Army Number: 330889 Rank: Captain Name: B A S BARNES Unit: 1 Irish Guards GSM & Clasp: GSM, Palestine Clasp 1945 - 1948 TNA Reference: WO 100/526
Personal Number: 330889 Rank: Second Lieutenant Name: Brian Arthur Stenson BARNES Unit: Irish Guards London Gazette : 28 November 1944 The undermentioned cadets to be 2nd Lts., 22nd Sept. 1944:— FOOT GUARDS. I. G'ds 2724184 Brian Arthur Stenson BARNES (330889). London Gazette : 6 September 1946 The undermentioned 2nd Lts. (War Subs. Lts.) from Emerg. Commns., to be 2nd Lts., 7th Sept. 1946, with seniority as shown:— Brian Arthur Stenson BARNES (330889), 19th Nov. 1946. London Gazette : 4 October 1946 I. G'ds. The notifn. regarding 2nd Lt. (War Subs. Lt.) Brian Arthur Stenson BARNES (330889) in Gazette (Supplement) dated 6th Sept. 1946 is cancelled. London Gazette : 13 December 1946 FOOT GUARDS I. G'ds. 2nd Lt. (War Subs..Lt) Brian Arthur Stensnn BARNES (330889) from Emerg. Commn. to be Lt., 14th Dec 1946, with seniority, 19th Nov 1946. London Gazette : 19 March 1948 I G'ds The undermentioned 2nd Lts (War Subs Lts ) to be Lts, 1st Nov 1947— B A S BARNES (330889) London Gazette : 18 November 1952 FOOT GUARDS. l.G. Lt. B. A. S. BARNES (330889) to be Capt., 19th Nov. 1952. London Gazette : 14 December 1965 Her Majesty The QUEEN has been graciously pleased to approve the undermentioned awards in recognition of gallant and distinguished services in the Borneo Territories during the period 24th December 1964 to 23rd June 1965: Mention in Despatches Major Brian Arthur Stenson BARNES (330889), Irish Guards. London Gazette : 29 November 1966 FOOT GUARDS I.G. REGULAR ARMY Maj.- B. A. S. BARNES (330889) to be Lt.-Col. (Emp. List (I)), 25th July 1966. London Gazette : 1 May 1973 REGULAR ARMY Lt.-Col. B. A. S. BARNES (330889). I.G. retires on retired pay, 28th Apr. 1973.