2nd Btn. Essex Regiment during August 1944

Discussion in 'British Army Units - Others' started by spconnolly007, Aug 18, 2013.

  1. spconnolly007

    spconnolly007 The 'Shiny Seventh'

    I am trying to finalise a profile on Captain Peter John Chell, KIA 12/8/1944. I have managed to find details for the battalion up till the end of July, but would like to know where/what they were involved in during the days leading up to his death, and hopefully the events surrounding it. Many thanks in advance for any help.
  2. Steve Mac

    Steve Mac Very Senior Member

    Hello Sean,

    The 2nd Bn Essex Regiment was brigaded with 2nd Bn South Wales Borderers and 2nd Bn Gloucestershire Regiment in the 56th Independent Infantry Brigade.

    The 56th Independent Infantry Brigade was attached to the 50th (Northumbrian) Division for the D-Day landings and the fighting in Normandy immediately thereafter. It landed in the second wave behind 231st Infantry Brigade on Gold Beach on D-Day. It remained attached to the 50th Division until transferred to the command of the 59th (Staffordshire) Division on 5 August 1944 (albeit it did have a short attachment to the 7th Armoured Division in early June). It was eventually permanently attached to the 49th (West Riding) Division on 20 August 1944.

    Between the 12 and 15 August 1944, the 2nd Bn Essex Regiment was engaged to the south of Thury Harcourt, near Esson. It was mainly involved in the patrolling and holding of a difficult wooded area of the Bas Breuil. I know one platoon was overrun during a German counter-attack during its stay here.

    Just prior to this they had been in action at La Forge a Cambro.


    4jonboy likes this.
  3. Steve Mac

    Steve Mac Very Senior Member

    Hello again, Sean,

    I have just found a Telegraph Obit. for John Jordan from 20 October 2012, who served with Capt. Peter Chell and it describes the circumstances of the latters death: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/obituaries/military-obituaries/army-obituaries/9649590/John-Jordan.html

    I believe the "...having to negotiate a ravine, which was slow, difficult and hazardous." probably refers to the 2nd Bn Essex Regiment's approach to La Forge a Cambro. The engagement in which Capt. Chell lost his life and John Jordan feigned death is also probably the one referred to in my previous e-mail i.e. the platoon that was overrun during a German counter-attack at Bas Breuil. The latter is worth investigating further to obtain confirmation - the applicable War Diary perhaps?


  4. spconnolly007

    spconnolly007 The 'Shiny Seventh'

    Thanks again for your help Steve. I was just reading your first post as the second popped up. I will check the Obit now. I have looked around the forum for a possible war diary 'hit' but with no luck. Hopefully someone will be along with the details. Really appreciate your input.
    Edit: Steve, after reading the Telegraph item, I think I have enough info to complete his profile. Many thanks, NEXT ONE!!!!!!
  5. Steve Mac

    Steve Mac Very Senior Member

    Excellent... anything to do with 'Fifty Div' just ask!!!

    I have the 2nd Bn Essex Regiment's War Diary for June 1944, but no others at present. I believe a fellow forum member 'Fruitcake' has the War Diaries for July and August 1944, and may well have others. If you want confirmation of the Telegraph Obit. details, you may wish to drop him a PM and ask him for assistance in this respect.


  6. Combover

    Combover Guest

    War diary entries mentioning the death of Capt. Chell and the attacks of Cambro.

    Drew5233 and Owen like this.
  7. Steve Mac

    Steve Mac Very Senior Member

    Hello Sean,

    The War Diary excerpts posted by Combover provide the conclusive evidence...

    Thanks, Combover!


  8. spconnolly007

    spconnolly007 The 'Shiny Seventh'

    Many thanks Combover for the WD confirmation, appreciate it.
    Cheers to you both,
  9. Charley Fortnum

    Charley Fortnum Dreaming of Red Eagles

    The following photograph turned up on Twitter. I hope the poster does not mind me reproducing it here.

    2 Essex - May 1944.jpeg

    Officers of the 2nd Battalion of the Essex Regiment photographed in May 1944 by Central Studios of Boscombe
  10. Curtis1990coldstream

    Curtis1990coldstream Active Member

    Hi there

    I'm just wondering if you had information on the 2nd Battalion Leading up to D Day ... I'd like to know what embarkment camp they was at ? I understand they left from lymington however I'd like to know where they was staying ?

    Any information would be appreciated
    Thank you
  11. Curtis1990coldstream

    Curtis1990coldstream Active Member

    Hi there

    I'm just wondering if you had information on the 2nd Battalion Leading up to D Day ... I'd like to know what embarkment camp they was at ? I understand they left from lymington however I'd like to know where they was staying ?

    Any information would be appreciated
    Thank you
  12. Curtis1990coldstream

    Curtis1990coldstream Active Member

    Hi there

    I'm just wondering if you had information on the 2nd Battalion Leading up to D Day ... I'd like to know what embarkment camp they was at ? I understand they left from lymington however I'd like to know where they was staying ?

    Any information would be appreciated
    Thank you
  13. davidbfpo

    davidbfpo Patron Patron

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