Hi could anyone suggest a good source of information for the 1st Bn Hertfordshire Regiment, as I haven't found very much so far. On part of my grandfathers service record it states the following: 18/12/1941 - 10/04/1943 Home (UK - No. 3 Infantry Training Centre) Transfered from No. 3 Infantry Training Centre to the Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire Regiment. 15/04/1942 Posted to the 1st Bn Hertfordshire Regiment 11/04/1943 Embarked for Gibraltar 22/04/1943 - 21/07/1944 Disembarked at Gibraltar 22/07/1944 - 02/02/1945 British North Africa Force, Central Mediterranean Force 03/02/1945 - 05/08/1946 - Mediterranean Expeditionary Force He was awarded: 1939/1945 Italy Stars, Defence Medal, War Medal 1939/1945 and the General Service Medal with Clasp, Palestine (Although I remember seeing at least 2 other medals when I was a child, but there are no others listed). My grandfather did tell me that he was at Gibraltar when the Ark Royal sunk (don't know if that was true). He also mentioned that he was at Scicily, before landing in Italy, and that he met my uncle's (by marriage) father at Monte Casino. It would be nice to just sort out the facts, and actually know what the 1st Bn Hertfordshire's actually did in the war. Regards Paul
Hello Paul and welcome to the Forum. I have found that contacting the invariably helpful staff of Regimental Museums (either by mail or in person) to be a fruitful source of information - try the Beds and Herts Museum in Luton. For a full listing of Museums go to: British army museums and records at Army Museums Ogilby Trust Wishing you all success in your search. Cheers, Gerry
From Paul Reed's website. 1st Division 66 Infantry Bde 19.8.44 - 31.8.45 2 Royal Scots 1 Hertfordshires 11 Lancashire Fusiliers HMS Ark Royal. Sunk 13 November 1941 by a torpedo from German submarine U81, off Gibraltar. so bit of a white lie about that one.