 Jul 45 – 21 Army Group Training Centre Lippstadt south-west of Paderborn 23 Aug 45 – Bielefeld 12 Sep 45 – Kirchlengern west of Bad Oeynhausen 23 May 46 21st Army Group later British Army of the Rhine (under construction)